Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 862 Fighting "Yellow Sky"

Chapter 862 Fighting "Yellow Sky"

In the huge square of the ancient country, a large number of soldiers and mortals gathered here. Their expressions were excited, their eyebrows danced with excitement, and some even shouted wildly.

"Long live the ancient emperor, long live, long live!"

"Puff puff puff!!" Following one person kneeling down, the entire Tianyuan Continent also knelt down in an instant, showing fiery eyes.

"Buzzing buzzing!!" In an instant, the sky of the entire Tianyuan Continent suddenly hummed, followed by countless light spots.

"Hoho!!" Immediately afterwards, the Golden Dragon of Good Luck and the Colored Merit Dragon of the ancient country let out a terrifying roar, and then rushed out of the ancient country with a bang, hovering in the nothingness in the center of Tianyuan Continent.

The next moment, they opened their mouths, forming a terrifying suction force, and began to devour the countless light spots.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the colorful dragon, which had always been only one foot in size, has become extremely bright and has begun to grow like crazy.

The Luck Golden Dragon is no exception.

In the blink of an eye, the two dragon bodies covered the sun, as if turning into two ancient giant dragons, which looked mysterious and majestic at the same time.

"Buzz buzz!!" At this moment, countless monks and mortals were shaken and blessed with golden light and colorful light.

Boom boom boom! !

Fluffy! !The shocking scene appeared again.

"True God Realm, break!"

"Ancient God Realm, break!"

Countless people looked ecstatic, and the aura on their bodies soared rapidly, as if blessed by divine power, they broke through the realm in an instant, reaching a higher realm.

Especially General Lei, General Zhao and other generals, their chests burst out with a strange imprint.

Their momentum was like a rainbow, and when they roared wildly, their divine light erupted like a volcano.

Ancient Realm Peak!

Whether it is General Lei, General Zhao or the others, it is simply a miracle that they broke through to the peak of the ancient realm in one fell swoop.

Especially when the word is standing side by side with Huanglin Yefeng, his forehead is bright, and there is a strange imprint, which seems to be the imprint of a dragon pattern, and it also looks like the imprint of an ancient character.

No!This is the seal of the ancient country!

"Hum!" He flew up into the air, although his figure was thin, but his aura was extremely fierce, and his figure was shaken, turning into a sword that held up the sky.

Half step boundary!

"From today onwards, there are no six imperial kingdoms in Tianyuan Continent, only one empire." Wentian burst out with runes all over his body, his voice resounded throughout the mortal world and in everyone's minds.


"Ancient Emperor!" The whole Tianyuan Continent was full of enthusiastic cheers.

"Hmph..." But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from above the sky, resounding through the entire mortal world in an instant.

As soon as the cold snort came out, the expressions of countless people changed suddenly.

"Wow... Puff puff!!" They felt a buzzing in their heads as if they were being bombarded by divine thunder, and then the blood in their bodies was churning, spurting out blood wildly.

Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of monks sprayed blood, such a scene was shocking, and even Lin Yefeng, General Zhao, Ye Tian and others had a sudden change of expression.

"Huang Tian, ​​have you finally shown yourself?" Asked the sky transformed from the divine embryo jade, he said with a cold expression, after finishing speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Boom!" Just under his gaze, a shocking light beam shot down, instantly destroying countless mountains and lands, and some cultivation bases had no time to dodge, and were instantly wiped out.

The nothingness is split, and the power of the rules is frenzied.

Boom!Boom!The next moment, a terrifying pupil descended from the sky.

This can be said to be a sky pupil, but it can also be called "Yellow Sky".

"Someone who is just against the heavens also wants to claim the title of emperor, he just doesn't know what it means!"

"In this world, only Bentian can be called emperor, because Bentian is the supreme ruler, and you are just a group of ants in Bentian's eyes."

"If you want to die today, you will die, and if you live, you will live. God's will is irreversible!"

"Boom!" The next moment, Huang Tian opened his eyes, and a terrifying light beam shot out, directly killing towards the ancient kingdom hall.

"Not good! Stop it!"

"What about the sky? From now on, we will not respect the sky or the earth, but only worship the ancient emperor!"

General Lei, General Zhao and the others roared. When Shenyuan rose, their eyes were sharp and blocked the sky above the hall.

"Kill, kill!!" At the same time, Lin Fu and others also yelled, especially some of the younger generation who rose in the later stage. They were determined and showed their weapons one after another, wanting to resist the sky.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Divine Embryo Jade Clone, and the next moment, he frantically swiped his hands, and immediately, the Golden Luck Dragon and the Colorful Merit Dragon, like ancient dragons, buzzed and merged into his body instantly.

Boom boom boom! !In an instant, his aura surged wildly, and he had completely surpassed the half-step realm. In terms of divine power alone, he was by no means weaker than the giants of the two realms.

Of course, he never possessed the power of rules.

"Kill!" He roared, unleashing a berserk blow.

At the same time, from the direction of Mizong Forest, there was a terrifying beast roar, and the whole earth trembled, as if some peerless beast was running wildly.

"Look, that's the beast pet of the ancient emperor, Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape!" Someone exclaimed.

"Puffy!!!" Suddenly, within a radius of [-] miles, a large cloud of smoke gushed out, and a pair of blood-red pupils could be vaguely seen in the center of the smoke.

Suan Ni, the divine beast of the Zhen Kingdom, is also one of the nine sons of Zulong.

Ye Feng, Ye Xue, and even Lian Yu also showed up.

Boom boom boom! !Facing the attack of "Huang Tian", anyone who has reached the ancient realm will fight with all his might.

"An ant-like existence, with such humble power, also wants to kill Bentian, it's just wishful thinking."

"Today, I will let you know what God's will cannot be violated." Huang Tian sneered.

After the words fell, a strange heavy snowfall began to fall on the entire Tianyuan Continent, followed by bizarre scenes.

" are really back!"

"My child..."

Many people who fell a few years ago, or decades ago, were reborn strangely.

In an instant, the eyes of countless people were blood red, and even Lin Yefeng was stunned, and then his eyes turned red, and his expression was extremely sad.

"Brother, mother, are you really you?" He murmured.

Lin Yeyan, who died tragically on the battlefield back then, and his mother who died in childbirth, unexpectedly came back to life. Even though he was an iron-blooded man, his heart softened, and he couldn't help but shed tears.

But the next moment, the corners of the resurrected people's mouths were drawn together, revealing a cruel smile.

Immediately, their hands that were open to embrace suddenly turned into fierce claws, stabbing fiercely into the chest, abdomen, and even the heart of everyone who looked sad and missed everyone boundlessly.

"Puff puff!!"

Even Lin Yefeng was no exception, his arms were torn off, blood spattered.

"Brother," His expression changed suddenly, his eyes were wide open, and he still seemed unable to regain his senses.

The entire Tianyuan Continent was blood-stained, and there was a terrifying smell of blood. Because the blood was splashed on the spot, tens of millions of people died completely, and even more injured people were countless.

The only one who was not affected by the heavy snowfall was Wentian who was the avatar of the jade fetus.

This may be because he is not the deity, after all, he is a piece of stone jade, without emotions and desires.

(End of this chapter)

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