Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 323 The Illusory God King

Chapter 323 The Illusory God King
Hearing the words of the Heavenly Illusory God King, the complexions of all the people present changed.

Apparently, none of the people present thought that the blood-training old demon who was beheaded by Tantaixuan just now would be the disciple of the Heavenly Illusory God King.

Tan Taixuan beheaded and killed the blood training old devil, this matter may not be good.

While everyone was waiting to see how Tantaixuan would choose in the face of the long-famous Heavenly Illusory God King.

However, Tan Taixuan has always been extremely calm from the beginning to the end.

It was as if he didn't see the Illusory God King in front of him at all.

She turned around slowly, looked at the Heavenly Illusory God King indifferently, "So what?"

so what?

These four words were said by Tantai Xuan indifferently.

If you kill it, you will kill it, the King of Illusion God is clearly here today to find trouble.

Regarding this, Tantaixuan is naturally not a timid person.

And the attitude is also very clear, that is, I killed your apprentice, so what, what can you do to me?

And at the same time when Tan Taixuan said these four words, everyone was in an uproar.

Even the Red-clothed God King who had been looking at the Illusory God King and the Ghost Yin God King couldn't help showing a touch of surprise in their eyes at this moment.

But soon his face returned to calm, and at the same time, his eyes were full of sarcasm when he looked at Tantai Xuan.

Tantaixuan's strength is also in the realm of a god-king, so they can clearly perceive it.

But there is also an irreparable gap between the gods and kings!
Tantaixuan's strength may be regarded as a good existence among the many god kings in the heavens.

But what they comprehend is no longer at this stage!

Although they are still in the realm of god kings, in terms of combat effectiveness, it is not a problem to fight three Tantaixuan!
Therefore, when they heard Tantai Xuan's unceremonious words, their eyes were full of ridicule.

The two of them who knew the nature of the Illusory God King could already imagine how miserable Tantaixuan's end would be after being subdued.

Look again, after hearing Tantaixuan's words, the King of Heavenly Illusion suddenly had murderous intent in his eyes.

Looking at this holy woman standing in front of him, he couldn't help but feel an urge to torture her to death.

As soon as this idea appeared, it took root and sprouted in his heart, and it was out of control.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Heavenly Illusion God King suddenly turned red.


Directly attack Tantaixuan without warning!

The big hand directly grabbed Tantaixuan's neck!


Seeing the sudden attack by the Heavenly Illusory God King, Tantaixuan's pretty face was full of frost.

She never thought that the Heavenly Illusory God King would sneak attack!

But fortunately, Tantaixuan's reaction was fast enough, and she didn't get hit by the blow from the Heavenly Illusory God King!
The unexpected scene made everyone watching the battle change their expressions.

Apparently, none of them expected that the Heavenly Illusory God King would suddenly launch a sneak attack!
But they dare not say anything about it, the shadow of a famous tree!

As for the Red-clothed God King and Ghost Yin God King on the other side, they were not at all surprised by what the Heaven Illusory God King did.

It's just that Tantaixuan's quick reaction surprised the two of them.

To be able to dodge calmly under the haste, and even under the sneak attack of the Illusory God King, this woman's strength is not simple.

Looking at the Heavenly Illusory God King, he is naturally vigilant, and he will go all out even when facing people who are weaker than him.

So even in the face of Tantaixuan, who was only average in his eyes and a woman, he chose the safest sneak attack.

But what he didn't expect was that this woman named Tantai Xuan was able to escape.

But the more outstanding Tantaixuan performed, the more excited he was.

Because only this kind of cold-looking and extremely talented woman excites him the most when she plays!

"You can't escape!"

The obscene and evil look in his eyes became more and more intense, and when the Heavenly Illusion God King let out a strange laugh, his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

When it appeared again, it was already behind Tantaixuan!

The big hand still did not give up, and still grabbed at the back of Tantaixuan's neck!

Tantaixuan, who had just avoided the attack of the Heavenly Illusory God King, had no time to make another move, and immediately felt a chill on the back of her neck, and was shocked in her heart!

But there was no time for her to dodge this attack.

After weighing everything, Tantaixuan's eyes showed a hint of determination.

No matter what, you can't be caught. Once you are caught, it is definitely not an easy thing to escape.

Wanting to hit here, Tantaixuan made a decision in an instant, the long sword in his hand did not hesitate, and shot directly towards a certain point behind him!

With this sword, Tantaixuan used all her strength!

Obviously Tantaixuan's sword played a certain role.

Seeing the Heavenly Illusion God King who was about to grab Tantaixuan, he felt his heart beating violently, and then he saw a long sword piercing the air and shooting towards his throat!

From this sword, even though he is powerful, he can't help but feel a burst of heart palpitations!

If this sword hit him, he would have absolutely nothing to do except die!
Compared with life, the Heavenly Illusion God King resolutely gave up on Tantaixuan, and immediately withdrew his hand, sideways avoiding this mortal sword.

His retreat just gave Tantaixuan time to breathe.

The series of sneak attacks by the Illusory God King just now made her exhausted in a hurry, and now she has a buffer.

Naturally, Tantaixuan would no longer be afraid of this so-called Heavenly Illusory God King!

At this moment, a cold light surged in Tantaixuan's eyes, and the long sword that flew out just now appeared in her hands again at some point.


Without any hesitation, the moment the long sword appeared, Tantaixuan slashed out nine sharp sword qi in succession!
Nine terrifying sword qi, mixed with unrivaled terrifying power, instantly sealed all the escape routes of the Heavenly Illusory God King!
Facing Tantaixuan's killing blow, Rao was the King of Heavenly Illusion, and at this moment, he couldn't help showing a dignified look on his face.

He could clearly feel that this was the extraordinary part of the sword energy.

At this time, he finally understood that the woman in front of him was definitely not simply stunning.

If you want to win the opponent, if you don't show some real skills, you may capsize in the gutter!
Looking at Tantaixuan, the King of Imaginary God, who had a cold expression in front of him, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The fight between them just now can be said to have been completed between lightning and flint.

So few people reacted.

But now, the two sides have confronted each other, and everyone present has reacted.

In fact, he knew about Tantaixuan, a rising star in Tianjie.

Tan Taixuan is one of the most beautiful people in the heaven, and she is also one of the most beautiful goddess kings in the heaven.

Conquering such a woman is undoubtedly the deadliest thing for a pervert like him.

But the only thing he didn't expect was that the strength of this woman should not be underestimated either.

(End of this chapter)

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