Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 394 Since this is the case, suspend learning from the scriptures!

Chapter 394 Since this is the case, suspend learning from the scriptures!
As soon as Qin Fang finished speaking, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little weird.

At this time, Guanyin looked at Qin Fang who looked calm in front of him, but his heart was full of turmoil.

She never thought that Qin Fang would dare to be disrespectful to herself.

At this time, she suddenly had an idea that she had chosen the wrong person to learn from.

However, the faint Buddha's light coming from the depths of Qin Fang's soul clearly told her that the person she chose was correct, and it was undoubtedly the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi.

But Jin Chanzi, as the second disciple of the Buddha, even after ten reincarnations, his Buddha nature will still not change.

But Tang Sanzang in front of her gave her a feeling that she couldn't see through and guess.

If he is a lustful apprentice, but from Qin Fang's eyes, she can't see any lust at all.

Guanyin has absolute confidence in her appearance.

But in Qin Fang's eyes, she saw only calmness and calmness.

But since Qin Fang is not a womanizer, why did he say such words to tease himself.

Qin Fang and Guanyin continued to be awkward in the room, while on the roof, Monkey King was watching everything in the room with his piercing eyes.

Especially when he heard the conversation between Qin Fang and Guanyin, his monkey eyes widened.

At the same time, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Qin Fang's admiration.

This master is really not an ordinary person, he even dared to tease a bodhisattva.

Although he was born with a stone monkey and never liked the affairs of men and women, but as the monkey king of Huaguo Mountain, he had never seen any battles.

Naturally, he understood the embarrassment in the room, and at the same time, he admired Qin Fang's calm expression in such an embarrassing situation.

At this time, Sun Wukong became more and more curious about how Guanyin would answer next.

Should she slap Qin Fang directly and save this Buddhist scoundrel who dared to moleste the Bodhisattva on the spot, or use her great kindness and compassion to satisfy all Qin Fang's demands.

Thinking of this, even though he was a monkey, his heart was agitated at this moment.

Because if Guanyin chooses the latter, will Guanyin still have the face to face the gods and Buddhas in the sky?
Others don't know the real situation of Avalokitesvara, so how could he, Monkey King, not know?

Thinking about it, Monkey King continued to concentrate on looking down, trying to open his eyes wide.

Just like that, under the starry night sky, on the roof, two red monkey buttocks were swinging upwards, as if they were excited about something.

The shy sky is full of stars in the clouds, and the eyelids are twitching.

But at this time, the awkward atmosphere in the room continued to heat up.

"Tang Sanzang..."

After a long time, Guanyin's exquisite face has completely sunk.

Seeing Avalokitesvara's complexion darken, Qin Fang didn't seem to notice it, raised his head and said without changing his face: "Bodhisattva, please tell me, Tripitaka will definitely listen carefully to the teachings of Bodhisattva!"

After finishing speaking, he looked devoutly at Guanyin, whose pretty face was already cold.

That appearance, like a devout believer, looking up to his own faith.

Seeing Tang Sanzang like this, Guanyin didn't know what to do for a while.

From Qin Fang's eyes, she didn't see any other expressions at all, but only the exploration of the truth of things.

Of course, she couldn't see the real thoughts in Qin Fang's heart.

And it is precisely because he thinks that Qin Fang has no distracting thoughts in his heart, Guanyin feels embarrassed.

"Master is worthy of being a master!"

On the roof, Monkey King looked at the situation in the room with a strange expression, and at the same time he kept giving Qin Fang a thumbs up in his heart.

"Tang Sanzang, do you know who you are talking to now!"

At this time, Guanyin's voice was no longer gentle, but cold.

It comes from the heart, if Qin Fang really imagined himself as a naked Avalokitesvara in his heart.

Could it be that in order to prove it, she needs to take off all her clothes, so that she can see everything in front of the other party!
Although she has many dharma appearances, how many people in the world know that she is actually a woman!
Although Buddhism emphasizes that the five elements are all empty, she can never accept that she should be naked in front of Qin Fang.

Therefore, now she only hopes to use Guanyin's power to force Qin Fang to retreat, and by the way, give him a good beating.

But what she didn't know was, how could Qin Fang be an existence that she could suppress just by virtue of her identity as Guanyin.

Seeing Avalokitesvara getting angry, Qin Fang didn't care at all, but looked at Avalokitesvara and said: "Monks don't lie, Bodhisattva speaks backwards and backwards, capricious, can I understand that Buddha, like Bodhisattvas, speaks backwards and backwards, Contradictory?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang stared at Guanyin with burning eyes.

"Presumptuous! Tang Sanzang, how can you judge the Buddha!"

Hearing that Qin Fang dared to judge Tathagata in front of him, Guanyin became angry immediately.

At this time, Avalokitesvara's whole body was filled with Buddha's light.

A terrifying coercion emanated from her body, pressing towards Qin Fang.

Seeing Guanyin exuding terrifying coercion in front of him, Qin Fang not only didn't have the slightest fear, but stepped forward and came to Guanyin.

Seeing Qin Fang who suddenly stepped forward, Guanyin was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Qin Fang was going to do.

"The Bodhisattva refused to answer the poor monk's question. Now he is angry from embarrassment?"

Qin Fang stared at Guanyin's cold face with deep eyes, and said in a deep voice.

I don't know why, facing Qin Fang's deep eyes, Guanyin just feels that everything about him is being seen through.

"Tang Sanzang, how dare you talk to me like this, you are presumptuous!"

Facing Qin Fang who was approaching step by step, and was now almost close to her, Guanyin said angrily with a cold face.

At this time, she really regretted it in her heart. If she knew this, she should not have chosen Qin Fang as the candidate for the scriptures.

Or, she shouldn't have come to Qin Fang at this time, causing herself to fall into embarrassment!

Looking at Guanyin whose Buddha's light was constantly surging, Qin Fang knew that it was almost enough, if it was too much, it would not be worth the loss!
In the system's detection, Guanyin is a late-stage existence whose strength has reached the tenth rank!
If they fight, even if there is a system, he is not an opponent!

Just when Avalokitesvara was about to give Qin Fang a lesson, Qin Fang suddenly backed up, and then, under Avalokitesvara's perplexed gaze, put his palms together, closed his eyes, and sat down.

"Tang Sanzang, what are you doing!"

Guanyin frowned and looked at Qin Fang and shouted in a low voice.

Hearing this, Qin Fang slowly opened his eyes, looked at Avalokitesvara and said, "Since the Bodhisattva spoke upside down and contradicted each other, the poor monk has no choice but to realize it by himself. Before that, stop learning the scriptures for now!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang closed his eyes without looking at Guanyin.

But when Qin Fang actually said that he would suspend the sutra learning, Guanyin's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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