Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 416 Prepare to cheat apprentice

Chapter 416 Prepare to cheat apprentice

The four sages tried their Zen mind and ended with Guanyin's departure.

As for the magnificent house located in the mountains, it disappeared in an instant.

Qin Fang, who knew the whole story long ago, naturally didn't care about these things.

As for Ao Zhongzhu Bajie and the others, after a short period of shock, they somewhat understood something.

At the same time, Guanyin Dojo, Mount Putuo.

Guanyin, who returned to the dojo, first called Mu Zha, who had become a useless man, to him.

Looking at Mu Zha with a gloomy expression and resentment in his eyes, Guanyin sighed slightly in his heart.

Mu Zha's state of mind has been broken, even if he starts all over again, his achievements in this life will come to an end.

But what she cares about now is not these, but the truth of the matter.

She was clear about Mu Zha's character, but she saw that Mu Zha was seriously injured at the time, so she didn't investigate carefully at all, and preconceived that it was Qin Fang who instigated Monkey King to commit the murder.

Thinking about it now, Guanyin feels that he needs to investigate carefully. If it is really Mu Zha who lied to her, then don't blame her for being unkind.

Thinking of this, Guanyin said in a deep voice: "Mu Zha, I will give you one last chance to tell the whole story exactly!"

Mu Zha, who had been waiting for Guanyin to help him restore his cultivation, and told himself that Qin Fang and others had been dealt with, suddenly heard Guanyin's words, and his heart sank.

At this moment, he realized that things seemed to be different from what he expected!

After following Avalokitesvara for a long time, he naturally knew that Avalokitesvara was not very satisfied with Qin Fang, so this time when he subdued Drifting Monk, he took the opportunity to teach this ordinary monk a little lesson, so as to please Avalokitesvara.

This is also the reason why he still deceived Guanyin and asked him to teach Qin Fang and his party a lesson knowing that he was at fault.

In fact, he succeeded, and everything was performed according to his script. After hearing his explanation, Guanyin was really angry.

But unfortunately, he calculated to the beginning, but not to the end.

No matter what, he could never have guessed that Guanyin not only did not teach Qin Fang a lesson, but instead cleared up the suspicion.

Seeing Mu Zha's suddenly ugly face, Guanyin couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Through the panic in Mu Zha's eyes, she already knew that this was clearly a manifestation of a ghost in her heart.

At the same time, he also thought that he had easily believed just because of Mu Zha's one-sided words before, and in a fit of anger designed to trick Qin Fang, preparing to avenge his personal revenge.

Fortunately, there was no greater estrangement between Qin Fang, otherwise, in front of Tathagata, she would be kept in the dark, her reputation would be ruined, and she would even be punished.

Thinking of this, Guanyin looked at Mu Zha in front of him, and his expression suddenly became unkind.

"What the hell is going on, come from the truth!"

Mu Zha, who was already guilty, suddenly heard Guanyin's yell, and his heart was flustered. He didn't dare to hide anything, and explained everything in detail.

After listening to Mu Zha's narration, Guanyin's face suddenly became ugly.

She didn't expect that she would be such a despicable person when she sat down as a disciple.

For the sake of selfishness, she does not hesitate to wrong others. Such a person is Mu Zha, who has always been favored by her.

This is really knowing the face but not the heart.

Thinking of this, Guanyin really wanted to kill the bastard in front of him immediately.

But then considering Mu Zha's identity, he is not only his own disciple, but also the second son of Li Jing, who is in charge of a party of soldiers and horses in the Heavenly Court.

More importantly, Muzha is one of the most important ways for Buddhists to understand Heaven.

The main purpose of accepting him as a disciple at the beginning was to gain a better understanding of the trends in the Heavenly Court.

Thinking of this, Guanyin had to suppress the urge to tell Mu Zha to die under his palm.

However, such a capricious villain is no longer suitable to stay by my side, otherwise, sooner or later she will cause even bigger troubles.

Thinking of this, Guanyin looked at Mu Zha expressionlessly and said: "Mu Zha, you haven't been back for a long time, so you can go rest at home during this time."

Hearing Guanyin's words, Mu Zha's face turned pale.

How could he not be clear about the meaning of Guanyin's words, it was obvious that Guanyin was planning to give up on him.

Going home to rest, what kind of shit rest, Guanyin expelled him in a disguised form.

If he is expelled by Guanyin, known as the Great Mercy and Great Compassion, his life will really be over.

Even if the Li family is looking after him in the Heavenly Court, this cannot change the fact that he was expelled by Guanyin.

"Master, you actually want to give up on me for a mere Tang Sanzang or a secular monk?"

Facing the imminent expulsion, Mu Zha didn't care about other things, and directly questioned Guanyin loudly.

He didn't understand that his dignified second son of the Li family was not as good as a mere ordinary monk.

Hearing Mu Zha's words, Guanyin's eyes had completely turned cold.

"Fan Monk? His identity, let alone you, even your father Li Jing, would not dare to easily offend him.

You took the initiative to deal with Tang Sanzang and his party. He didn't kill you in the end because of my own face. Otherwise, you think you can deter him just because you are the second son of Li Jing? "

After finishing speaking, Avalokitesvara didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, so he just flicked his sleeves, and the Buddha light directly threw Mu Zha away.

At the foot of Mount Putuo, Mu Zha, who was directly thrown out by Guanyin, looked pale, and his eyes were full of resentment and resentment.

At this time, he hated Avalokitesvara even more than Sun Wukong, who beat him into a cripple with a stick.

He will never forget that he decided to teach Qin Fang a lesson for Guanyin.

But now something happened, not only did Guanyin not give him a head start, but directly abandoned him.

"I really hate Guanyin, Buddhism, Tang Sanzang, you wait, one day I will uproot you and repay today's humiliation!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Zha slowly opened his right hand, and saw a dark lotus flower emerge from the palm of his hand, and then swallowed it without any hesitation.

The lotus entrance, like a seed, came to his heart in an instant, took root and sprouted, and occupied all his internal organs.

In the end, Mu Zha turned into a black lotus, broke through the space and disappeared.


Longevity Mountain, Wuzhuang View.

Standing under the steps of the Taoist temple, Qin Fang couldn't help thinking in his heart that the Longevity Mountain looks ordinary, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the entire mountain has been trained into a large mountain guard.

No wonder Monkey King and others failed to escape from Zhen Yuanzi's arrest several times in the original book.

One is because of Zhen Yuanzi's unfathomable strength, and the other is probably because of Longevity Mountain.

This time I came by myself, not only the ginseng fruit, but also the life fruit tree.

However, this is Zhen Yuanzi's territory, and if he wants this ginseng fruit tree, he still needs to outsmart him.

Zhen Yuanzi is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, so Qin Fang would not naively think that his strength is only on par with Monkey King.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang glanced imperceptibly at Monkey King and the others behind him. It seemed that he would have to trick his apprentice this time.

(End of this chapter)

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