Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 869 Missing

Chapter 869 Missing
From that day on, all the people of the ancient clan began to quarry crazily, wishing they could light up the entire spiritual vein in an instant, but they knew it was impossible.

Because of the huge spiritual veins, their family has been here for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

Once upon a time, there was a legend circulating in this city of burying demons, saying that the spiritual veins under the devil cave in Lincheng were the veins of a heavenly dragon, which could never be exhausted, because it was a natural formation that could pass through Absorb the aura of the star field, and automatically breed the spirit stone.

There is another rumor that this spirit vein was originally a human god emperor, or the immortal body of the immortal emperor after the fall of the immortal emperor, and the energy contained in it is endless.

In the spiritual veins, due to the invasion of demon energy, the power of the ancient clan in their bodies was activated, and an ancient seal emerged. They yelled loudly and vigorously waved the iron hoes in their hands.

Although their heads were sweating and their bodies seemed to be exhausted, they still looked excited and kept taking spirit stones with a maddened thought.

"Everyone, don't stop, try to collect more spirit stones before the city lord notices, this will be an important resource for us to get rid of the blood curse and get rid of the name of sinners, and rise again." Xiao Jiu's father yelled.

His burly body was already drenched with sweat, revealing thick and strong muscles.

"For tens of thousands of years, our ancient clan has quarried here for their use. Now this time we have to mine for ourselves and fight for the whole clan."

"That's right! We have been oppressed all these years, and these spirit stones should be a bit of compensation."

Others also yelled.

Just a few days ago, Wentian told them that they have found a way to break the blood curse, but there is one thing in advance, that is, it will consume a lot of spirit stones.

Because every time he broke the blood curse, he would consume a huge amount of strength, and he didn't want to leave himself in a weak state.

When everyone heard about it, they were so excited that they couldn't sleep.


Right at the center of this spirit vein, there is a vortex.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a vortex, rather than a boundary, because the other end of this vortex is the entrance to Wentian Small World.

Every time when the ancient seals of the people will disappear, the body can no longer resist the magic energy, or the iron bucket behind them is full of spirit stones, they will enter the small world.

After a long time, the people in the Tianling Mountains also began to get acquainted with the people of the ancient clan, but even if they wanted to, they couldn't help to take the spirit stones, because only the people of the ancient clan could resist the evil energy.

In the beginning, Wentian broke the blood curse for one person every day, and then, gradually, two people a day, three people a day...

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, a week passed, and half a month passed...

"What's going on? Since the last time I entered, the group of sinners haven't come out for more than ten days. Will something happen?" Outside the cave, several soldiers frowned deeply, their eyes full of puzzlement.

"Hmph... why make such a fuss, it's not a matter of time for those sinners to go deep into this devil's lair, if something happened, it might have happened long ago."

"Besides, with their mortal bodies, what kind of storms can they cause!" Someone said with a look of disdain.

That's it, another seven days.

"Damn it, what the hell are those trash doing in there? Could it be that they really dug out a dark passage and tried to get out of here."

"Impossible! The ancestral land of these sinners is here, how can they abandon their ancestral land with their temperament?" Everyone became anxious and chattered.

"Om!" Suddenly there was a flash of divine light, followed by a figure, which was the Ninth Envoy.

"Has the group of sinners come out yet? The battle ahead is extremely urgent, and a large amount of spirit stones are needed. This matter must be reported to the city lord, otherwise if the task cannot be completed, we will be implicated." He said with a frown.

As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed and disappeared into nothingness in an instant.

Obviously, he wanted to report to the Lord of Lincheng.

Wentian in the small world breathed a sigh of relief, and in front of him, the five ancient clansmen looked at their hands with extremely excited expressions: "The ten thousand year blood curse has finally been lifted, haha..."

"Old patriarch, have you seen it? Your life's long-cherished wish has finally come true!" When they laughed, their eyes were even more red, and their expressions showed a touch of sadness.

It's just a pity!The old patriarch could no longer see this scene.

"Thank you patriarch!" The five bowed sincerely.

Not long after, they walked out of the vortex and went to the magic cave to quarry stones.

Now that their blood curse has been broken, the power of the ancient tribe contained in their bodies seems to be activated. The power of the ancient seal is more than ten times stronger than before. Because of this, their quarrying speed has increased a lot.

"It's almost time. The ancient clan disappeared for more than half a month. This incident may have already alarmed the city of the Lord. Staying here is not a long-term solution."

"However, I have also figured out this blood curse." Wen Tian murmured, his eyes revealed a hint of excitement.

"Big brother, are we going to leave Lincheng? But the great-grandfather said before, no matter what happens, people of our clan will not abandon the ancestral land and leave." Xiao Jiu's voice suddenly sounded.

Wentian heard that his eyes contracted, and for a moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

"It seems that before leaving, I must go to the land of the ancient ancestors."

He still remembered that when Mr. Wuming took his mother away, he left the message of the ancestral land. Maybe all the mysteries will be solved in the ancient ancestral land.

"Xiao Jiu, do you know where the ancestral land is?" He asked.

"Big Brother, Xiao Jiu knows that Xiao Jiu sneaked in when she was young, but she came out inexplicably later, just like a dream." Xiao Jiu couldn't help looking around as he said, as if he was afraid of being caught by his parents. hear.

"Huh?" Hearing Qi's words, Wentian was taken aback for a moment, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Without thinking about it, his mind moved, Xiao Jiu and him disappeared into the small world instantly, and when they reappeared, they were already in the spirit veins.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, the light on his body burst into flames.

Whoosh, whoosh, then avatars emerged, pouring into the spirit veins in an instant, and began to collect spirit stones at an astonishing speed.

"I'm going out for a while. If there is an enemy attacking, or if something unusual is found, everyone will leave immediately and not stay for a moment." He thought, and the voice rang in everyone's mind.

"It's the patriarch!" Everyone said in unison.

"Xiao Jiu, let's go!" He froze, and led Xiao Jiu out of the devil's den.

Until he left completely, those soldiers did not notice the slightest coming.

When he came to the tribe of the ancient tribe, his eyes narrowed very quickly, because he discovered that there was a large group of soldiers guarding outside, and the leader was actually the third envoy who was the boundary.

However, even so, there was still no trace of fear on his face, a hazy glow surrounded Xiao Jiu, and he just stepped into the circle of broken space and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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