Chapter 387 Closing
After feeling the terrifying power of this force, Qin Fang knew that if he did not think about it, he and Ruthless were doomed to fall today.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang directly opened the underworld mall, and soon his eyes were fixed on the column of items beyond the limit.

Immediately, his eyes fell on a transparent crystal named 'Rule of Destruction'.

"Rule of Destruction", when Qin Fang's eyes fell on the transparent crystal, all the introductions about this "Rule of Destruction" immediately appeared in his mind.

And when he finished the introduction of the 'Rules of Destruction', he was very excited.

Because the 'rule of destruction' turned out to be one of the original rules, just like the previous space rules.

It's just that compared with the power of only one-ten-thousandth of the space rules in the Nether World, the power of the destruction rules in the underworld mall is actually one-third of the power of the destruction rules.

Although it is only one third, Qin Fang is sure that as long as he masters it, he can definitely deal with the immediate crisis, and even a counter-kill is not impossible!

Thinking of this, Qin Convenience no longer hesitated, and directly used all the remaining Ming coins to purchase the rules of destruction.

And as Qin Fang confirmed the purchase, the system prompt also sounded in his mind at the same time.

"The items purchased by the host are non-repeatable items. Do you want to continue purchasing?"

Hearing the prompt from the system, Qin Fang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the introduction about the rules of destruction.

Afterwards, he really saw that behind the introduction of the rules of destruction, there was indeed an introduction that could only be purchased once.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Fang frowned slightly, and at the same time became more and more curious about this original rule.

You know, this is the first time he has seen an item in the underworld mall that can only be purchased once.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the original rules are not simple.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things, because the attack of retrograde rules has arrived!
And now knowing that something like the "Rule of Destruction" is very precious, it will be gone after use, but Qin Fang still decided to buy it.

Of course, it is not that there are no higher-level items in the Underworld Mall, which only have one-third of the power of the "Rule of Destruction".

However, because he had purchased the Nirvana Crystal before, the ghost coins he had left were no longer enough to support him in purchasing more advanced items.

Therefore, it is the best choice to be able to resist the retrograde rule at the moment, this product with only one-third of the power of the "rule of destruction".


Without hesitation, Qin Fang nodded to confirm.

Although it can only be used this time, Qin Fang doesn't care at all, because no matter how good something is, it must be used with one's life.

Otherwise, there is no difference!
The moment Qin Fanghua's voice fell, Qin Fang felt a crystal exuding a strange power suddenly appear in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The moment this crystal appeared, it suddenly turned into countless black light spots, then melted into his sea of ​​consciousness, and finally disappeared.

But at the moment when these light spots merged into the sea of ​​consciousness, Qin Fang's body couldn't help but startled.

After a short period of blurred consciousness, he felt that he was already in a mysterious state.

The heavens and worlds seemed to be easily destroyed with just one thought of his.

The rules of destruction, what it represents is destruction, destruction of everything!

At this time, the attack of the retrograde rule also came in an instant.

The target is Qin Fang's eyebrows!

From behind, a ruthless exclamation sounded.

Hearing this, there was no trace of panic on Qin Fang's face!

After turning around and giving the ruthless man a reassuring smile, Qin Fang looked at the black beam of light that was less than an inch away from his eyebrows.


At this moment, there was a strange fluctuation in the void.

Then, in Qin Fang's eyes, two rays of destruction burst out suddenly.



At the moment when the destructive light bursting out of Qin Fang's eyes collided with the retrograde black beam of light, there was only a loud bang, and the black beam of light shattered!

"The power of destruction!"

At the moment when the black beam of light shattered, the sound of retrograde rules in the depths of the void suddenly came out.

His voice was neither sad nor happy, neither surprised nor panic, except for some doubts at the beginning, it soon calmed down, obviously he knew the destructive power of the "Rule of Destruction".

Ignoring the retrograde rules, Qin Fang's eyes flickered coldly, he looked into the depths of the void, and punched out directly!

With one punch, a black-purple divine light of destruction, like an arrow that has been leaving the string, is heading towards the depths of the void.

"I didn't expect you to still retain a third of your destructive power, but I was careless!"

After finishing speaking, the Retrograde Rule fell silent, and the void once again fell into peace.

However, after the Destroying Divine Light entered the depths of the void, it seemed to sink into the sea without splashing a single wave. After a long time, the cold and ruthless voice of the retrograde rule came from the void.

But hearing the words of retrograde rules, Qin Fang couldn't help frowning deeply.

He underestimated the vigilance of retrograde rules!


Immediately afterwards, the void finally couldn't bear the repeated battles and completely collapsed.

Taking a last look at the void that was beginning to shatter, Qin Fang turned around and led the ruthless man into the space passage.

Qin Fang knew in his heart that what he said against the rules just now seemed to be addressed to himself, but only he knew that it was not addressed to him.

Since it wasn't addressed to him, it could only be addressed to the system!
"System, what does he mean, can you understand?"

Qin Fang asked the system in his heart.

"All the doubts in the host's mind will be resolved in the end. The host only needs to know that the system and the host are in a symbiotic relationship, which is enough!"

After Qin Fang asked the doubts in his heart, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

After listening to the system's answer, Qin Fang just shook his head slightly. How could he not understand what the system meant, but it seemed impossible to test the system.

However, he already had his own guesses about the system and the retrograde rules.

That is, the system has its own consciousness, and there must be some connection between the system, the original rules, and the retrograde rules.

Because from the tone of the retrograde rule just now, he can infer that the retrograde rule knows the existence of the system, and the relationship seems to be unusual.

He doesn't know exactly what relationship exists between these three, but he has a premonition that he is getting closer and closer to the truth, which he can clearly feel!

In the end, the battle against the retrograde rules ended anticlimactically.

Rather than saying that the retrograde rule is to kill himself, it is better to say that it is a test of the system, but Qin Fang has no intention to think about all this for the time being.

Because he has more important things to do now.

(End of this chapter)

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