Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 333 Then I just won't change!

Chapter 333 Then I just won't change!
Somewhere in the heavens, a black space channel appeared.

The figures of Qin Fang and Tantai Xuan walked out of it.

With lingering fear in his heart, he glanced at the slowly closing space channel behind him, and then Qin Fang let go of his hanging heart.

To be honest, he had never felt the palpitating power just now.

That power gave him a feeling that even with systematic protection, he might be killed at any time!
"System, what was that just now!"

Qin Fang, who came back to his senses, asked the system with some lingering fear.

"Beyond limit creatures, above the ninth level of strength." The system's cold voice emerged in Qin Fang's mind.

Hearing this, Qin Fang couldn't help being stunned. He was naturally very clear about what the system meant by surpassing the ninth level.

Beyond the ninth level, it may be a strong person in this world, or it may be an existence above the level of transcendence.

But judging from the feeling that made him face death just now, the strength of the opponent, even if compared to the immortal, is not bad at all!
Even if it is the legendary Heaven-defying level, it is not impossible!
Because some strong men of the heaven-defying level have basically stood at the same level as the Heavenly Dao.

These people can completely hide the world without being discovered by anyone.

In ancient times, Dugu Baitian Demon Lord and others jointly set up a world-shattering chess game to destroy the heavens, but no one can guarantee that the common people are all chess pieces, and no one knows how many people are watching the chess outside the chess game.

Just because this world-shattering situation was arranged by the most ruthless people in ancient times, it is reasonable that some heaven-defying level would not intervene.

It is not impossible for some people of the heaven-defying level to live in seclusion and not intervene in the conspiracies of the heavens.

At least, in the heavens, Qin Fang knew that there were not a few such existences.

For example, the old tortoise who lived for countless tens of thousands of years, this old tortoise was not even mentioned until the end of Zhan Tian.

It has survived longer than Dugu Baitian and the Demon Lord, and he has absolutely no doubts that its strength has reached the heaven-defying level.

But people who know this, but no one knows!
Even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. In the original book, the demon lord finally recovered and forced all the powerful people above the emperor level to enter the third realm.

But the old tortoise in the heaven is still staying in the heaven well!
Therefore, looking at the entire God Tomb world, Qin Fang has always firmly believed that there are definitely many terrifying existences in this mysterious world, but they have not been discovered!

As for the terrifying existence in the endless forest, he fully believed that the other party might be a heaven-defying powerhouse.

However, before he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't guess at will.

But he believed that sooner or later he would meet the person hidden in the depths of the endless forest!
He believed that this day would not be too far away!
"What happened?"

Seeing that Qin Fang's face returned to calm, Tantaixuan, who was always observing Qin Fang's face, asked after seeing Qin Fang's face turn for the better.

In fact, Tan Taixuan was a little surprised by Qin Fang's sudden action just now!

Judging from the brief contact before, the man in front of him is definitely a master who is not afraid of anything, and he can face everything calmly, and he can deal with it with ease.

But she could clearly see Qin Fang's face that changed drastically just now.

From the momentary fear in Qin Fang's eyes, she knew that Qin Fang must have discovered something just now.

Otherwise, with his personality, there would never be such a look in his eyes.

Hearing Tantaixuan's question, Qin Fang didn't intend to tell her, but looked at Tantaixuan.

"I want to make a deal with you. I don't know what Fairy Tantai wants?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang looked at Tantaixuan standing in front of her and said.

Seeing that Qin Fang didn't intend to say anything, Tantai Xuan was smart enough not to ask.

Hearing that Qin Fang was going to make a deal with him, he couldn't help showing a look of curiosity in his eyes.

But soon she thought of something, and a white lotus flower quietly appeared in her hand with her palm spread out.

"What you want to trade is the lotus of rules?"

Lifting the lotus of rules to Qin Fang, Tantaixuan looked at Qin Fang and asked.

Although she was asking, her tone was very positive!

Qin Fang didn't show the slightest embarrassment when Tantaixuan punctured his purpose. With Tantaixuan's intelligence, it was inevitable that he could guess his purpose.

"That's right, it's the so-called lotus of rules."

Qin Fang looked at Tantai Xuan and nodded, then said.

Seeing that Qin Fang admitted that the purpose of the transaction was the lotus of rules in his hands, Tantaixuan's eyes showed a hint of understanding.

At the same time, she also understood that the reason why Qin Fang saved her was probably because of the lotus of the rules.

Thinking of this, Tan Taixuan couldn't help sighing slightly, for some reason, a sense of sadness suddenly rose in her heart.

She couldn't help remembering that when she was being targeted, no one came forward to help her.

Even Li Daozhen, whom she thought she had a good relationship with, chose to remain silent in the end.

When Qin Fang appeared in front of her like a savior, in order to save her, he did not hesitate to fight against many gods and kings in the entire heaven.

Let her enjoy the feeling of being protected for the first time.

Especially the brief moment when she was held in Qin Fang's arms made her feel infinitely warm.

Now knowing that Qin Fang saved her only for the lotus of rules in her hands, he couldn't help feeling a deep sense of loss and exhaustion in his heart at this moment.

At this moment, she suddenly felt very tired. Ever since she betrayed Chen Nan, who was regarded as her only friend ten thousand years ago, she has not had a friend for thousands of years!
"If I say no, are you going to snatch it?"

After suppressing the tiredness in her heart, Tantaixuan looked at Qin Fang and asked lightly.

Hearing this, Qin Fang couldn't help but startled, to be honest, he really didn't think about this question.

Because in his opinion, not to mention that he saved Tantaixuan's life, Tantaixuan should not have too much resistance to it.

Just because he owns the underworld mall, this kind of heaven-defying existence that can be exchanged for anything in the heavens and myriad worlds, he never thought that Tantai Xuan would refuse.

Moreover, in his opinion, this so-called lotus of rules has no effect at all in Tantaixuan's hands.

Although its incarnation is part of the origin of the way of heaven, it also contains some rules of the way of heaven.

But the incomplete rules let alone cannot be understood, when the power of the rules erupts, it will be enough to destroy everything.

In the eyes of everyone, the supreme lotus of rules, in his opinion, this is tantamount to a time bomb.

Once it breaks out, the lethality is absolutely devastating.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang looked at Tantai Xuan and said, "The lotus of rules is useless in your hands. If you want, I can exchange it with you for something that is hundreds of times more effective!"

"Then I won't change it!"

The moment Qin Fang's voice fell, Tantaixuan raised her head and looked at Qin Fang stubbornly, her voice was full of unyielding and stubbornness!

There were even crystal tears welling up in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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