Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 991 Hidden Murder

Chapter 991 Hidden Murder

In the mighty nothingness, a golden light passed by like a meteor, and its speed reached the extreme. Many creatures only saw the golden light flash, and then disappeared into the sky.

"What's going on? Are there stars falling?"

"No... this aura is probably from a certain strong man. Judging from the direction of his flying, it should be the land of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Could it be the strong man from Thunder Cloud Sect?"

Some monks noticed a sudden change in their expressions, but for some reason they had a faint feeling that something big might happen to the Thunder Cloud Sect.

It was Wentian who was flying at such a high speed.

His figure suddenly stopped, and then he stomped his legs vigorously, and his flying body came to a sudden stop.

Boom boom boom! !

Although he stopped, the nothingness behind him kept exploding, as if the force he had just stepped and stopped, even this world could not bear.

Not only that, but even the sea below was boiling violently, the strong wind continued to howl, and some huge rocks in the sea were bombarded one after another, causing some creatures in the sea to flee crazily.

He stood in emptiness and let the strong wind howl, but his expression did not change at all, and at this moment he closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly waved his hand, and with a bang, nothingness split open, and then the Azure Dragon King stepped out from his fourth small world.

The fourth small world is the land of the dragon's lair, the forbidden place of the dragon clan at the beginning, and the burial place of all the strong dragon clan.

"I've seen you, my lord!" The Azure Dragon King bowed to him with a respectful expression when he appeared.

If it was said that before he only submitted to the young man in front of him because of his relationship with the White Dragon Clan, the imprint of the dragon pattern, and his status as the inheritor of the Dragon Emperor, then the current him sincerely followed him entirely because of the opponent's strength, talent, and means.

May I ask, since ancient times, is there any Tianjiao who can severely wound a demon king at the beginning stage of a god general, and almost kill him.

This is absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented. According to his guess, even the Dragon Emperor and the ancient Immortal Emperor could not reach this level.

"Rush to the north of Thunder Cloud Sect as quickly as possible to help Immortal Peak fight against the enemy, and bring them back as soon as possible." Wentian said.

Hearing this, the Azure Dragon King frowned: "My lord, what about the power of the Northern Black Palace?"

"Thunder Cloud Sect is not only an Immortal Peak, but once the north falls, I want to see if people like Lei Feng, Anwu Peak, and Ten Thousand Peaks can sit still. My Immortal Peak people must not die in vain , was used as a gun."

"I, Lin Wentian, am not a holy Buddha, let alone a savior!" At the end of the sentence, his eyes were as cold as ice, and he inadvertently exuded a terrifying murderous intent.

Qinglong King's heart was beating wildly, but he was not an ordinary person after all, so he realized it instantly, and with a buzzing sound, he turned into a green light and disappeared into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

Right now, his lord is not trying to give up the confrontation with the Heidian, but wants to force some people to take action.

Forcing those other people to kill the enemy outside and fight the enemy to the end, just to protect the Thunder Cloud Sect, while the other party sits back and relax, trying to use the hands of foreign enemies to eliminate the big shots who are different from them.

Or in other words, his lord is no longer willing to risk his life to protect the Thunder Cloud Sect.

"Old Ba, accompany me to this dragon pool and tiger's lair, and meet my good suzerain for a while." The corners of Wen Tian's mouth were drawn, revealing a strange smile, but there was a murderous intent hidden in his smile.

"The young master's business is the old man's business!" An old voice resounded, and then the nothingness twisted, and Ba Lao appeared.

Obviously, he brought not only the Azure Dragon King from the Mortal Realm, but also the stronger Ba Lao.

"Let's go!" he said coldly.

Buzz! !The two of them disappeared in a flash of light, and appeared thousands of miles away when the afterglow flashed.


In the Thunder Cloud Sect, half a year ago, a clone of the Holy Master came, which shocked everyone.

Especially when Immortal Peak disappeared for many years, when Yi Meng returned as the second son, he not only became a strong general, but also a disciple of the Holy Lord, one of the three holy places.

When this news came out, it caused a sensation in the entire Sky Cloud Clan and left countless monks stunned, feeling so incredible.

After all, with the strength of the Xingguan giant back then, the life and death of the missing second disciple must have been deduced, but he still failed to find it.

Then the only explanation is, perhaps hundreds of years ago, he already knew that his second disciple, Yi Meng, had worshiped at the door of the Holy Master. Could it be that he didn't go looking for his second disciple Yi Meng when he learned that Yi Meng had disappeared.

That being said, it all makes sense.

The return of Yi Meng, the second son of Immortal, everyone thought that this would be an absolute counterattack by Immortal Peak, and they would even use the power of the Holy Lord to overthrow the throne of the leader of the nine peaks of Lei Feng.

But I didn't expect that things didn't go as everyone imagined.

Not long after the Holy Master disappeared, Lei Guangxuan, in the name of the suzerain, ordered the monks of the Immortal Peak and the Xuzhen Peak to guard the northern part of the Leiyun Sect to contend with the forces of the Black Palace.

Although many people secretly speculated that this might be the Lord of Thundercloud's revenge, but the other party took advantage of it this time, and besides, it was not only the Immortal Peak but also the Void Array Peak that went to the north to guard.

It was also because of this that even though the elders and disciples of Immortal Peak were unwilling, they still gritted their teeth and headed north.

Because they are well aware of the overall situation, they cannot let the Black Palace do whatever they want because of their grievances with Lei Feng, breaking through the northern border and slaughtering people.

Besides, there are still some second-rate and third-rate forces in the current Thunder Cloud Sect who have come over to watch their every move of Immortal Peak, so how can they be convinced again.

But what surprised them and made them extremely angry was that not long ago, Lei Guangxuan delivered another decree, saying that the war in the west was in danger, and asked the master of Xuzhen Peak to lead his disciples and elders to quickly support Huan Shui Peak and Zixia Peak and Tianhuo Peak.

It is also because of this that only Immortal Peak is left in the north to support it.

Xingguan Shenwang was seriously injured and retreated, and the strength of Undying Peak plummeted. If it weren't for the second son Yimeng who presided over the overall situation, they might have lost already.

However, everyone knew that this was only temporary. Once the Black Palace dispatched a few powerful generals, or if there were some strong kings, the Immortal Peak would definitely be wiped out.

This is the real killing move of the Lord of Thunder Cloud.

That's right, with the words of the Holy Master first, he really can't blatantly eradicate the dissidents and annihilate the Immortal Peak, but if the opponent dies in the hands of the Heidian, and dies for the war of the human race, then it will be another matter .

Not only will he not be blamed, but even the entire Thunder Cloud Sect will gain the righteous name of resisting the enemy tenaciously and defending the human race to the death in the eyes of the world.

He, Lei Guangxuan, will also gain both fame and fortune, which is a double-edged strategy.

Now there are only more than 20 disciples left in Immortal Peak, and they don't have many disciples. The ones who stay here are only recruited in recent years, and their strength is only in the realm of gods or true gods.

No... There is still a boundary guard here, and that is the fifth son, Shen Hu.

But this time he was not greedy for life and afraid of death, nor was he a coward, because he wanted to stay here to guard his master's execution gate, preventing anyone from attempting to attack and kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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