Chapter 99 Rong Yu's Uneasiness (2)
I saw a pair of crystal coffins lying inside, and in front of the crystal coffins were countless white plums, each of which hadn't withered yet, and it was obvious that people often came to change them.

Rong Yu took her by the hand and walked to the crystal coffin. When she saw the person in the crystal coffin, she couldn't help but her heart thumped and her blood boiled.

Lying inside is a woman, who seems to be only a few years older than Rong Yu, she knows that she must have used a special method to preserve her appearance, half of the woman's face seems to have been destroyed by something, but it still doesn't matter. Affect her temperament, her beauty
The woman's face was peaceful and gentle, she looked as if she was asleep, she seemed to be waking up every moment, and she seemed to be having some sweet dreams and didn't want to wake up
But she knew that the person lying in it would not wake up, and she would sleep forever

"The person lying here is my concubine mother." Rong Yu continued in a hoarse and deep voice.
"Mother and concubine, this is Susu, my wife and my only lover"

He no longer calls himself the king, but me. At this moment, he is no longer His Royal Highness the famous King Rong of Caesar. He is just an ordinary person, a young man who has a lover and misses his mother

With complicated eyes, Bai Su held his hand tightly, smiled and said softly to the people inside.
"Mother Concubine, I am Su Su, Rong Yu's wife"

She looked at the people inside and thought of her own mother, who also left her forever at the same age as Rong Yu's mother and concubine.
At this moment, she doesn't want to wear her cold mask anymore, at this moment, she just wants to be a girl in the arms of her mother
When Rong Yu heard her introduction, his heart softened inexplicably. He suddenly hugged her, met her cold and clear eyes, and said in a low voice:
"Do you want to hear the story of my concubine mother?"

He wanted to bring her here during the day, but he was forced to interrupt because of Rong Tianqi's summons

Bai Su also showed a shallow smile and looked at him tenderly.

"Of course it's my pleasure"

Rong Yu found a clean place, sat down with her in his arms, lowered his head and gently kissed the woman's lips, and then his hoarse and pleasant voice sounded slowly
"When I was 15 years old, my father, mother, and concubine left me because of a fire. In order to protect my mother and concubine, my father was burned to death in the fire, and there was no bones left. Although my mother and concubine escaped, they still chose to follow my father. step away"

Speaking of this, he paused for a long time before the voice sounded again

"Susu... Today, I am also very afraid that you will leave me"

That year, he led troops to repel the Dongqi army

But when he came back, what was waiting for him was not the encouragement from his father and the hug from his mother and concubine.
It's the house in ruins and the body of my mother
Even he himself was plotted against, and he was given the heart-biting Gu

Later he met her, but the loss of a close relative caused him to suffer an uncontrollable anger, and due to various reasons, it didn't take long for him to slaughter the entire Dongqi royal family.
Later, when he came back from Dongqi...

She has completely disappeared in his world

For five full years, the moment he lost his dear one and her, he felt confused, helpless, hopeless, and painful
Overnight, his life changed drastically
That's when his personality changed

The whole person becomes cold, bloodthirsty, unreasonable

Later, he sealed his heart completely and did not allow anyone to approach him.
Until... reunited with her five years later

His heart, which had been dusty for many years, was slowly opened
His gloomy life for many years finally shed a ray of sunshine because of her arrival, dispelling the endless darkness and haze
 Continue four more today

(End of this chapter)

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