Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 350 The Demon Lord Awakens!

Chapter 350 The Demon Lord Awakens!

Hearing Qin Fang's words, Chen Nan couldn't help being taken aback.

He didn't understand what Qin Fang was going to do in this Jedi.


At this moment, I saw that terrifying god and demon, who had completely awakened at this time, appeared in front of the two of them in just a moment.

"Intruders will die!"

As soon as he came out, the nameless god and demon said something that only Qin Fang and Chen Nan could understand.

The language used by the nameless god and demon had an impact on Chen Nan that was no less than an earthquake!
For a long time, since he was resurrected in the tomb of God, he has been looking for people and things about ten thousand years ago.

But now he never imagined that in this land of death, he actually heard the common language of the Immortal Fantasy Land ten thousand years ago.

How can this not make him excited!
Thinking of this, Chen Nan couldn't bear it anymore, stepped forward, and shouted directly at the nameless god and demon: "What happened ten thousand years ago?"

After hearing Chen Nan's words, the demon, who was full of murderous aura, couldn't help but pause when he raised his hand.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fang smiled indifferently, the gods and demons in front of him were just existences used by the demon master to guard the door.

His memory of everything about ten thousand years ago has been completely wiped out.

So when Chen Nan asked him, he was destined not to ask anything.

Sure enough, although regarding Chen Nan's question, the nameless god and demon didn't know anything about it.

Even if you know it, it's just one or two fragments that occasionally flash in your mind.

For Chen Nan, it still didn't work.

Looking at the gods and demons who had already chatted with Chen Nan, Qin Fang shook his head, took a step away, and strode towards the entrance of the cave not far away that exuded terrifying and devilish aura.

The purpose of his coming here this time is the demon lord, not to listen to Chen Nan's gossip.

But the moment Qin Fang walked towards the entrance of the cave, there was a terrifying murderous intent from the God Demon.

Locking on Qin Fang instantly, a terrifying aura began to permeate from him.

"Human, while I'm still awake, you retreat quickly, take one step forward, die!"

The ancient and deep language came from the mouth of the gods and demons.

However, Qin Fang ignored his threat at all.

The strength of gods and demons fluctuates between the peak of the god emperor and the early stage of the heavenly rank.

But for him now, his memory has long been incomplete, and when he is awake, he may not be able to display his full strength.

What's more, when he completely loses his mind!
The sudden change made all the hairs on Chen Nan's body stand up.

He underestimated Qin Fang's ability to kill.

At this time, Chen Nan's heart had already started to growl.

"Boss, it's hard to get in touch with the other party. Even if you can't get any useful information, you and others can leave safely, right, but what are you trying to do?"

Just when Chen Nan's face was gloomy and he was ready to run away at any time depending on the situation, what Qin Fang said next almost broke him down.

After Qin Fang heard the threat from the gods and demons, he turned his head and showed a sneer, "You can try!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't pay any attention to the meaning of the gods and demons, and continued to walk forward.

"It's over, this time I got hurt by this guy!"

Feeling the murderous aura of the gods and demons, even covering himself, Chen Nan's eyes were full of bitterness.

Now Chen Nan can only pray in his heart, Qin Fang's strength is awesome!
Because in front of this god and demon, even if he reversed the profound art and added the Heaven-Defying Seven Demon Swords, he was no match for the other party at all!

At this moment, the nameless god and demon made a move!

He spread out his palm, and a dark red beam of light blasted towards Qin Fang directly!

"Half-step heaven."

After feeling the terrifying energy fluctuation behind him, Qin Fang silently calculated the power of the attack from the god and demon in his heart.


The terrifying red energy swallowed Qin Fang in an instant.

Seeing this scene, no matter how confident he was in Qin Fang's strength, Chen Nan couldn't help but feel a little suspense at this moment!
For a long time, Qin Fang gave him the impression that apart from being mysterious, it was also unfathomable!

Chen Nan has been guessing how strong Qin Fang was ten thousand years ago.

Now he has broken through the fourth level and has become the top existence of today's young generation.

But facing Qin Fang, he always had a feeling that he couldn't figure it out.

This kind of feeling, even when facing the old monster in the palace of Chu State, he never had it.

Because he can clearly perceive that the strength of the old monster is at the peak of the sixth order.

But Qin Fang always gave him a strange feeling of looking at flowers in a fog!
But now after seeing the terrifying blow from the god and demon, even if he felt that Qin Fang was very strong, he was not sure that Qin Fang would be able to take this blow.


After the blow, a gust of wind blew in the valley, and after the smoke cleared, Chen Nan's pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly.

What did he see, Qin Fang was actually intact under this blow, not even the corner of his clothes was damaged!

Seeing this scene, Chen Nan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He stood closest to the power of the blow from the nameless god and demon just now, and he felt the most vividly.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the power of that blow as devastating.

But such a terrifying blow was blocked by Qin Fang intact.

"How could you!"

At this time, not only Chen Nan was stunned, even the nameless god and demon, with only half of his handsome face left, was full of puzzlement!
"You're done, try my attack now!"

Qin Fang looked at the nameless god and demon, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

After finishing speaking, looking at the nameless god and demon, he punched out!

With a punch, a golden fist broke through the clouds above the valley, and suppressed the nameless god and demon below!

With this punch, Qin Fang directly used the biggest blow that the system can use so far!
The power of this blow already faintly has the power of the early days!
With the current state of the nameless god and demon, it is impossible to take over!
In fact, what Qin Fang did was not really to kill the nameless god and demon, but to force the demon master to take action!
"Is this his strength!"

Looking at the golden fist on the top of his head that seemed to flatten the entire valley, Chen Nan raised his head and swallowed hard, then said to himself.


Feeling the terrifying power of Qin Fang's blow, the nameless god and demon felt the familiar feeling of death at this moment!
I saw his body of god and demon suddenly raised up, his hands spread out, and he roared to the sky.

At this moment, he only had one belief in his heart, that is, no matter what, he had to take this blow, so as not to disturb that person's rest.

For this reason, he already has the will to die!


But at this moment, there was a sudden strange fluctuation in the space, and everything in the entire valley, including time and space, had completely stopped.

Looking at the attack Qin Fang used, it disappeared without a trace at the moment when time and space prohibited it.

Sensing the sudden change, the corners of Qin Fang's mouth curled up slightly, the devil finally woke up!
(End of this chapter)

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