Chapter 1026


Zhang Zhen asked Jessica who came out to relax on the deck.

Jessica turned around and leaned against the guardrail, looked at Zhang Zhen with a gentle smile in her eyes, and said, "I don't even see tiredness in Brother Zhen's eyes."

Zhang Zhen stood on the guardrail and looked at the turbulent sea and said: "Actually, I'm a little tired."

Jessica leaned closer to Zhang Zhen and said, "The whole world is yours, there is no need to be so tired."

Zhang Zhen smiled and said, "Not yet, or never will be."

Jessica looked at Zhang Zhen in surprise and said, "Brother Zhen, with our current strength, we can become the supreme beings that control the world, why not?"

Zhang Zhen smiled and said, "Is it enough to replace the existing hegemonic force?"

Jessica nodded seriously, "Of course."

Zhang Zhen smiled.

Jessica said: "Isn't power like this? I used to be just a hunter, with guns pointed at my head by all kinds of bastards at any time, and I had to do things I didn't want to do. Now I just sit in the boat and watch Move the heads of those bastards, let them survive, power is so simple and rude. And with the power of Brother Zhen, acting in the name of Huaxia, those countries that want to curb China's development are not defeated by one blow, When Huaxia becomes a hegemonic country, Brother Zhen won't be considered as sitting on the whole world?"

Zhang Zhen nodded and said: "You are right, but you have overlooked a core issue, that is peace. China emphasizes Confucianism and Taoism, and governs by doing nothing. Simply put, it is achieved in a peaceful way without introducing conflicts." Target."

"Brother Zhen still has scruples about triggering a war?" Jessica pondered.

Zhang Zhen sighed and said: "This is a world of more than 60 billion, and there are problems such as turmoil, poverty, disease, etc. If I have a desire for power, I will use my power to turn this world into a peaceful world. China has developed rapidly in recent years, and those powerful countries have begun to fear that their rights and status will be affected and began to suppress them in many ways. My appearance has made them even more nervous. If I am too radical, conflicts will occur, and even wars or economic collapses will occur. The problem of unsettling the world is not the problem of gaining supremacy, the problem is how to avoid catastrophic conflict."

Jessica scratched her head and said with a smirk: "Sure enough, I'm only suitable for intelligence work. My brain is as big as a walnut, so Brother Zhen's will shine like a star."

Zhang Zhen will read books when he has nothing to do. Although the experience of the last days has given him vision and leadership, history is always a mirror, because no matter how human beings develop, human nature will never change.

From being a "mercenary" to now, Jessica has only done what she is best at, just like Jill used to be able to freely enter and leave the yellow-haired mansion, and power can even determine the life and death of important ministers, but she is still an outsider in state affairs .

A politician is a politician, a soldier is a soldier, and unless the two are combined, they will never think the same.

Avoiding conflicts is the most important part of Zhang Zhen. It is enough to think that saving the world is enough, there is no need to let it fall into fire and water.

The vaccine operation was very successful, and the epidemic was quickly brought under control, which made Miracle International and Huaxia more popular among the people.

In the new order, Zhang Zhen's strength has also strengthened the support of some countries, and it has also made the Huangmao people even more nervous and anxious.

Some people even do not hesitate to launch wars to protect their rights and interests. They can say that this is for the country and for the great XXX. If Zhang Zhen is not stopped and won in this new struggle for hegemony, then they will suffer. Complete any slaughtered country in the third world.

Now the team commanded by Jessica has increased to three, Yinlong, Yilong, and Qianlong.

There are also more problems. The relationship between many characters is becoming more and more complicated. If you want to eradicate the entire dark web, you may have to involve the core figures in each country.

This also aggravated the anger and uneasiness of the Huangmao group. They wanted to use this to create trouble and stir up political pressure to control Zhang Zhen with the help of Huaxia.

But it is a pity that Zhang Zhen holds a lot of dark secrets in his hands, some involving international diplomacy, some involving his own country's election campaign, and some involving private scandals. Every person who is eliminated is burdened with evil and darkness. It cannot be exposed at all, and if it is exposed, it will cause more internal crises for them.

This is an extremely dangerous game, and a little carelessness can cause chaos.

Zhang Zhen went back and met with Soho to make an important plan.

Shelley sorted out more detailed technological information, after all, now he has the entire technological treasure house of the last days.

"Three plans, enter XZ to build a medical base, first launch artificial lungs, hearts and prosthetic limbs based on our chips, and then simultaneously develop and launch anti-cancer drugs."

"Second, pretend an identity certificate for Hu Hai, say hello to Ouyang Qingyin, and bring international aid proposals to small countries that are short of food to establish new farming research and development, and introduce land transformation and seed genetic transformation."

"Finally, allocate funds to build heavy industry bases and launch some infrastructure equipment. In addition to accelerating the construction of more of our own bases in the future, we will also form an international aid team to help third world countries build and develop in an all-round way."

Su Ho recorded seriously: "Although we have technology that can reduce huge research and development funds, there are many projects in progress now, and these three projects will not have real benefits in the short term in the future. Only technology cooperation and sharing can be used to raise funds. speed."

"You have experience in this area, you can take full responsibility." Zhang Zhen said.

Su Ho nodded and said: "You haven't been home for a long time, Hua Ling and Xiao Zhi took the old lady back yesterday, why don't you go back and have a look, the base over there will soon be put into use."

"Next time, I have to go back." Zhang Zhen also wanted to go back once, but his people could stop, but his mind couldn't stop, and he couldn't make mistakes in every step.

"By the way, Xiaozhi has begun to have doubts about her abilities. She has almost won all the school's sports championships, and the news has been on the news many times." Su Ho felt that he needed to tell Zhang Zhen about this.

Zhang Zhen took the tablet, and saw all kinds of explosive headlines on it, calling Xiao Zhi a sports genius, the school has track and field, basketball, football, taekwondo and other sports, not only in the school, but also in the whole city.

"Oh, this girl has not been trained in the medical warehouse at all, Fuxi acupuncture is so strong."

"Xiaozhi is born to be active, her whole body is full of strength, and she is young. She is practicing martial arts or playing ball every day. The speed of strength increase is very fast." Su Ho accepted Fuxi acupuncture, so he understands the effect very well.

Zhang Zhen said with a smile: "Leave her alone, Xiaozhi is a kind girl, and Hualing will teach her."

"We don't plan on Fuxi acupuncture?" Su Ho nodded.

"No." Zhang Zhen said: "We must be cautious about all technologies that enhance human aggressiveness."

"Understood." Su Ho nodded solemnly, because she saw those technologies and knew how terrible they are. If many technologies fall into the hands of those countries, they will soon become terrible weapons. Dirty bombs in this world will will become a thing of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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