Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 352 Shocking the Demon Lord

Chapter 352 Shocking the Demon Lord
Through the demon lord's narration, Qin Fang already had a rough guess in his mind.

That is the nether world of this plane, and it is very powerful!
According to the deduction of the Demon Lord, the power of Nether seems to be greater than that of Heaven.

And most importantly, the ghosts of this world are not governed by the Dao of Heaven.

It works independently!
But after hearing the news, Qin Fang was not at all happy.

After all, from ancient times to the present, no one in this world, except those dead souls, has entered the nether world. Regarding the nether world, no one knows what is going on.

However, Qin Fang had a guess in his mind about the ghosts of this world!
That is the way of heaven in this world, controlled by the nether world!
Although it was a guess, Qin Fang became more and more convinced of this guess.

Now all the heavens are guarding against themselves, it is impossible for the heavens in this world not to have received the news.

This world is inherently chaotic, and the Dao of Heaven has been crippled by people. It can be said that although this world is at a higher level among many worlds, it is also easy to take advantage of the chaos and take advantage of the loopholes.

But everything in this world is developing in an orderly manner according to the original plot. If there is no back-up in this world, he will not believe it no matter what.

Then what might this backhand be, except for the Nether World, which is more terrifying than the Heavenly Dao, in this world, he really can't figure out what else exists, which is more terrifying than the Heavenly Dao!

Thinking of this, Qin conveniently gave up his plan to enter Netherworld now.

Now the trend is not yet clear, we need to continue to wait and see!
Thinking of this, Qin Fang took a deep look at the demon lord, thanked him, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, the Demon Lord suddenly asked: "Who is your Excellency, and why do you know our affairs so well? I wonder if anyone else knows our plan besides Your Excellency?"

Seeing that Qin Fang was about to leave, the Demon Lord finally couldn't hold back, and wanted to ask Qin Fang's origin.

Hearing the demon lord asking about his identity again, Qin Fang couldn't help but pause.

At the same time, I couldn't help but have a decision in my heart.

Originally, he thought everything was very simple, the only thing he needed to do was to be a behind-the-scenes existence to pick up the fruits of victory.

But now it seems that if this idea is to be realized, some preparations are needed.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows. He does not want to be either a praying mantis or an oriole.

He will be the last hunter who holds the gun and will die if he doesn't move!
In addition, it is the last source of the way of heaven, and he cannot give up no matter what.

But since he decided to hide behind the scenes, all this needs someone to replace his work.

And the Demon Lord, with strength, status, domineering, and ruthless, is the perfect candidate for this person!
Thinking of this, Qin Fang's eyes flickered, and he looked at the devil and said silently: "After knowing my identity, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

Hearing Qin Fang's words, the demon lord was furious. In this world, there are things that the demon lord can't bear!
Thinking of this, the demon lord's eyes also flashed a cold light, and he said coldly to Qin Fang: "There is no price in this world that I can't bear!"

If the demon lord's words were told to anyone in this world, they would not be exaggerated at all.

Just because he is the devil lord, the devil lord who dares to fight alone!

A generation of peerless madmen!
Even Tian dare not ask him to pay the price, let alone other people.

But when he met Qin Fang today, he was destined to die!
Hearing the demon lord's words, the corner of Qin Fang's mouth slightly raised, "It's done!"

What he was waiting for was the words of the Demon Lord.

However, at this moment, Qin Fang's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said directly to the Demon Lord: "In this case, should you release the illusion!"

Hearing Qin Fang's words, a strange light suddenly appeared in the demon master's eyes, and at the same time, a strong curiosity appeared in Lu's eyes.

Then I saw the demon lord wave his hand, and Qin Fang saw a sudden change in the surrounding environment.

Looking carefully, Qin Fang realized that the place he was now was already above a starry sky.

And on the other side of the starry sky, a huge and terrifying figure stood above the galaxy!
This figure is none other than the Demon Lord!

"I'm curious, how did you find out that these are illusions I arranged."

The Demon Lord at this moment is completely different from before!

If it was said that the former demon lord was strong, Qin Fang could still feel a trace of anger in him, but the current demon lord made him unable to see any humanity that he should have as a person!
Looking at the demon lord in front of him, Qin Fang only had admiration in his eyes!

This person in front of him is absolutely admirable, killing relatives, killing himself, killing people, ruthless, self-destructive, ruthless, for Zhantian, he sacrificed everything he could!
Looking at the demon lord in front of him, Qin Fang didn't answer his question. In fact, the moment he was imprisoned in the time and space of the dead Jedi, the system had already detected that everything was just an illusion.

If it wasn't for the communication with the devil in the illusion, Qin Fang knew that it was the devil himself, he would have broken through the illusion and found the real devil.

Shaking his head, Qin Fang looked at the devil and said, "Is it all worth it?"

Hearing Qin Fang's words, and looking at Qin Fang's eyes, the look of admiration for the Lord has not changed at all, but there is a trace of nostalgia in the depths of his eyes.

The cold voice sounded again, "In the endless years ago, there was a person who asked me the same question, but she didn't understand the person who asked such a question."

Speaking of this, the devil seemed to be recalling something, and did not finish his sentence.

Seeing the demon lord's appearance at this time, Qin Fang really didn't know what to say other than sighing in his heart.

Afterwards, Qin Fang waved his big hand directly, and a black light went directly towards the eyebrows of the demon lord not far away!

Looking at the black light galloping towards him, the demon master showed curiosity in his eyes, but he didn't resist.

With his strength, he can naturally feel that this black light does not pose any threat to him.

Let Wu Guang enter his mind!

I saw that the demon lord, who was originally calm and didn't take everything seriously, suddenly changed his expression after receiving the news about the underworld!

At this moment, his eyes are full of incredible!

Rao is such a domineering existence like the Demon Lord, so he couldn't help being shocked at this time and couldn't recover for a long time.

The Demon Lord never thought that one day he would lose his composure like this, and he wanted to calm himself down quickly.

However, the amount of information brought about by the Ten Thousand Realms Hell really made it difficult for him to calm down the shock in his heart!
It took half an hour for the demon lord to completely digest the amount of information Qin Fang brought him.

But at this time, he can no longer behave as calmly as before.

After seeing the magnificence of the heavens and worlds, suddenly for a moment, the Demon Lord felt that he was sitting on the sky!
Let the demon lord who dominates the world admit in his heart that he is watching the sky from a well. If this news is known to other ancient taboos, his jaw will definitely drop in shock!
(End of this chapter)

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