Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 95 The Sin of Imposition

Chapter 95 The Sin of Imposition
"In that case, let Fang Ying enter to investigate the situation!" The Holy Master said.

"I obey the order!" Fen Fangying's voice sounded from outside the hall.

However, at this moment, there was a loud bang in the hall, and the barrier where Princess Xuelian was located suddenly exploded. Suddenly, the wind roared, and many tables and chairs were blown away.

"What happened?"

The mutation happened, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically, revealing expressions of horror.

Even Shangguan Muhua, Zhou Wentong and others were shocked for a while. Obviously, things seemed to exceed their expectations.

But the next moment, their faces showed ecstasy, and they suddenly shouted angrily: "Dare Lin Wentian, how dare you openly assassinate Princess Xuelian, come here, and quickly capture her."

"Lin Wentian is haunted by ghosts and thoughts, and has a cruel personality. If he wants to kill Princess Xuelian, he should be executed, and the nine clans will be killed." Zhou Wentong said righteously.

"What? Lin Wentian wanted to assassinate Princess Xuelian?"

When some people heard this, they couldn't help but gasped, their eyes full of horror, because this crime was not a light one, enough to punish the entire family.

Fighting with the disciples of the imperial family, although offending the emperor's prestige, is still considered a struggle of the younger generation, so the crime is not to be punished by death.

But assassinating an uncultivated princess is a huge crime. It can be counted as the crime of treason, and it is enough to wipe out the entire Lin family in an instant, because no one can guarantee whether this is the idea of ​​the entire Lin family.

Mr. Qian, Master Mo and the others thought to themselves, "That's not good!"

The storm in the temple dissipated, revealing six figures. To be precise, it should be five people plus one corpse.

This corpse was, of course, the white-clothed maid who trapped Wentian with rattan before.

However, during this time, Wentian didn't pay attention to her at all, but instead focused on a maid holding a blade in one hand and holding Princess Xuelian in the other.

Opposite this woman, the other two white-clothed maids stared at this woman with astonishment and disbelief. The hands of these two white-clothed maids were still flowing with bright red blood, staining their white dresses. There was a tinge of blood.

Wentian's eyes flickered.

Before, at that critical moment, it was the maid holding the blade who suddenly jumped up, unexpectedly turned around, and shot at the other two maids who were about to kill Princess Xuelian. It was also because of this that Princess Xuelian escaped through the crisis.

After he heard Zhou Wentong and Shangguan Muhua's words, he didn't react too much, as if he already knew that this scene would happen sooner or later.

"Dagan Lin Wentian, under the Son of Heaven, he will be arrested quickly!" There was a violent shout from outside the hall.

"Peng!" General Fen, who was wearing heavy armor, carried a big knife, and exuded an astonishing murderous aura, rushed into the hall suddenly.

"Hum!" At that moment, he even raged his cultivation with all his strength, turned his vitality into a giant golden claw, and grabbed Wentian like a fierce eagle catching a chicken.

Wentian's expression suddenly turned cold, and in this instant, the dragon shadow under his feet flickered, and he used all his strength to perform Longyou Taixu Step, and disappeared from the original place in the blink of an eye.

Um?Seeing this, Fen Fangying's expression changed slightly, revealing surprise. Obviously, he did not expect that a kid at the early stage of Transforming Spirit Realm would be able to avoid a blow from him, a strong man in the Vientiane Realm.

Although this attack was just a casual attack by him, it was not something that could be easily avoided by the Spirit Transformation Realm.

"Presumptuous! Come on, Lin Wentian committed a heinous crime, let me arrest him quickly!" The Holy One was furious, his eyes flickered with murderous intent.

"Puffy!!" As soon as he said this, some guards rushed in from outside the hall one after another, and they were all guards from the Spirit Transformation Realm.

At this moment, the heads of some sects in the temple were struggling, but not long after, their eyes turned hard and they shouted angrily: "Boy! Let's see where you escape!"

Boom!These well-known people in the capital, at this moment, all of them rose to the top, and ran towards Wentian, and some of them didn't make a move, but the expressions in their pupils were extremely complicated.

"No matter how talented you are, Lin Wentian, in the end, you are nothing but an ant in front of the Ji family's royal family!" Zhou Zilan sneered.

Because after today, this man who made her regret it so much will completely disappear from her sight.

"Kid, die!"

In Nuoda's Golden Dragon Hall, many people burst into flames in an instant, and the middle-aged man who wanted to exchange his profound skills for the Immortal Sutra of Returning to Heaven had a strong flame on his body. Burn to ask the sky and leave.

"Hmph!" In response to this, Wen Tian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and with a cold snort, his aura surged up.

"The stormy sea!" He shouted violently.

With a sound of "buzz", the void vibrated, and immediately he waved his hand suddenly, waves of monstrous waves surged, as if they were going to submerge the entire Golden Dragon Hall.

The big waves were churning, and with the momentum of thousands of horses, they rushed towards the monks and guards who were rushing towards him, but he did not stop because of this.

The next moment, he yelled again angrily: "The big waves are churning, the two dragons are fighting for the front, and the dragons are going out to sea!"

"Ho Ho!!" In the turbulent sea, two giant roars suddenly came, as if there were some peerless beasts lurking in the waves.

Pom Pom! !
The sea waves were churning, and in an instant, two [-]-foot-long flood dragons rushed towards the waves. The eyes of the dragons flashed red, and they let out a terrifying roar, as if they had transformed into real flood dragons, with majestic beasts.

"What? What kind of cultivation is he, that in the realm of transforming spirits, he can make the spiritual body transformed from the original force possess such spirituality. Could it be that his comprehension of the power of the water element is already comparable to the realm of myriad phenomena?"

"No! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Although his origin power is stronger and purer than that of ordinary people, his real realm is definitely in the early stage of spiritual transformation!" Someone exclaimed, his expression full of disbelief.

Not only them, but even the Vientiane Realm in the hall and the Holy Master above the high dragon chair also shrank their eyes at this moment, hiding deep fear.

However, in this split second, Wentian quickly formed a seal in his hand, and indifferently spit out: "Double dragons contend for hegemony, strangle them!"

"Ho Hou..." The two dragons roared up to the sky, and then began to entangle each other, forming a powerful strangling force, and Hong Hong struck away with a violent force.

Boom!The entire Golden Dragon Hall shook violently, and many guards and cultivators in the Spirit Transformation Realm were blown away by this strangling force.

In an instant, the hall ran like chickens and ducks.

When the monstrous waves turned into energy and dissipated in the palace again, a large group of monks and guards whose complexions suddenly changed and whose expressions were terrified were revealed.

They have never seen a person in the early stage of the spiritual transformation realm, who can unleash such a powerful blow, which is too unbelievable.

If the opponent was not in the early stage of spiritual transformation, but in the late stage of spiritual transformation, then this blow would probably make their blood splatter on the spot instantly. Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel a chill behind their backs.

"Bold Lin Wentian, dared to openly resist, don't you think the entire Lin Mansion will be buried with you?"

Fen Fangying yelled loudly, and at this moment, he drew out the big knife behind his back. (At the third watch, thank you for the reward to my friend)
(End of this chapter)

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