Chapter 874

The mutation happened so fast that many people hadn't reacted yet. The earth was broken, the sky collapsed, the entire tribe was full of bones, and nothingness was completely shrouded in a blood mist.

"Ji Clan, you bastards!"

"You are human traitors."

"Death, we are not afraid. Even if we bury our bodies in the heavens and sacrifice our ancestors with our blood and souls, we must kill these monsters and return the light to the human race."

The people of the Gu clan yelled that they hated the Ji clan who attacked and killed them.

"Die, you ancient clan die by yourself, don't implicate my Ji clan, one day in the future, my Ji clan will reach the peak and become the first clan of the human race."

"Stop talking nonsense, stop their sacrifice quickly." The strong man of the Ji clan roared, looking at the people of the Gu clan with a hint of cruelty in their eyes.

"Gu Clan, you are too presumptuous!"

"How can you control the power of your father and grandfather? Even if you summon the power of your father and grandfather, it can only be my barbarian. Among the three ancient, barbaric and wild tribes, my barbarian is the overlord."

"Don't blame us, blame yourselves if you want to blame, for wanting to get the power of your father and grandfather."

What made the ancient people hate and angry was that even the barbarians attacked them, not only trying to interrupt their sacrifices, but also beheading them.

"Barbarians, you bastards!"

"Now that the enemy is at hand, if you don't join forces to kill the two clans of monsters, you even come to attack and kill our ancient clan. If the world knows about it, you will definitely be cast aside."

At this moment, all the people of the ancient clan had red eyes, hatred and murderous intent in their hearts.

Because when they made up their minds to fight the Yaozu, they had already put life and death behind them.

So what if the soul flies away?If their blood and soul can fight for a piece of light for the human race, they will never hesitate.

"Jihuang, Barbarian, what do you mean?" The ancient ancestor who had fought above the sky, coughed up blood, looked at the clansman who died tragically below, trembling all over, with an extremely sad expression on his face.

He had already peeked into the sky, and learned that their ancient clan was going to be robbed during this period of time. He thought it was a fateful robbing with the Yaozu, but he didn't expect that the source of the robbing came from the barbarian and Ji clan.

In an instant, he was much older, and the fire of life in his body was faintly about to be extinguished.

"Old Lord, don't blame me as a barbarian."

"Your ancient clan and my barbarian clan are the heirs of the same father and ancestor, and they are destined to be robbed. Now it is your ancient clan who should be robbed, and soon it will be my barbarian clan who will be robbed."

"If our barbarians interfered with your ancient clan's calamity, maybe our barbarian clan's life calamity would be weakened or disappeared."

"Since this is the case, your ancient clan might as well help my barbarian clan. Even if your ancient clan perishes in the future, my barbarian clan will protect the entire human race." The barbarian said calmly.

"The strong members of our Ji clan cannot fall here." Ji Huang said coldly, his expression suddenly turned cold.

"Haha... God's will... It seems that fate is inevitable!"

"But don't be complacent. One day, my ancient clan will return again." As if he had seen through the intentions of the barbarian and Ji Zu, Gu Zu laughed miserably.

Immediately, he slowly raised his hands like this.

"Om!" Immediately, the entire sky trembled, and an inexplicable force began to descend from the sky.

"Not good! All Ji clansmen leave quickly."


This inexplicable force surged out, Ji Huang and Man Zhu's expressions changed drastically in an instant, and there was a hint of fear in the depths of their pupils, because they felt a ray of invincible aura.

Although this qi is small, they know very well in their hearts that it is a ray of power from their fathers and ancestors who created the world.

Only the ancestors of the past gave them these god emperor powerhouses to be suppressed by such bloodlines.

Immediately, all Ji clan and barbarian clansmen, their wide eyes were filled with extreme fear.

"Run away!"

"Crazy! The entire ancient clan is crazy!"

"Crack! Crack!" The next moment, they quickly smashed a piece of jade pendant. It was obvious that it was a teleportation jade pendant, and it was not an ordinary teleportation jade pendant.

From this point of view, they were already prepared.

"Jihuang, Manzhu, you two dare to bully us."


The Heavenly Demon Emperor, Illusory Demon Emperor, and Poison Demon Emperor roared heart-wrenchingly, their demonic aura covered the sky, made the bright moon explode, and the earth shattered.

boom!At the same time, a ray of blood descended from the unknown star field, and instantly merged into the vitality of the dissipated ancient ancestor.

It can be seen with the naked eye that his withered body swelled rapidly, with bulging veins all over his body, and his face was ferocious like a beast, as if he was enduring an inhuman pain.

"Roar!!" He opened his mouth and roared, a monstrous aura blasted countless stars in the sky.

"Hiss..." With such a powerful roar, the three giants, the Sky Demon Emperor, Illusory Demon Emperor, and Poison Demon Emperor, were dumbfounded, and extreme fear appeared in their eyes.

"Not good! This is the power of my father and grandfather!"

"Damn it, could it be that his strength has broken through to the Nine Realms, or is his strength comparable to the ancient Immortal Emperor?" They yelled in horror, and their souls trembled.

As for Wentian, who was a bystander, he was already dumbfounded, and his expression fell into extreme shock.

"Very well, this is the day the Demon Emperor has been waiting for."

"Nine realms, for countless years, no immortal demon can break through, even the ancient immortal emperor, but if this demon emperor can understand the power of his father and ancestor, maybe he can break through to that step."

To everyone's surprise, every devil's hair seems to contain a devil's king of all devils, he is not afraid, but laughs wildly.

Perhaps the reason why he intervened in this battle between the demon clan and the peak giant of the demon clan was to witness the strength of his father and grandfather with his own eyes.

Although he is the emperor of all demons, his strength is in the entire demon clan, except for the disappearing Shimo, he is the most powerful existence, but he is not the demon clan of the ancient, barbaric, and wild tribes.

It is also because of this that he is extremely eager to obtain the blood and strength of his father and grandfather.

"Old and immortal, come on!"

"The Demon Emperor wants to see to what extent you, who have fused the power of your father and ancestor, can kill this Demon Emperor." The Emperor of All Demons laughed wildly.

Boom! !Immediately, the demon went berserk, bursting into the sky with demonic energy, and attacked the ancient ancestor with a violent force.

"Kill!" The ancient ancestor, who seemed to be young and strong, had a swollen figure. He had a ferocious face, roared like thunder, and slashed out crazily.

boom!Countless monsters were wiped out with a wave of hands, even demon kings and powerful demon kings were instantly wiped out without leaving a trace.

With such a powerful strength, the Tian Yaohuang and other giants opened their eyes in fear and felt a chill, because the opponent's power made them tremble and feel hopeless.

Although they are also demon emperors, they are both in the eight realms, but there are also three, six, and nine grades in the eight realms. An existence like the king of all demons can crush them.

"Escape!" In an instant, they had decided to retreat.

"Buzz buzz!!" However, at this moment, the whole world trembled, and countless forbidden formations poured out, completely sealing this world.

"Sacrifice with blood and soul, and swear to destroy the two races of demons."

"Kill our wives and children, and never die!"

All the people of the ancient clan roared, their eyes were blood red, and they sacrificed their blood souls without the slightest hesitation, so as to make the ancient ancestors gain more power.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Immediately, the whole world exploded, Wentian felt a buzzing in his head, spurted three mouthfuls of blood, and then lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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