Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 361 The Demon Lord's Reply

Chapter 361 The Demon Lord's Reply

Looking at the seven ancient kings going away, Qin Fang's eyes flickered coldly.

The decision to subdue the seven ancient kings was not Qin Fang's temporary intention.

After confirming the existence of the ghosts in this world with the devil, he came up with this idea.

He had a hunch that when the final battle came, there would be a battle between him and the ghosts of this world sooner or later!
So before that, he needs to prepare in advance!
The Netherworld of this world will definitely not be weaker than other worlds!

At the same time, in an unknown time and space, a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a stern expression stood opposite the demon lord.

This man is none other than the number one taboo god in the ancient times, Dugu Baitian!
Thousands of years have passed, and he is still the same as before. The endless years, the rules of heaven and earth, cannot leave the slightest trace on him.

But at this time, Dugu Baitian's brows were tightly knit together, and his eyes were full of thoughts!
The Demon Lord, on the other hand, stood quietly in front of him, waiting for his decision.

After a long time, Dugu Baitian spoke slowly.

"Your speculation is not impossible..."

After finishing speaking, Dugu Baitian's face couldn't help but sink again.

But in the demon lord's eyes, there was a look of three-point helplessness and seven-point understanding.

"You seem sure."

The devil looked at Dugu Baitian and said calmly.

Hearing this, Dugu Baitian revealed a flash of memory in his eyes, and then slowly said: "The tenth reincarnation, before being reborn in the Tianyu Continent, my soul once traveled to the Netherworld!"


Hearing that Dugu Baitian actually said that he had been to Netherworld, the Demon Lord couldn't calm down immediately.

You must know that the so-called Eternal Demon Lord has tried to enter the Netherworld many times, but he couldn't find a way to enter each time.

But Dugu Baitian actually entered it once, which had to shock him!
But then, the demon master thought of something, and asked Dugu Baitian directly: "How, what kind of existence is that?"

But after stopping at the devil's words, Dugu Baitian shook his head and smiled wryly: "At that time, I was just a mortal, and I didn't have the ability to spy on the world at all. My memory of that place was only sporadic. Even if I wanted to If you want to deduce, you can't withdraw and show any traces at all!
If it weren't for the traces of that place that were really imprinted in the depths of my soul, even I would think it was just an illusion!"

After listening to Dugu Baitian's words, the Demon Lord couldn't help showing a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Originally thought that the ten-thousand-year layout was already extremely precise, and they even formulated several sets of plans, taking into account all possibilities and impossibilities.

But now it is very likely to be nothing!
This made him feel very helpless, he was not sure whether Qin Fang's words were true, so he discussed with Dugu Baitian.

But now it seems that even Dugu Baitian, who has been to Nether, doesn't know much about Nether.

This made him suddenly feel powerless.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether what that person said is true or not, whether the existence of the Dao of Heaven has any connection with Netherworld or not, it doesn't matter.

The reason why that person came to us and didn't take the initiative to take action is nothing more than wanting to join forces with us, but we are knowing that he is in the dark and controlling the overall situation!"

After finishing speaking, Dugu Baitian looked at the contemplative Demon Lord, paused and then said: "Besides, if it's true as he said, it won't be a bad thing for us!"

Hearing this, the Demon Lord's eyes lit up immediately.

Being able to fight against the sky several times, he is naturally not a stupid person.

What Dugu Baitian said is right, it doesn't matter whether what Qin Fang said is true or not, as long as his goal is this world, he will definitely not stand against them.

If what Qin Fang said was true, it would be considered a good thing for them, after all, the power of Nether was beyond doubt.

And he has personally experienced the power of the Ten Thousand Realms Hell.

With Qin Fang's existence, it can be regarded as leaving a backup for them!
If Nether is really so powerful that it cannot be matched, the only thing that can compete with it at this time is probably the terrifying existence like the Ten Thousand Realms Underworld.

Thinking of this, the Demon Lord suddenly became enlightened, and the only worry in his heart disappeared in an instant.

"In this case, the original plan also needs to be changed!"

The devil looked at Dugu Baitian and said calmly.

Hearing this, Dugu Baitian naturally knew what the devil was talking about.

According to the original plan, they would eventually plan to use the Tomb of the Gods to perish directly with the Dao of Heaven.

But now it seems that the plan needs to be changed.

In the City of Sin, it has been six months since Qin Fang came back from the East China Sea.

Many things happened in these six months. First, with the help of Qin Fang, Dugu Xiaoxuan found the old man guarding the tomb and released the evil ancestor who was sealed in the Tantai Holy Land. With the joint efforts of the two, the evil ancestor was almost captured. Suck and fuck!
And Dugu Xiaoxuan also recovered her strength at the peak of the heavenly world, and then went away with the old man who guarded the grave, and finally disappeared.

What Qin Fang didn't expect was that when the witch left again, taking advantage of Qin Fang's inattention, she directly attacked her.

Qin Fang suffered a dark loss, but fortunately the system's reaction was strong enough, otherwise Qin Fang would have to soul travel again.

Because Dugu Xiaoxuan didn't hold back that blow at all!
Finally, under Qin Fang's angry gaze, Dugu Xiaoxuan left lightly.

Dugu Xiaoxuan's sudden attack made Qin Fang realize his lack of strength.

With his sixth-level realm and seventh-level combat power, it is really not enough in this world!
In the eyes of the real strong in this world, his strength is really very weak.

So in the past six months, Qin Fang suffered a hemorrhage this time, directly raising the Hedao Heavenly Scripture to the eighth floor!

Now his strength is enough to fight undefeated against the powerhouses in the late eighth stage!
It is worth mentioning that, with the acceleration of the rule of the heavens and the world by the underworld, his current number of origins is close to 10 billion. I believe that the system will usher in the next upgrade in a short time!
In addition, there is another thing that happened that made Qin Fang very concerned, that is, Qin Fang and Meng Keer are still together as in the original book!
Within six months, Zijin Shenlong had been returned to Longyuan by Dugu Xiaoxuan, and Qin Fang had helped him restore the memory of his previous life.

Zifeng, the peak powerhouse of the heaven ranks, is already calling all the powerhouses of the Dragon Clan to prepare for the future battle!

Sensing the powerful strength contained in one party's body, Qin Fang's eyes revealed a look of satisfaction.


But at this moment, a cloud as black as ink suddenly floated not far away.

From it, exudes a terrifying demonic energy that fills the world!
In the clouds formed by the demonic energy, billowing thunder and lightning flashed. Wherever they passed, the terrifying coercion made all living beings lay on the ground obediently, not daring to resist in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fang knew that the demon lord already had an answer!
(End of this chapter)

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