Chapter 379 Shocked!

Now that he has decided to face the attack directly, Qin Fang will naturally not ink.

Hit as soon as you say it, there will be absolutely no hesitation.

Following Qin Fang's order, Zhu Kun, who was standing on the side, instantly transformed into his own body, and rushed towards the ghost creature behind him with a roar.

And behind him, countless Taixu ancient dragons rushed towards the ghost creatures like crazy.

There are millions of elite Taixu ancient dragons, densely packed, rushing down desperately.

The Taixu ancient dragon family took the lead in attacking, and naturally these ghost creatures would not sit still.

They began to fight back one after another, and the scuffle began immediately.

Seeing the ghost creatures of the Taixu ancient dragon who were already fighting together, the other Bardo soldiers and Yin generals rushed into the battlefield one after another, starting to fight with the ghost creatures.

At this time, the Nether army in the distance has already reacted.

The huge army of Yin soldiers with millions of them moved instantly.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The neat steps and loud shouts of killing shook the entire nether world.

Looking at the densely packed black army of ghosts in front of him, a cold light flashed in Chonglou's eyes.

With a big move, more than a dozen space passages appeared around him.

The moment the Mojie army appeared in the space passage, they rushed out of the space passage continuously, heading towards the Nether army.

Seeing this, Fei Peng and Tian Yaohuang, who were standing aside, were naturally not far behind.

With a wave of his hand, countless armies of evil spirits and monster races appeared from the space passage, and also headed towards the army of the Netherworld.

At this point, the war against Nether has broken out in full swing!

Looking at the Nether World that was completely in chaos, Qin Fang's eyes were stern, and everything is just the beginning.

Because the real powerhouses on both sides have not yet fully dispatched.

"Intruder, you are so brave, you dare to directly attack my nether world!"

At this moment, a figure in black suddenly appeared above the palace not far away.

Black hair and black pupils, fair complexion, slender and perfect figure, standing proudly between the heaven and the earth.

And beside him, there are also more than a dozen powerful existences.

Everyone's aura is not inferior to Yingzheng Zhonglou and others.

Qin Fang even sensed an aura beyond the twelfth rank from one of the men with a stern face.

This tyrannical aura, even Yang Jian is not as tyrannical as the other party!
Although there was only a trace of breath leaking out, but with systematic detection, Qin Fang knew that it was a terrifying existence with strength reaching the thirteenth rank!
The cold voice of the young man in black resounded through the nether sky.

Looking at the young man who suddenly appeared, although the opponent was extremely powerful, Qin Fang's expression remained unchanged, and he also said in a cold voice: "Why don't I dare!"

"Hmph, intruder, if you think that my Nether's strength is only this, then you are completely wrong, you will be destined to be buried here today!"

After finishing speaking, the young man in black suddenly opened his hands, and the moment he opened his hands, a sudden change occurred.

At this moment, the entire Netherworld was suddenly enveloped by a mysterious and mysterious force.

And at the moment when this force appeared, Qin Fang's eyes couldn't help changing slightly.

He could clearly feel that the moment this power appeared, everyone's strength, including him, was suppressed invisibly at this moment.


An angry dragon roar came out, and an ancient Taixu dragon was pierced through the body by the Nether Dragon Clan.

Then Taixu Gulong's body instantly turned into powder and dissipated between heaven and earth.


A powerful demon in the army of the demon world was pierced through the body by a claw of a strange ghost creature.

It is almost the same scene, which is constantly being staged everywhere.

At this moment, the armies of the two sides that were originally evenly matched have been completely suppressed by the enemy.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fang's eyes couldn't help but sink. He didn't expect that You Ming had such a skill.

"System, detection!"

If you want to solve the situation in front of you, you must first figure out what method Nether used to suppress the strength of everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms Underworld.

At this time, even the strongest Yang Jian has been completely suppressed.

The peak of the twelfth level, half a step of the terrifying strength of the thirteenth level, was unexpectedly pushed down to the late twelfth level!
Those like Gu Yuan who had just broken through to the twelfth level were directly suppressed to the eleventh level.

You must know that Nether's strength is the strongest, but it has already reached the terrifying thirteenth level.

The other weakest ones have also reached the middle and late stages of the twelfth order.

If it is right, the result is self-evident.

And as Qin Fang's voice fell, the voice of the system also sounded in his mind.

"According to system detection, the entire nether space has been blocked by space rules.

Space rules: The heavens and worlds can be sealed off, all planes of space, all plane worlds blocked by space will not belong to the world of the heavens, this world will exist independently, and all rules will be formulated by space rules. "

After receiving the prompt from the system, Qin Fang's eyes suddenly sank, and at the same time, he couldn't help but ask the system again: "System, what exactly is this space rule?"

"Spatial rules are one of the original rules of the heavens!"

The system said again.

Hearing this, Qin Fang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't understand what the origin rules of the heavens meant.

"Let's be clear, what's the matter with this origin rule?"

"The host's question involves the mystery of the origin of the rules, and this question cannot be answered under the sixth-level authority!"

Hearing the system's answer, Qin Fang couldn't help frowning deeply.

It is the secret of the origin of the rules again, what is the secret of the origin of the rules.

But now is not the time to worry about this. What is ultimately important now is how to solve the current problem.

"System, is there any way to unblock this space rule?"

"There is only one way, smash the entire Nether, only by breaking the entire Nether can you break through the space blockade!"

Hearing the system's answer, Qin Fang narrowed his eyes. Since the system said so, he had no choice but to do so.

Compared to protecting the entire Nether world intact, Qin Fang has at least a dozen methods to destroy the entire Nether world in an instant.

In the underworld mall, there are terrifyingly powerful commodities, and with his current number of ghost coins, he can still buy one or two at will.

For example, a destructive weapon of a super technological civilization can completely wipe out the entire Nether world!
Thinking of this, Qin Fang was about to buy terrifying weapons in the underworld mall, but the words of the system immediately froze him!
"Remind the host that once the space rules block the space, it will no longer accept any force that is not allowed by the space rules to enter.

In other words, all items that could pose a threat to the netherworld cannot appear in the Underworld Mall! "

Hearing the system's prompt, Qin Fang's heart suddenly sank.

The products in the underworld mall cannot appear, which means that the only thing he can rely on now is his own existing strength.

But under the blockade of space rules, everyone's power has been suppressed, how can he smash this nether world that is no smaller than the entire world of the tomb of God!
(End of this chapter)

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