Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 434 Under the Bodhi Tree

Chapter 434 Under the Bodhi Tree

There was another loud noise, and a huge black lotus flower appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The moment they saw this lotus flower, the demon lord and the others couldn't help but looked to the side, their expressions became a little ugly.

They who have fought against Wutian naturally know what this black lotus is.

At this time, everyone looked at Wutian with strange eyes.

And at the moment when this black lotus appeared, Wutian finally knew why he felt a familiar feeling.

Because this black lotus is one of his avatars.

At the same time, he also remembered that he had ordered people to give his several clones to the boy beside the Buddhist Arhat Bodhisattvas.

The purpose is to be able to control these people one day, and after he solves the Tathagata, he will destroy the entire Buddhism in one fell swoop.

However, before his plan was implemented, Buddhism was wiped out.

Qin Fang directly suppressed the whole world with thunder, and even himself has now become the yin general of the underworld.

Therefore, all the plans he arranged before have been vetoed by him, so he naturally forgot that he still has many avatars that have not been taken back.

Ignoring the strange look in the eyes of the demon lord and others, Wutian stepped forward suddenly, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

With a big wave of his hand, the black lotus was immediately imprisoned in mid-air, unable to advance an inch.

After Hei Lian was imprisoned, Wutian directly threw Mu Zha, who had merged with Hei Lian, out.

Without Hei Lian's support, Mu Zha's appearance began to change rapidly, and he turned into a dying old man in the blink of an eye.

The gray hair, the wrinkled skin is dull, and the eyes are full of dead gray.

Hei Lian has exhausted all his vitality, and he can't live long without Hei Lian.

Afterwards, after Wutian learned everything about Mu Zha through Hei Lian, he told Qin Fang everything.

Because Mu Zha hated Avalokitesvara for protecting Qin Fang and expelled him, he used Heilian to improve his strength. After the Buddhist gate was destroyed, he approached Avalokitesvara. Hesitantly, Wutian had reached the level of a saint, so the strength of the avatar suddenly skyrocketed.

It was precisely because of this that Guanyin was forced into a corner, and Qin Fang already knew what happened after that.

Ignoring the lifeless Muzha, after listening to Wutian's narration, Qin Fang looked at Guanyin.

"Buddhism has been destroyed." Qin Fang said flatly.

Hearing Qin Fang's words, Guanyin's eyes dimmed, but then they regained their brilliance.

"I want to rebuild Buddhism."

Guanyin looked at Qin Fang with extremely firm eyes!
At this time, Guanyin has made up her mind that no matter what the price is, she will rebuild the Buddhist gate.

However, when she was thinking about how to persuade Qin Fang and how to get him to agree to her, Qin Fang's reaction was beyond her expectation.

Qin Fang didn't even think about it, he just nodded and agreed, "Yes."

Qin Fang readily agreed, which made Guanyin, who had already figured out what to say in his mind, not know what to say for a while.

Seeing Avalokitesvara stunned in place at this moment, Qin Fang said indifferently: "Whether it's Taoism or Buddhism, I don't have any special feelings about Buddhism and Taoism.

Now, my purpose of coming to this world has been achieved. As for whether you want to rebuild Buddhism or do other things, I will not interfere. Of course, there is a premise that you are not allowed to disturb the order of this world!

Therefore, I will not interfere with the fact that you want to rebuild Buddhism. "

After listening to Qin Fang's words, Guanyin knew that the purpose of her trip had been achieved.

After a short silence, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Qin Fang and said, "Are you leaving?"


"There will be a period later."

After a short conversation, Guanyin turned around and left, heading towards Lingshan.

After watching Avalokitesvara leave, Qin Fang waved directly at the crowd, and then left Journey to the West and returned to the Ten Thousand Realms Underworld.

In the Underworld of Ten Thousand Realms, there is a fairy spirit everywhere, and in the very center of the Underworld of Ten Thousand Realms, the Milky Way that he forcibly snatched from the Three Worlds of Sword and Sword flows slowly.

Under the nourishment of the fairy spirit of the Ten Thousand Realms Underworld, Tianhe has already produced his own spiritual wisdom.

Standing on top of his own exclusive attic, looking at the underworld of myriad realms that can't be seen at a glance.

Qin Fang couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, from the size of a small hut at that time, it has grown to a fairyland that can't be seen at a glance.

Along the way, looking back, he and the Ten Thousand Realms Hell have grown so much without realizing it.

At this moment, Qin Fang's heart suddenly moved, and with a wave of his hand, the ancient Bodhi tree in the system space crashed down.

Wide and thick branches, emerald green leaves full of vitality, automatic without wind.

The bodhi tree has the effect of helping people realize the Tao. The bodhi tree in front of me is an innate spiritual root, and its effect is definitely better than other bodhi trees.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang sat down cross-legged under the bodhi tree, and began to practice the 'He Dao Tian Jing'!
"He Dao Tian Jing", every practice, Qin Fang has a feeling of incarnation of the heavens.

That kind of indifference to everything, at that moment he is no longer a person of flesh and blood, he is the supreme way of heaven.

As long as he has a thought, he can go back to any world and create a world at will.

This feeling of controlling everything in the heavens is even stronger than the last time he controlled the original rules of time.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Fang will not easily try to cultivate the Hedao Heavenly Scripture, and only use the original source to improve directly when the source of grace is sufficient.

When this happens, he also asked the system, and the explanation given by the system did not improve his mood enough.

Enlightenment under the bodhi tree can just make up for his lack of state of mind.


Daoist divine light descended from the bodhi tree.

When Qin Fang sat down cross-legged, the Bodhi tree suddenly burst into a strong white light, and then took Qin Fang slowly into the air.

The sudden scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, Qin Fangbao was solemn, with a calm face, sitting quietly under the ancient Bodhi tree.

One month has passed since this sitting... Two months have passed...

One year passed... two years passed...

Time flies, the first ten years pass by in a blink of an eye.

Above the high sky of the underworld, an ancient Bodhi tree that covers the sky and the sun hangs quietly above the sky.

Under the ancient tree, Qin Fang's figure was spotless, his breathing stopped, his body functions also stopped functioning, his whole body was like a dead body.


In front of Qin Fang, Bai Qianying sighed softly, turned and left.

Time flies, and another decade flies by in a blink of an eye.

In the second ten years, it was still the same white figure, silent for a long time under the bodhi tree, and finally turned and left silently...

In the third decade, Yang Jian, dressed in black and long gown, quietly looked at Qin Fang who was sitting motionless.

"The heavens are stable, some low-level planes, middle-level planes, and high-level planes have been unified..."

Fourth decade.

Yang Jian: "We fought against the retrograde rules, and we won a big victory!"

Fifth decade.

Yang Jian: "Third sister is married, mother asked about you..."


Ten years passed by in such a hurry. Every ten years, someone would come to visit Qin Fang, and everyone was waiting for him to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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