The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 1111 The hatred between countries cannot be completed overnight

Chapter 1111 The hatred between countries cannot be completed overnight


Shen Mumian touched his forehead and reprimanded him lightly, "Do you know that there are many people in this world who fight for this seat? And do you know why our Gu family wants to fight for that seat?"

"Do you still remember what you used to look like when you first met me and your father?"

How could Xinxin forget it? Although he was still young at that time, his memory was very deep. At that time, it was very cold in winter. Heat dizzy.

There are many, many things to do every day. If you can't lift water, you have to lift it, and if you can't burn it, you have to burn it.

Before he met his parents again, he didn't even eat a normal meal. He thought he was a monkey, and he thought he should eat things thrown on the ground by others.

Thinking of the past, Xinxin looked at Shen Mumian with tears in his eyes, "Mom!" He was wronged!

"Xinxin, there were many, many children like you back then. You were lucky enough to be able to come out and be rescued early, and you were able to recover as before. But some children died early, and some died in the trap. Some of them died in the fire. The fundamental reason for such a thing to happen is that the Gu family was assassinated. Why was the Gu family assassinated? One is that the people in charge of the family are not vigilant enough, and the other is that the Gu family is just a family, unable to compete with Dongyang. One nation against."

"It's also because of this that after the incident, the Gu family was confiscated and exterminated, and the court wanted to arrest your father and your father. Why did your father revolt? It's because he didn't do that. You, your two younger brothers, They will all be killed by the court."

"You think your father is doing thankless things, but it is not the case. He is doing his best to protect you. Why your father wants to give you the crown prince now is also because people can only stand on the high ground. In order to protect the people you want to protect, you can do what you want to do."

After listening to Shen Kapok, Xinxin was silent for a while.

"Mother, how many children died?"

"a lot of."

Shen Mumian said, "Do you still remember the tiger's head, half of the face is gone? We used to have so many children in our house, all of whom were covered by Japanese people just like you."

"Mother, I want revenge, I want to avenge them."

"If you want revenge, you can only do so by standing high. Why did your father want to take that seat? In addition to protecting you, he also wanted to avenge you and the children who died, but the hatred between countries , can’t be completed overnight, do you understand?”



Shen Kamian patted his shoulder for fear, beckoning him to go forward.

Xinxin hesitated for a while, but was obedient.

Standing in front of the case, he looked at Li Chenxuan for a few seconds.

Then he knelt down with a plop, "Father, my son will definitely be a good prince, and will work hard to protect the people of Ming Dynasty!"

"it is good!"

Li Chenxuan stood up excitedly.

Because this was the first time that Xinxin called his father, called him father, and this sound meant that he finally recognized his identity.

"Father believes that you can do it!"

Leopard looked at Li Chenxuan holding Xinxin in his arms, but shook his head and said, "Sad, so sad."

"You talk nonsense again, your father will beat you soon." Li Minxuan reminded him.

Leopard hid behind him when he heard the words, "Then uncle, protect me for a while."

"You kid..."

(End of this chapter)

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