Chapter 384
Although the collective self-destruction of the demon army caused a bit of a loss to Qin Fang, the loss to Nether was even greater.

The Nether Legion on the earth was almost completely wiped out.

But in wars like this, the final decision is often not the number of each other's armies, but the high-end combat power!

An eleventh-level powerhouse can directly destroy all the enemy's army, or even a world.

So the size of each other's army is not important!

Looking at the opponent, there are at least two dozen twelfth-level powerhouses, and there are only a dozen or so twelfth-level powerhouses on my side.

The rest of the strongest are only eleventh-order peaks.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Qin Fang's eyes showed a hint of unwillingness, but no matter how unwilling he was, he knew that defeat was a foregone conclusion.

The power of space rules, so there is only a ray, but it is not something he can fight against now.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang was about to take the last resort, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


At this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the entire Netherworld.

The whole world began to shake at this moment.

The sudden change caused everyone's expressions to change suddenly.

Especially the complexion of the young man in black completely sank the moment the roar appeared.

He thought of a possibility that he didn't want to believe.

That is, Netherworld is currently under attack from the outside world.

Otherwise, since Nether is now shrouded by a ray of regular power of space rules, let alone being attacked, even if someone wants to find Nether, they will not be able to do so.

Now that Nether has been attacked, it means that the strength of the people who are attacking Nether has reached an unbelievable level.

Thinking of this, the young man in black couldn't help looking at Qin Fang with a gloomy expression.

Because there is only one possibility for such a thing to happen, and the other party can only be someone on Qin Fang's side.

But at this time, even Qin Fang himself was at a loss.

With such a big commotion, there is no doubt that someone is attacking Netherworld.

It's just that he doesn't know who this person who attacked the netherworld is.

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms is already here.

Moreover, there seems to be no one who can be repelled by the space rules in the Ten Thousand Realms Difu.

If there was such a person, he would have brought him in from the very beginning, and that would have to wait until now.

This is also the reason for his doubts, that is, who are the people outside.

"Everyone, quick battle!"

The young man in black, who knew he couldn't drag on any longer, finally showed a cold murderous intent on his calm face.

His eyes turned to Qin Fang not far away!
"No matter what backhand you have, if you die, then everything will be over!"

As he spoke, the figure of the young man in black appeared in front of Qin Fang in a flash.

"Die, invader!"


At this time, the battlefield in the world of the tomb of the gods and the human world has been completely resolved.

The already huge Nether Legion of the Nether Dragon Clan that came out of the Nether World has been completely wiped out at this time.

In the depths of the sky, Zifeng stared dumbfounded at a woman in white clothes not far away, with long hair in white clothes constantly appearing around her.

"What did I see..."

Zifeng's eyes were dull, and he kept muttering to himself.

At the same time, in the depths of his eyes, a deep shock appeared at this moment.

Because just now, under the joint attack of the huge Nether Legion and several terrifying Nether Yin Generals, he who was almost dead was saved by this woman in front of him.

Of course, if it was just like this, it would not be enough to cause him shock. What made him feel the most unbelievable was what the woman in front of him did just now.

Just one hand, that's right, just one hand, wiped out half of the sky!

All the ghostly forces, under this slender hand, instantly turned into ashes!
And those eleventh-rank yin generals whose strength reached terrifying levels were even suppressed by this woman with one finger!
In the depths of the sky, the Heavenly Demon Emperor and Chonglou looked at the seemingly weak back of the ruthless man, with uncontrollable shock in their eyes.

They knew that Emperor Ruthless was very powerful, and they also knew the relationship between the woman in front of them and Qin Fang.

But around the case, seeing this scene, I still couldn't help being amazed.

"Her strength is definitely beyond the thirteenth rank!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor looked at Chonglou and communicated with his eyes.

After understanding the meaning expressed in Tian Yaohuang's eyes, Chonglou returned the same look, the meaning is very clear, the strength of the ruthless man is terrifying, he is not an opponent!
Ignoring the flirtatious flirtations between Chong Lou and the Heavenly Demon Emperor behind him, all Ruthless people's attention was focused on the ambiguous space on the side of their eyes.

"How strange is the power of the rules, a blow with [-]% of my strength, but it can't be broken?"

Looking at the strange space power that disappeared again after a circle in front of him.

The ruthless man's eyes flashed away.

"[-]% strength, it depends on how you resist!"

After a thought in her heart, the ruthless man slowly clenched his fists, his eyes were extremely sharp. At this moment, the stars and universe floating around her suddenly shattered.

Afterwards, above her high-raised powder fist, a terrifying aura of earth-shattering power continued to gather.

Finally, the space began to shake slightly, and there seemed to be faint "clicking" sounds.

At this moment in space, the sky began to collapse on a large scale.

Feeling more and more terrifying power gathering around.

Chonglou and the Heavenly Demon Emperor couldn't help retreating quickly. If it was before, when their strength was still there, they would naturally not be like this, but now their strength has fallen to the time when they were just named Yin generals, and they can't compete against the ruthless people. The terrifying coercion of the fourth-order late stage.

"God, is this f---ing human? Scary bitch!"

Not far away, Zifeng couldn't help complaining in his heart when he saw that there was such a terrifying and powerful ruthless person just when he was gathering strength.

Of course, he only dared to mutter a few words in his heart, but he never dared to say it.

With such terrifying strength, no matter how soft he is, the other party can still hear him.

If he is heard, his dragon skin and tendons will be lost by then!


There was a deep and tender shout, and the fist slammed down towards the void!




A certain point in the depths of the void suddenly emitted a terrifying piercing sound of being crushed.

In the end, the Nether World hidden in the void and covered by the power of space rules finally struggled a bit because it couldn't bear the terrifying force, and was blasted out of a hole!
At this time, in the Nether World, after a violent shaking, a hole suddenly appeared in the sky.

And the moment this hole appeared, the complexion of the young man in black suddenly changed, and even the fist that was attacking Qin Fang couldn't help but stop abruptly.

Then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and after shaking his body a few times, he almost fell from a height.

(End of this chapter)

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