Ten Thousand Underworld System

Chapter 454 Open the channel

Chapter 454 Open the channel
In the original world, above Kyushu, Qin Fang's figure stood quietly.

"System, start activating the passage to the Primordial World!"

"Opening the channel requires the source of Kyushu. If the source of Kyushu is detected, do you want to open the space channel?"

Hearing this, Qin Fang no longer hesitated, just nodded to confirm!


The moment Qin Fang confirmed it, the space of the entire original world was startled suddenly, and then Kyushu began to shake violently.


At this moment, a beam of pure white light suddenly burst out from the nine states of Youzhou, Yongzhou, Qingzhou, and Yangzhou.

In the end, nine white beams of light went straight to the depths of the void, and then converged at one point!

The moment the nine white beams of light disappeared, an avenue of stars covering the sky emerged.

The passage to the prehistoric world opened at this moment!
Looking at the starry sky passage in front of him, Qin Fang narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath, and was about to step into it.

However, at this moment, around him, dozens of figures with terrifying aura suddenly appeared around him, surrounding him.

Among them, the weakest one is also at the peak of the sixteenth step!
The strongest one even reached the early twentieth order.

"Qin Fang, do you know the heinous crime you committed!"

At this moment, the suzerain of the Nine Holy Spirit Sect stepped forward, looked at Qin Fang with a cold face and asked.

After hearing the voice of the master of the Nine Holy Spirit Sect, Qin Fang narrowed his eyes slightly. He wondered what was going on. It turned out that these people had discovered him and came to him.

Thinking of this, he took a last look at the starry sky passage above his head, and then looked at the people who surrounded him.

"Young man, tell me, is it related to this sudden appearance of the starry sky passage that you have worked so hard?"

At this time, an old man whose strength had reached the peak of the nineteenth step stepped forward, looked down at Qin Fang and asked in a cold voice.

"No matter what you talk to him about, it doesn't matter whether this starry sky channel has anything to do with him or not, just extract his soul directly, and search the memory to know everything!"

Another person whose strength reached the nineteenth rank stood up and said.

Looking at Qin Fang, it was like looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Qin Fang made such a big commotion, and everyone already knew about the Starry Sky Passage.

Just looking at the starry sky passage in front of you, you can know what secrets are hidden in it, so these people don't care much about the destruction of the inheritance space at this time.

The first thing I want to know is the secret hidden behind this starry sky passage.

Looking at the group of people with greedy eyes in front of him, Qin Fang's eyes were full of ridicule.

"I don't care what you are thinking, I just say it once, leave now, I will let the past go, or die!"

The prehistoric world is just around the corner, Qin Fang really doesn't have the time to chat with these greedy guys.

But for his warning, there are always some people who have inexplicable self-confidence in themselves, and they ignore it.

At this moment, I saw a middle-aged man whose strength had reached the late nineteenth stage, stepped forward, and gave Qin Fang a cold cry, without saying a word, he just punched him!
"court death!"

Seeing that someone dared to take the lead, and it was a deadly move, Qin Fang was also angry.

Thinking of this, no more hesitation, the space rules in the body moved, and the opponent's attack was instantly frozen in the space interlayer.


Looking at the other party coldly, without giving the other party a chance to react at all, the moment Qin Fa's voice fell, the body of the middle-aged man whose strength had reached the late nineteenth rank turned into countless dust strangely.

Then completely dissipated into the invisible!

Seeing this scene, everyone present could not help but gasp.

That was an existence whose strength had reached the late ninth stage, and it was disintegrated in an instant.

And with so many of them, they didn't even see clearly how the other party did it.

This kind of strength, I believe that even those few powerhouses whose strength has reached the late twentieth stage, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve.

At this time, when everyone looked at Qin Fang again, they became extremely jealous.

"Is there anyone else who wants to search for my soul?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang looked coldly at the old man who said that he wanted to draw out his soul to search his memory and asked coldly.

"No...don't dare...don't dare..."

Stared at by Qin Fang's cold eyes, the man shrank immediately, and waved his hands repeatedly at Qin Fang, signaling that he didn't dare anymore.

"If you don't dare, get out!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Fang waved his big hand directly, and suddenly, the whole space collapsed, and then these people disappeared in front of his eyes.


After eliminating the flies in front of him, Qin Fang turned his gaze to the starry sky passage in front of him.

With a flash of his body, he stepped into the depths of the endless galaxy.

And the moment Qin Fang disappeared, the Xinghe channel was also instantly closed!


Hundreds of years passed by in the blink of an eye.

Pieces of ancient star fields were stepped over by Qin Fang, and then disappeared.

After time and space after time, I don't know how many years have passed, maybe it's a moment, or hundreds of thousands of years.

Finally, Qin Fang plunged into the whiteness. When he opened his eyes, the scenery in front of him changed.

It is no longer endless darkness, and the sky is no longer full of stars, but the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the luxuriant grass of fairy mountains and mountains.

The air is filled with a strong fairy spirit.


"Haha, Gonggong, give up, you can't do anything to me, the twelve ancestor witches are almost dead, you can go with them today!"

At this moment, there was only a loud roar, followed by an extremely arrogant voice resounding through the world.

"Hmph, don't even think about it!"

Immediately afterwards, another voice sounded again!
Accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, every sound will be accompanied by shaking of the ground.

"Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, two figures in the distance were quickly approaching Qin Fang.

At this time, Qin Fang could see clearly the figures of these two people.

After seeing these two figures, Qin Fang directly said to the system: "Check!"

"Name: Gong Gong.

Status: One of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Strength: quasi-sage. "

"Name: Gu Tong.

Status: Affiliated with retrograde rules, chaotic race, chaotic human race, twelve god dynasties, king of ancient dynasties.

Strength: quasi-sage. "

Gong Gong is tall and burly, with long hair and shawls, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there is a sparkle in his piercing eyes.

Looking at the other, Qin Fang couldn't help frowning slightly.

First of all, this so-called chaotic human race made him feel very uncomfortable, and the other party seemed to be a subordinate race of the retrograde rule.

Coupled with the annoying aura on the other party that is as annoying as the retrograde rule, he can't wait to destroy the other party immediately.


At this moment, a long spear suddenly appeared in the other party's hand, and a jet-black beam of light suddenly burst out from the tip of the long spear, heading straight towards Gong Gong's eyebrows.

After feeling the power of this black light beam, Qin Fang couldn't help squinting his eyes. The power of this black light beam seems to exceed the power that ordinary quasi-sages should have!

(End of this chapter)

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