Chapter 439 Damn it!
The moment Qin Fang's voice appeared, Shui Bi's body couldn't help but tremble.

And when he saw Qin Fang's figure, thousands of words turned into countless grievances at this moment.

There are longings, complaints, and the excitement of finding support after being helpless.

Seeing the undisguised emotions in Shui Bi's eyes and the stubbornness on his face, Qin Fang couldn't help feeling distressed.


Without hesitation, Shui Bi threw herself into Qin Fang's arms.


Her pretty face pressed against Qin Fang's chest, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, then slid down her cheeks, wet Qin Fang's skirt.

Hearing the resentful questioning in his arms, Qin Fang didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

He has a reason, but he can't say it, but all he can do now is hold her tightly.

The two just hugged each other tightly.

Of course, certain things that don't know how to live or die are naturally eager to seek death now.

This Death Pioneer No.1 is naturally the so-called Young Master Yuxian!
Seeing Shui Bi, whom he regarded as his own, unexpectedly throws himself into another man's arms.

Coupled with the previous humiliation, he was furious!

"who are you!"

The gloomy voice, combined with his ugly and disgusting voice, completely ruined the atmosphere.

Hearing this voice, Qin Fang hugged Shui Bi and did not let go, but turned his head and looked at Yu Xian indifferently.



The moment Qin Fang finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

The complexions of all those who felt this terrifying aura suddenly changed.

Just an angry shout made them tremble from the depths of their souls!

And Yuxian, who bears the brunt of the blow, knelt down under Qin Fang's terrifying coercion!

"Ah...I'm going to kill you!"

Being forced to kneel in public by a person who looked to be his age!

This made Yuxian, who was so proud and had a smooth journey, couldn't bear it anymore, looked at Qin Fang with a hideous face and roared angrily.

"Hmph, it's just ants!"



The terrifying aura on his body erupted again, this time, Yuxian's head was directly crushed and hit the ground hard.

"Ah...I...definitely...must kill you..."

Ignoring Yuxian who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, Qin Fang looked at everyone with his cold eyes.

"All knelt down and kowtowed to admit their mistakes, I can let them live, otherwise, die!"


The moment Qin Fang's voice fell, everyone was in an uproar. They never thought that Qin Fang would be so arrogant.

To actually ask everyone present to kneel and kowtow to apologize. You must know that any force present is enough to represent the entire world of cultivating immortals.

Now someone wants the whole world of cultivating immortals to kneel down and apologize. It has to be said that this is a provocation to the whole world of cultivating immortals!

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Qin Fang became unfriendly.

Especially some strong men whose strength has reached the level of Immortal Venerable, at this time they mobilized their spiritual power one after another, and then prepared to suppress this madman!

"Young man, didn't your adults teach you to keep a low profile?"

The one who spoke was an old man with fair face, white beard and hair, with deep eyes, looked at Qin Fang coldly and said.

"It's the Purifying Demon Immortal!"

"Jingmo Immortal Venerable is jealous of evil, and hates those juniors who don't know the heights of heaven and earth. This kid actually dares to be present. Everyone, including the Immortal Venerables, kneels down. It will depend on how he dies!"


Such remarks in the crowd were not uncommon, and everyone looked at Qin Fang with sarcasm.

They were waiting for Qin Fang to be taught a lesson, and Qin Fang beat Yuxian, the forces behind Yuxian would pair up and kill him, and even the forces behind him would be uprooted!

However, what they never expected was that Qin Fang's actions shocked everyone at the moment Bian Jing Mo Xianzun's voice fell!

There was only a "snap", and the crisp sound of slapping sounded, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the head.

Looking at Immortal Venerable Jingmo again, one of his cheeks was already bulging.

The five bright red slap marks, on his bewildered face at the moment, looked funny and funny.


Immediately afterwards, Jingmo Xianzun reflected that his eyes were about to split open, his face flushed, and he pointed at Qin Fang, wishing to peel him and cramp his bones, bruise his bones and ashes.

"The old man wants you to die!"


However, at the moment Jingmo Xianzun's voice fell, a fiery slap appeared on the other side of his face again.

No one saw how Qin Fang made the move. The moment the voice sounded, there was already a blood-red slap mark on the face of Jingmo Immortal Venerable.

At this time, Jingmo Immortal Venerable was completely stunned. The first time could be said to be his carelessness, but the second time, what surprised him the most was that he didn't even know when the opponent made a move.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals, there is no one who slapped him in front of him without him noticing.

Now that this happens, there is only one possibility, and that is the strength of the mysterious young man in front of him is stronger than him!

But how is this possible!

"how can that be……"

At this time, Jing Mo Xianzun's eyes were dull, and he muttered to himself, repeating a sentence all the time, and his already old body seemed to be bent.

Looking coldly at Jingmo Immortal Venerable, Qin Fang didn't have the slightest sympathy in his heart.

In his eyes, those who are here today, who persecute Shuibi, deserve to die!

If he hadn't come today, with Shui Bi's strength, he didn't dare to think about what would happen today.

He had checked the Jade Water Immortal Palace just now, and found that its energy was about to dry up, and it would be impossible to travel through space again without a few decades!
In this way, Shui Bi would not even have the chance to escape!

If something really happens to Shui Bi, even if the world is slaughtered, it won't help!

Thinking of this, Qin Fang's heart was full of murderous intent. These people touched his bottom line and must die!
"It seems that you don't intend to do what I say. If so, then go to hell!"

As the voice fell, Qin Fang's eyes were cold, and his heart moved. The entire space was blocked instantly, and then the space shattered. Everyone present didn't even have a chance to react, and they were completely swallowed by the shattered space!

After everything returned to calm, Qin Fang looked at Yuxian, who was already lying on the ground like a dead dog, not daring to move.

After seeing Qin Fang defeat all the top forces in the entire world of cultivating immortals in seconds, Yuxian was really scared this time.

Only then did he realize what kind of existence he had offended this time.

"Among these people, you are the most damned!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't give the other party a chance to beg for mercy, and directly lowered his will to completely annihilate him!

Afterwards, Qin Fang's gaze turned to his arms, and Shui Bi, who had fallen asleep for some time, had tenderness in his eyes, and then he hugged Shui Bi and disappeared into this world.

(End of this chapter)

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