Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 93 Princess Snow Lotus

Chapter 93 Princess Snow Lotus
Master Mo, Fairy Qinglian and the others frowned and their eyes flickered, but they didn't say anything.

They put their eyes on Wentian, as if they wanted to see what he would do. You must know that although this was a gift from the Holy One, it was actually a shame to Wentian.

Because Princess Xuelian was born with dementia.

"Lin Wentian, my imperial sister will be handed over to you in the future. You must treat her well in the future. Maybe you will give birth to a few "extraordinarily talented" children for you in the future." The eldest prince sneered, looking at Wentian The gaze was like a clown, an ant.

As for the third prince, although he didn't say anything, the sarcasm on his face was even stronger, and he looked down at Wentian with that disdainful gaze.

When she saw Wentian defeat Jin Yan with a shocking magic technique earlier, Zhou Zilan felt rippling in her heart and couldn't calm down for a long time.

But here, after she heard His Majesty's words, her face was once again proud, like a proud swan.

"Wentian, that barrier has the power to isolate spiritual consciousness, if you go in rashly, I'm afraid there will be fraud inside!" Just as everyone kept laughing at Wentian, Mr. Qian's voice suddenly rang in his head.

As for that barrier, Wentian had already noticed it when he first entered the hall, and had checked it with his spiritual sense, so he was not surprised by what old man Qian Qian said.

But he still didn't say anything, his eyes were shining, as if he was deep in thought.

"In his previous life, he used General Lei's mutiny and various traps to force the name of treason on my Lin family, so he dared to attack my Lin family openly and slaughtered my Lin family to gain fame."

"In this life, I am afraid that the name of treason can no longer be forcibly placed on my Lin family. Then, maybe the problem lies in this cup of spiritual wine."

"But I was indeed here that day, and I personally agreed to this marriage. Although I had no choice but to do so, Princess Xuelian is innocent. Although it is impossible for me to marry her, I must pay respect to this glass of wine, as if it were my return to her." Otherwise, my Dao heart may not be perfect in the future."

After thinking it through, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly.

Immediately, under everyone's mocking and silent eyes, he grabbed his own wine glass and put it in front of the maid: "Pour the wine!"

Seeing the palace maid who was still in a daze in front of him with a hint of shock in her expression, Wentian suddenly said.

The maid who reacted suddenly turned pale with shock, lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry!"

Immediately, she quickly filled Wentian's wine glass with spirit wine, and when the spirit wine was poured, the aroma of the wine immediately smelt the nostrils, making people intoxicated.

Wentian focused his eyes, and immediately sniffed his nose, but then his eyes revealed a look of doubt.

Because he is proficient in medicine, there is no problem at all when he issued this cup of spiritual wine, it is completely a precious cup of spiritual wine.

Could it be?The other party really appreciates him, that's why he gave him spirit wine?

But he, who has experienced the previous life, believes that this is absolutely impossible!
But where is the problem?

He failed to guess.

"What? Is this kid really planning to take a silly princess as his wife?" Some people were shocked when they saw this.

Because through various signs, they already vaguely know Wentian's character, that is not a master who compromises easily, but now, he really wants to toast Princess Xuelian, which makes them unable to guess clearly for a while.

"This kid's mind is always unpredictable. At one time he showed the appearance of Chiyue's number one dandy, and at another time he showed amazing strength and full of tricks. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a dragon son. You can be a friend, but not an enemy." Wisdom flashed across Mr. Qian's eyes.

Seeing this scene, the Holy Majesty smiled even more, and was completely different from the indifference at the beginning, as if he sincerely regarded Wentian as his son-in-law.

Immediately, he opened his mouth again and said, "Come here, pour wine for Princess Xuelian!"

The maid regained her senses, and immediately picked up the pot of spiritual wine, and filled the extremely delicate emerald-colored wine glass with wine.

However, at this moment, Wentian's expression changed slightly.

"Ji Zhuoyang, is this the way to frame me, Lin Wentian, in this life?" As if aware of something, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing an inexplicable smile.

The next moment, under the eyes of everyone with mixed emotions, he picked up two glasses of wine and slowly walked towards the barrier.

When Shangguan Muhua and the others saw Wentian walking towards the barrier, a smirk appeared on the corners of their mouths, as if Wentian had fallen into the trap they had already dug step by step.

"This pervert, what kind of person is he?" Fairy Qinglian's eyes suddenly showed a touch of complexity.

"I thought he was a tough guy, but I didn't expect that he's just a coward!" The middle-aged man who wanted to exchange two high-grade profound skills for Wen Tian Gui Shi Jing had a look of disdain on his face.

This barrier is like a special small enchantment. People inside can hear and see things and sounds outside, but people outside cannot detect any movement inside.

Until Wentian approached the barrier, waves suddenly appeared on the barrier.

Seeing this, Wentian closed his eyes, and immediately stepped into the barrier under the contempt and ridicule of the crowd.

As soon as he stepped into the barrier, the first thing he saw was a girl in a red dress with two braids on her head and a face as ruddy as a ripe apple.

The girl opened her eyes wide, like a curious baby, sizing up Wentian who just came in.

If Wentian guessed correctly, she is Princess Xuelian.

"I've seen Mr. Lin!" The four white-clothed maids beside her saw Wentian, they all lowered their heads slightly and said in unison.

Wentian nodded slightly, and immediately turned his attention to Princess Xuelian.

Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes, and then opened them again, but when he opened them, a gust of spiritual consciousness suddenly gushed out from between his brows, and lightly penetrated into the center of Princess Xuelian's brows.

However, it didn't take long for him to slowly withdraw his spiritual consciousness, but there was a look of disappointment on his face.

Because through previous perceptions, he has been able to judge with certainty that Princess Xuelian is indeed congenitally deficient, resulting in a defect in IQ, which cannot be remedied by medicine.

Thinking of this, he could only sigh in his heart.

"Who are you? Are you here to play with me? Haha, it must be, come and play hide-and-seek with me!" Princess Xuelian suddenly clapped her hands excitedly.

Even if his father is hateful, so what?After all, she was just a pawn at the mercy of others, looking at Princess Xuelian in front of him, Wentian felt pity in his heart.

"That's right! I'm here to play with you, but we don't play hide-and-seek today, we've played the second one." Wentian smiled.

When Princess Xuelian heard it, she looked at Wentian in bewilderment from the side of her head, and then said, "What's more fun than hide-and-seek?"

(End of this chapter)

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