Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 371 Nether Declares War

Chapter 371 Nether Declares War
Seeing the sudden actions of Qijue Tiannv and Chen Zu, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Especially Chen Nan, he already knew that Chen Zu was the ancestor of the Chen family.

Seeing the movements of Chenzu and Qijue Tiannv, Chen Nan stepped forward and was about to follow.

But at this moment, the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian suddenly stepped forward, blocking Chen Nan's way.

"They have something to do!"

Dugu Baitian looked at Chen Nan and said indifferently with an unquestionable tone.

In fact, Dugu Baitian and the Demon Lord knew very well what Chenzu and Qijue Tiannv were going to do.

But all of this was agreed between them and Qin Fang, and the origin of the way of heaven is of no use to them, so they happily gave it to Qin Fang.

What's more, now, there is still a Nether who is likely to be behind the scenes in the dark.

Just a power of heaven has already exhausted all their power.

If there is another Nether with even more unfathomable strength, the devil doesn't think that they, who have exhausted all their strength, will still have a chance to fight again!

The familiar breath became stronger and stronger, and everyone knew at this moment that this was the way of heaven!
Feeling this familiar and powerful aura, even the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian couldn't help but change their expressions at this time.


At this moment, I saw that Chenzu and Qijue Tiannv, who rushed into the chaos before, had already returned.

Almost at the same time, in Chu State, Qin Fang also received a reminder from the system.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you got 5000 million of the source of heaven!"

However, after receiving the system's answer, Qin Fang couldn't see a trace of joy on his face, instead his brows were deeply frowned.

5000 million origin, if placed before, he will naturally feel that this is a large amount of origin.

In fact, 5000 million is indeed a huge source of points.

But the problem appeared above the 5000 million sources.

Because of course the origin of the God Tomb World, it is definitely more than a mere 5000 million.

But now he only got so little!
"System, do you control the world of God's Tomb?"

Qin Fang asked the system in his heart.

"The system hasn't taken over this world yet!"

Hearing the system's answer, Qin Fang couldn't help saying inwardly that it was true.

At the same time, he already knew in his heart that the only way to truly control this world is to destroy Nether!
Thinking of this, Qin Fang couldn't help but see a cold light in his eyes.

With a flash of his figure, Qin Fang had already appeared above the Nine Heavens.

Seeing Qin Fang's sudden appearance, Dugu Baitian and the Demon Lord who were standing on the side all stepped forward.

"Your Excellency, it seems that Heavenly Dao is not dead!"

The demon lord looked at Qin Fang solemnly and said.

Hearing this, Qin Fang glanced at the Heavenly Dao that reappeared in the void, and said to the Demon Lord: "The Heavenly Dao is indeed dead, and your great cause of fighting the sky has been successful."

Qin Fang's voice was not deliberately lowered, so everyone on the Jiuchongtian heard his words.

As early as when Qin Fang appeared, everyone noticed him, especially when the devil spoke to Qin Fang in honorific terms, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Now hearing Qin Fang say that Tian Dao is indeed dead, everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Because now they feel that there is absolutely nothing wrong with waiting for the breath of heaven.

The way of heaven is still there, why would Qin Fang say that the way of heaven is dead.

"Then what is in front of you?"

Remember at this time, I saw Chen Nan stepping forward, coming to Qin Fang's side, pointing to the re-condensed Heavenly Dao not far away and asking.

"Presumptuous, back down!"

Seeing Chen Nan asking Qin Fang such a reckless question, Chen Zu who was standing aside suddenly sank.

Hearing Chen Zu's shout, Chen Nan couldn't help frowning, and was about to speak out, but was stopped by Chen Zhan.

Although their family has left the Tianjie Chen family, but Chen Zu is the ancestor, and some respect is necessary.

Because of Chen Zhan's pull, Chen Nan had no choice but to give up, and at the same time, he couldn't help showing a hint of doubt in his eyes looking at Qin Fang.

He who has awakened Dugu Xiaobai's memory already knows everything from the beginning to the end, but the only thing that makes him feel strange is that he has never had any clue about Qin Fang's identity.

About Qin Fang, the only thing he knew was that he was resurrected with him in the cemetery of gods and demons.

He once asked the Demon Lord and Dugu Baitian, as long as he asked about Qin Fang's identity, the two kept secret and warned him not to investigate Qin Fang's origin.

Seeing the respect Chenzu and the others had towards Qin Fang now, this made him want to know Qin Fang's identity even more.

Seeing Chen Nan being dismissed by Chen Zu, Qin Fang waved his hand to express his indifference.

Then he explained to everyone: "The Dao of Heaven is indeed dead, but it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The real fundamental problem in this world has not been solved yet!"

Hearing Qin Fang say that destroying the Dao of Heaven is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, everyone couldn't help but feel even more puzzled.

The way of heaven restricts the development of all living beings. Once it finds that there is a threat to him, it will turn the milling plate to destroy the world. As long as the way of heaven is eliminated, isn't it the fundamental way to solve the problem?

"A group of stupid things, it is impossible for Heaven not to destroy them!"

At this moment, a cold voice without any emotional fluctuations suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Tiandao's cold eyes staring at everyone coldly above the Jiuchongtian.

Of course, at this time Tiandao focused more on Qin Fang.

"Intruder, although I don't know how you entered this world, but we have seen through all your plans, and this world will be your end!"

The vast and majestic voice resounded from the Nine Heavens, and everyone was puzzled when they heard Tiandao call Qin Fang an invader.

But at this time, neither Tiandao nor Qin Fang will explain to them.

Heaven is disdainful, Qin Fang thinks it is unnecessary.

Just like that, when everyone was wondering, Tiandao's cold voice sounded again, "The intruder, the Heavenly General represents Nether, is declaring war on you!"

Hearing Tiandao's words, Qin Fang smiled coldly, stepped forward, looked at Tiandao who was high above, "If you want to fight, then fight!"

At this moment, Qin Fang suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura, facing the Heavenly Dao above the Nine Heavens!

"Treasure your last time, you overwhelmed ants will completely disappear under the attack of Nether!!"

After finishing speaking, the entire Nine Heavens collapsed, and the Dao of Heaven disappeared.

However, everyone present had a cold expression on their faces at this time.

Because from what Tiandao said just now, they knew that the real battle of life and death would happen soon!
Looking at Dugu Baitian and the Demon Lord, who were also full of worry, beside them.

Qin Fang's heart suddenly moved, and he had an attention.

(End of this chapter)

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