Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 413 Try Zen mind, the name is justified

Chapter 413 Try Zen mind, the name is justified

After subduing Drifting Monk, Qin Fang let the little white dragon transform into his real body, dragging everyone across the shore.

Afterwards, Qin Fang glanced at a white cloud in the sky with a mocking look.

And above the high opening, behind the white cloud, a young man with a gourd in his hand and a handsome face was looking gloomy at Qin Fang and the others who had gone away.

"Tang Sanzang, you dare to despise me!"

This person is none other than Mu Zha, the disciple of Avalokitesvara who sat down.

Originally, Mu Zha was sent by Guanyin to help Qin Fang and others subdue Monk Sha, but when Mu Zha arrived, Monk Sha had already been subdued by Qin Fang.

This made Mu Zha, who wanted to show off, very upset.

When he saw the undisguised mockery in Qin Fang's eyes, Mu Zha immediately became angry.

He didn't even think about how Qin Fang, an ordinary monk, found him. Without the slightest hesitation, he directly pinched a formula and headed towards the river below.


The mana was applied to the rushing and turbulent Liusha River, and suddenly a terrifying waterspout was suddenly set off on the surface of the river.

The waterspout opened its jaws like a prehistoric beast, and directly bit Qin Fang and the others!

The sudden change caused everyone's expressions to change involuntarily.

"Junior Brother Sha, could it be that there are other monsters in this river!"

Looking at the monstrous waterspout in front of him, Monkey King came to Drifting and asked.

"Eldest brother, I'm sure that I'm the only one in this quicksand river, and there are no other monsters."

Drifting also looked at the terrifying waterspout in front of him with a puzzled expression and said.

But at this moment, it was too late to think too much, because the waterspout had already attacked everyone.

"Hmph, where is the evildoer, courting death!"

Some monsters dared to take the initiative to attack him, and Monkey King became angry immediately.

Without the slightest hesitation, the golden cudgel in his hand slashed down towards the waterspout!


Under Monkey King's terrifying stick, the waterspout burst instantly, turning into rainwater that filled the sky and poured down.

"Solve it?"

Seeing the waterspout turning into raindrops under Monkey King, Drifting asked suspiciously.

But soon, the raindrops all over the sky told him that everything was not over yet.

I saw that these raindrops gathered again at the moment when they were about to hit the ground, but this time they turned into two larger waterspouts than before.


Looking at the two waterspouts that suddenly appeared in front of him, a cold light appeared in Qin Fang's eyes.

Directly transmitted voice to Monkey King, and told Monkey King where Mu Zha was hiding.

"court death!"

Hearing Qin Fang's sound transmission, Monkey King became angry immediately, his figure flashed, he raised the golden cudgel in his hand, and raised his head to the sky with a loud shout.

"Where is the evildoer, today the old grandson wants you to be destroyed!"

The terrifying golden cudgel was mixed with an unrivaled force, and it swung down fiercely towards a white cloud high above the sky.

But at this time, Mu Zha, who was still hidden in the white clouds, finally changed his expression drastically.

Just wanted to show his real body, as long as he showed his real body, Monkey King would not dare to do it.

But he is still too naive, it is impossible for Sun Wukong to give him a chance to show his true body.


The golden cudgel was slashed out with a single stroke, and the space was slightly distorted under the blow.

With a loud noise, Baiyun was instantly scattered by the wave of power emanating from the golden cudgel.

Mu Zha, who was hiding in the white clouds, was directly thrown out by a stick.

Under the blue sky, a series of blood flowed out.

The moment Mu Zha was sent flying with a stick, the waterspout below that was about to attack also turned into nothingness at the same time.

"Let's go, keep going!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang showed a smile in his eyes, turned around and left.

At the moment when Mu Zha was sent flying by Monkey King, everyone understood what was going on.

At this time, naturally, there is no time to pay attention to Mu Zha's life and death.

Those present were not mortals, combined with the Mu Zha who was blown away just now, and the two weird waterspouts.

He could think of something, so he didn't pay too much attention to this Mu Zha.

However, Sun Wukong Zhu Bajie didn't care, but Sand Monk's eyes showed a trace of doubt. He knew the man just now, and Guanyin sat down to disciple Venerable Mu Zha.

Unexpectedly, he was knocked out by Monkey King with a stick.

At this moment, Drifting's eyes on Sun Wukong couldn't help but change.


At this time, on a fairy mountain overseas, Guanyin, Manjusri, Puxian, and Lishan's old mother were talking about something.



At this moment, a figure covered in blood broke in suddenly.

Seeing the blood man who broke in suddenly, Guanyin and the others couldn't help but frown slightly.

Just when Guanyin was about to speak, a familiar voice came from the blood man's mouth.

"You are Mu Zha!"

At this time, Guanyin finally came to her senses, why didn't she see the beaten person in front of her who she almost couldn't recognize, it was actually her disciple, Mu Zha!

For her, this was like a bolt from the blue.

At this time, Guanyin's heart was already burning with anger.

With her strength, it is natural to see at a glance that Mu Zha is useless!

After waving his hand and shooting out a divine light, temporarily stabilizing Mu Zha's injury, Guan Yi then asked with a sullen face: "Mu Zha, what's going on?

Didn't I ask you to help Tang Seng subdue the Drifting Monk? How did you become like this? "

Hearing Avalokitesvara's inquiry, Mu Zha's eyes flashed with resentment, so he recounted the incident in a more eloquent manner.

In the story, how he helped Qin Fang and others through untold hardships, but how Qin Fang and others avenged their kindness, and when it came to the emotional part, he burst into tears.

Manjushri Puxian and Li Shan's old mother who were standing beside them were all frowning and sullen!

After listening to Mu Zha's narration, coupled with Guanyin who already had a big prejudice against Qin Fang, his face was even more ugly and scary.

In her opinion, Qin Fang asked Sun Wukong to hit Mu Zha, which was slapping her in the face.

"You go back and practice carefully, this matter will be handed over to the teacher!"

After listening to Mu Zha's narration, Guanyin said lightly.

Then with a wave of his hand, Mu Zha was sent back to Mount Putuo!
"Amitabha, I didn't expect Tang Sanzang to indulge Sun Wukong so much, really..."

At this moment, Manjushri on one side recited the Buddha's name, shook his head and sighed.

"Everyone, this kind of thing happened, and I need to deal with it in time, so I won't disturb everyone's elegance."

After finishing speaking, Guanyin was about to leave, and now she could not wait to run to Qin Fang's side.

Of course, it's not missing, but settling accounts!

"Honorable Avalokitesvara, please slow down. I know that the Bodhisattva is anxious, but Tang Seng is the Buddhist scriptures appointed by the Buddha. Even if I want to teach him some lessons, I'm afraid I can't do it clearly."

At this moment, Li Shan's old mother suddenly stopped Guanyin and said.

Hearing this, Guanyin couldn't help but wondered: "Oh? What does Li Shan's old mother mean?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Li Shan's old mother.

Seeing everyone's gaze, Li Shan's old mother smiled faintly, and then transformed into a middle-aged woman, looked at Guanyin and the others, and said, "Try the mind of Zen, it's justified!"

The words are not clear, and the click will stop, and Guanyin and the others understand the meaning of Li Shan's old mother in an instant.

Using the test as an excuse to justify public revenge!

(End of this chapter)

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