Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 312 Meeting Chennan Again

Chapter 312 Meeting Chennan Again
In order to win over Chen Nan who can draw Hou Yi's bow and has no limit on the number of times, Chu Yue will definitely let Nalan Ruoshui, who has a gentle personality like water, come out to win over Chen Nan.

At that time, they will be able to see this heart-breaking drama directed by Chu Yue.

Chen Nan's physical problems have been solved by him.

According to his current strength, his strength should have recovered some strength.

According to his character, even if he had a means to escape from Chu Yue, he would definitely not leave just to be on the safe side.

At that time, coupled with Chu Yue's invitation, in order to investigate what happened ten thousand years ago, he will definitely choose to go to Chu State.

At that time, if things go well, they will definitely go on according to the inertia of the plot, and then be melted away by the little devil Chu Yu.

Back in Chu State, Chu Yue, who didn't want to lose her talents, would definitely ask Nalan Ruoshui to help Chen Nan recover her skills, and then, after a long time, she would fall in love, and finally Chu Yue would beat the mandarin ducks with a stick.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Nan made a big fuss in the palace of Chu State, completely broke with Chu State, and then completely embarked on a life of cheating!

After thinking about it carefully in his mind, after Chen Nan's life, Qin Fang's eyes showed a look of anticipation.

"Get ready and leave immediately!"


In the end, after Zhao Sheng glanced at Qin Fang and Chu Yue, he turned around and left quickly.

After Zhao Sheng left, the courtyard couldn't help but fell into an awkward atmosphere again.

"It seems that I can't go back to Chu directly. I need to take my sister back to the palace first."

After a long time, Chu Yue looked at Qin Fang and said.

Hearing this, Qin Fang nodded, expressing his understanding!

Soon, Zhao Sheng sent someone to pick up Chu Yue, and Qin Fang also left together.

Ever since what happened just now, Chu Yue hasn't said a word to Qin Fang along the way.

The whole person stayed on her gorgeous carriage and rarely got off, obviously to avoid embarrassment with Qin Fang.

Regarding this, Qin Fang could only smile helplessly, but fortunately, the group arrived at their destination not long after.

Outside the small town, after Chu Yue ordered everyone to stop, she immediately ordered Zhao Sheng to send someone to pick up Chu Yu!
After a while, Zhao Sheng walked quickly with a beautiful girl about sixteen or seventeen years old.

And behind the two of them, there is a young man in ordinary clothes, walking slowly, it is Chen Nan whom he hasn't seen for a long time.

"elder sister!"

The moment she saw Chu Yue, a look of joy appeared on the girl's face.He quickly ran towards Chu Yue, and hugged Chu Yue tightly.

Looking at her younger sister lying on top of her, Chu Yue couldn't help showing a happy smile on her face.

"Little girl, you sneaked out of the palace this time, the emperor father and the queen mother are almost worried to death, do you know that!"

After a long time, she let go of Chu Yu, and Chu Yue reprimanded her deliberately with a straight face.

"Sister, the body of the queen mother."

Hearing Chu Yu ask about the physical condition of the empress, Chu Yue couldn't help being taken aback, "Why do you ask such a question, the empress has always been in good health?"

Hearing Chu Yue's question, Chu Yu immediately understood that she was deceived by her master Zhuge Chengfeng!
Thinking of this, he immediately yelled angrily, calling out to old man Zhuge.


"Senior Zhuge, even if the emperor sees him, he still has to be courteous, you girl, don't talk nonsense!"

After Chu Yue tapped Chu Yu's forehead, she warned.

After being hit by Chu Yue, the little girl calmed down immediately, but soon the little girl looked at Qin Fang who was always standing by Chu Yue's side.

Seeing her big eyes flickering back and forth between him and Chu Yue, Qin Fang knew that this girl must be up to something.

Sure enough, as Qin Fang expected, after the little girl glanced at Chu Yue, there was an imperceptible gleam in her eyes.

After that, he looked at Chu Yue and said, "Sister, why didn't you introduce the son-in-law next to you? Could it be the son-in-law you chose for yourself?"

Saying that, Chu Yu winked mischievously at Chu Yue and said.


The moment her words fell, Chu Yue's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Angrily, he slapped Chu Yu's smooth forehead hard.

This time, it was obviously much heavier than last time!

"Ah sister"

Seeing the little princess deflated, Chen Nan, who was standing not far away, had a look of joy in his eyes.

But soon, Chen Nan's eyes turned to Qin Fang who was also looking at himself.

He didn't expect to meet Qin Fang under such circumstances.

At the same time, he was also very happy to meet Qin Fang again, but now was not the time to recognize each other, so he did not rush forward.

"Don't dare to talk nonsense. After I go back this time, don't want me to speak for you in front of my father and mother!"

Chu Yue was obviously really angry at Chu Yu's reluctance, she glared at Chu Yu angrily and said.

But if you look carefully, you will find that there is a blush behind Chu Yue's ears, which is crystal clear and very cute.

Of course, no one, including Qin Fang, noticed this scene.

After tidying up Chu Yu, Chu Yue glanced at Qin Fang slightly, and then said to Chu Yu, "This is Qin Fang, a genius doctor, who has saved my life!"

Speaking of the grace of saving lives, Chu Yue's tone was a bit strange, obviously thinking of the embarrassing things that happened with Qin Fang several times.

Afterwards, Chu Yue looked at Qin Fang again, "This is my sister, Chu Yu."

After speaking, he quickly looked away and looked to the side.

"Hee hee, hello genius doctor, tsk tsk, to be valued by my sister, it seems that your medical skills are really good, but I will tell you secretly."

First, I looked at Qin Fang for a while, and then I saw this girl sneaking up to Qin Fang, and said as if she was selling: "I tell you, my sister is very good, and there is no one she likes, yes It’s real, you can get on the big bed, and get off as a good wife and mother in the kitchen!”


Hearing Chu Yu's words, Chu Yue felt so ashamed, her face turned red, she thought of herself for something, she was the eldest princess of Chu country!

Thinking of this, his face became ugly, and he was about to teach this nonsense dead girl one more time.

After hearing Chu Yu's words, Qin Fang, who knew the nature of this little devil girl, naturally wouldn't take her seriously. She probably did this to take revenge on Chu Yue before knocking her on the forehead.

"You are right, she is very nice!"

As he spoke, Qin Fang looked at Chu Yue who was standing aside, already feeling ashamed.

Seeing Qin Fang's gaze, Chu Yue couldn't help trembling, feeling flustered in her heart.

Then he quickly turned around and looked away to hide his embarrassment.

Little did they know that her actions made Chu Yu, who was also looking at her, stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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