The open life of peasant girl kapok

Chapter 938 Officials Are Dissatisfied With the Existence of Monk Hui

Chapter 938 Officials Are Dissatisfied With the Existence of Monk Hui
"General, is our next step going to return to Lancheng?"

After Leopard and Gu San left, Gu Ba came over to ask.

"Don't worry, let the army rest for a day. If I guess correctly, Linda's side is probably in dire straits. The army rests for a day. You stay and guard Xiangcheng for the time being. When the two cities are broken, find someone." I will replace you later."


"Also, we won the first battle, and it's time to send a letter back to Chuanyu. The army has been out for so long, and some people should be anxious."


Shen Mumian expected it well, there were indeed many people in Chuanyu who were anxious.

He even blocked Li Chenxuan's door early in the morning in a hurry.

In fact, these people came to block Li Chenxuan two days ago, but Li Chenxuan didn't understand why Shen Mumian marched like that, and couldn't answer these people.

He couldn't answer, and there was no movement from Shen Mumian's side for a long time, so someone asked for a change of general.

How is it possible to change generals?
Li Chenxuan thought, although he had never fought in battle, he also knew that it would be a very taboo thing to change before the battle.

But these old guys were so annoying that they had no choice but to hide out with an excuse.

However, this group of people saw that he was hiding, so they stayed here overnight.

"Wang, why don't you go down and drive those people away?"

Monk Hui hurriedly said, "No, absolutely not, now is the time for employing people, and we must not drive people out."

"Yes, the master is right."

At this time, Li Chenxuan asked Monk Hui, "Master, in your opinion, what does my brother and sister mean? Why do you want to go to Lancheng?"

There is a distance from Lancheng to Chuanyu, so there will be some time errors. They only thought that the army would arrive at Lancheng, but they didn't know that Xiangcheng had already been captured.

"I'm afraid the drunkard's intention is not to drink."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't figure out what General Shen means, but I made a fortune last night for the army. Everywhere the army goes is auspicious. The king is not worried about it."


Li Chenxuan was overjoyed, the monk's words were still accurate.


"Good, good, good."

Li Chenxuan thought for a while and said, "Go, call some adults in."

"Go and get the new tea that this king got last time."

Now that Li Chenxuan has claimed to be king, after all, he has revolted, he is no longer a courtier of Tianqi, and it is no longer appropriate to call him an adult.


Soon, Zhizhou Yuanchuan Yu and others came.

"King, you are finally free to receive your ministers."

"Wang, did General Shen send a letter explaining why he was going to Lancheng?"

"Yes, the army has been gone for more than a month, and now there is no news, no one was killed in a battle, so what are you going out for? Parade to play?"

"This progress is too slow."


Several officials were very dissatisfied with this.

"My lords, there is no need to worry." Monk Hui said, holding on to the rosary, "We must pay attention to the right time, place and people in this battle. General Shen's first battle in the south must be cautious."

Among them, Mr. Chen, the former prefect and the current magistrate, was very dissatisfied when he saw this monk following Li Chenxuan again.

And said bluntly, "My lord, the name of our riot is the Qing emperor's side, and the Qing one is the national teacher next to the emperor. I won't say anything before the incident, after all, the situation was different at that time. But now, we have already started the incident. With such a reputation, but now you have such a master by your side, aren’t we standing upright?”

(End of this chapter)

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