Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 365 Tantaixuan's Crisis

Chapter 365 Tantaixuan's Crisis
At this time, everyone in the Chen family looked at Qin Fang and Chen Zu in shock.

Everyone couldn't believe what they saw.

They couldn't believe that in this day and age, who could afford such a salute from Chen Zu.

Before that, if someone said that Chen Zu would salute a junior, they wouldn't believe it even if they were beaten to death.

Who is Chen Zu, who has been famous for several generations, how could he salute a junior.

But now, this event, which they thought was absolutely impossible, was actually happening in front of their eyes.

"What's going on in this world, is it going to be this crazy!"

This is the true thought of everyone in the Chen family!
The reason why Chenzu did this is naturally the reason why Qin Fang ordered Chenzu to be a yin general when he used his origin to save Chenzu.

Otherwise, how could an old devil like Chenzu salute Qin Fang just because Qin Fang saved him.

As for whether there is anything wrong with doing this without asking Chenzu's consent, Qin Fang said that he is not a philanthropist.

There is no need for him to pay tens of millions of origin for an irrelevant person without asking for anything from the other party.

Moreover, being able to be selected by the Ten Thousand Realms Hell to become a yin general, Chen Zu's achievements in the future are absolutely immeasurable.

This in itself is a great opportunity!

Looking at Chenzu who was in front of him and looking at himself with gratitude in his eyes, Qin Fang nodded in satisfaction.

"I took away the eight fighting spirits of your Chen family. After the Chen family is arranged, you will immediately meet up with the demon master and others to prepare for the final decisive battle."

Qin Fang ordered.


After solving all the matters of the Chen family, under the watchful eyes of everyone in the Chen family, Qin Fang headed towards a certain place in the heaven.

Heaven, the fairy mountain where the Tantai faction was originally located.

When Qin Fang appeared here, he couldn't help frowning deeply.

Because he discovered that the original Tantai sect had changed to another sect.

Tan Taixuan's figure was nowhere to be seen.

"System, detection."

Qin Fang's visit to Tantaixuan this time was also a temporary uprising, but when he came here, he realized that Tantaixuan had disappeared.

Even the disciples of the Tantai Sect who originally ruled over one side were nowhere to be seen.

The current fairy mountain has been occupied by another force and has become the new sect's resident.

Qin Fang expressed his puzzlement, what was the reason that caused the Tantai faction to disappear in the heaven.

Soon, the system detected Tantaixuan's current location.

It's just that her state at this time doesn't seem to be very good.

Because now there are three powerhouses of the God Emperor level besieging her.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fang didn't hesitate, and rushed towards the place where Tantaixuan was.

"Tantaixuan, hand over the lotus of rules and come with us!"

Among the mountains, one of the middle-aged men looked not far away with a stern expression, and the cold-faced Tantaixuan shouted loudly.

"I said before that the lotus of rules is no longer on me, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not.

As for Leaving Home, I said back then that Li Yan and Li Yan are just a cooperative relationship to travel the world together, and they are not even considered as strangers in cooperation. I am not his servant, let alone your Leaving Home! "

Tantai Xuan said coldly.

"The good one is just a cooperative relationship, Tantaixuan, you think you can get rid of leaving home if you want to get rid of it!"

The moment Tantaixuan finished speaking, a cold and disdainful voice suddenly came out.

The faces of all the people present who heard this voice couldn't help but change.

Especially Tan Taixuan, she was too familiar with this voice.

It is the ancient family of the heavens, the young master of the Li family, Li Yan!
Li Yan, a true genius, was given the title of genius from the moment he was born.

In less than a hundred years, his strength has reached the realm of the god emperor.

Now that hundreds of years have passed, no one knows where his strength has reached.

Maybe it's the God Queen period, or the God Emperor peak, maybe even stronger!

Because the Li family is a hermit family that is separated from the various forces in the heavenly world, only a handful of people in the entire heavenly world know that the Li family exists.

Back then, Tan Taixuan ascended from the human world to the heavenly world, so it can be said that she was weak, but she still came from behind.

During this period, she also met some friends, and this Li Yan was one of the people she met when she was traveling in the heavens.

In fact, to be honest, the two of them are just strangers.

Although Tantaixuan received a lot of help from Li Yan during her travels, she thought she had already paid off all her debts.

And through contact, Tan Taixuan gradually discovered that Li Yan approached her because of something in her.

This made her instinctively distance herself from Li Yan.After the Tantai faction was established, the two sides did not have much contact.

There was just one thing that made her very curious, why Li Yan had never done anything to her for hundreds of years, but recently she wanted someone to kill her.

Looking at the indifferent and noble young man above the sky, Tantaixuan's eyes sank slightly, and she said, "Li Yan!"

"Hand over the lotus of the rules and come back with me!"

From the beginning to the end, Li Yan's cold eyes fell on Tantai Xuan's beautiful and delicate face, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes.

Tantaixuan, known as one of the two most beautiful women in the heaven, seemed to be no different from an ant in his eyes.

"I said before, the lotus of rules is not in my hands, believe it or not is up to you!"

Looking at the aloof Li Yan, Tantaixuan made no effort to hide the disgust in her eyes.

"If that's the case, then I'll do it myself!"

After finishing speaking, the white shadow flashed, and Li Yan had already appeared in front of Tantaixuan.

The white and slender fingers are about to poke towards the center of Tantaixuan's eyebrows.

Facing Li Yan who attacked without warning, Tantaixuan naturally would not sit still.

After a mysterious rune appeared under his feet, the whole person disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already on top of a peak tens of miles away.

But immediately after, Tantaixuan discovered in horror that a straight, slender finger as white as jade was less than half an inch away from the center of her eyebrows!
Li Yan, who was supposed to be avoided by her, unexpectedly appeared in front of her again at some point.

But at this time, Li Yan looked at Tantai Xuan with ridicule.


With an exclamation, Tantaixuan couldn't care about anything else, mysterious runes surged under her feet, and her body escaped into the space again and again, trying to avoid this blow.

But no matter how she dodges, Li Yan is like a maggot attached to the bone, unable to get rid of it at all.

"Tantaixuan, do you still remember what I told you back then, as long as I think about it, you will never escape!"

After finishing speaking, on his white fingers, a bright purple light burst out suddenly, rushing towards the center of Tantai Xuan's eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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