Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1000 Doubts

Chapter 1000 Doubts
Somewhere in the southern mountains of Dayan, all the southward troops who were flying fast in the depths of the clouds landed, scattered among the undulating mountains and ravines.

"Let's take a look, the situation has changed." After Tang Yan and Nian Wuqing read the information carefully, they handed it to Tang Ba and others beside them.

Tang Ba and the others exchanged glances in surprise, and gathered together to look through them separately.

"The imperial city secretly arrived at the third half saint?"

"It's Huo Sheng, the president of the Tianyuan Empire's Guild of Evil Spirits!"

"A gang that does all kinds of evil, a notorious villain, and he is also one of the five great half-sages in the Tianyuan Empire!"

"Since he's here, the Evil Spirit Society must have been controlled by the Temple of the Holy Spirit."

"What's wrong, the two half-temple envoys sent by the Holy Spirit Hall are enough to assist King Ling of Zhou to control Biannan, and a third one needs to be dispatched from Canglan Ancient Land?! The ancestors of the Great Zhou Empire wouldn't let them be so cautious, right? Could it be that the Dayan Mountain Range is about to intervene? Impossible."

"The 53 venerables who arrived in secret have been hiding in various places in Dross. Suddenly, they all came to the imperial city yesterday. All the warriors gathered in the Imperial City, and another three hundred Martial King powerhouses were dispatched!"

"Aren't they preparing for the national war? What's the reason for all of them to gather all of a sudden? Could it be that they are preparing to concentrate their superior forces to attack Huanglong and directly destroy the royal family of Dazhou?"

"Wait, you read this news! It is said that a half-saint of the Holy Spirit Temple quietly left the imperial city late last night, followed a straight line all the way southward, reaching the southern coastal swamp, and then disappeared!"

"The marsh by the sea? It's located on the southernmost border of Dross, far away from the inland of Dross, and far from the Great Zhou Empire. Further south, it will enter the forbidden area of ​​the sea. Does he still want to detour and sneak attack? As for taking so much trouble?"

Everyone read the information one after another, discussing it one after another.

Tang Yan looked solemn, frowning in thought, he didn't care if there was one more demi-saint, even if there were three more, he didn't care.What he was really sensitive about was why all the Martial Lords in the Holy Spirit Hall suddenly gathered together and summoned the King Wu and the Martial Kings under King Zhou Ling. It was obviously a sign of a sneak attack, which was completely different from the expected national war.

What is more sensitive is the term 'Southern Coastal Swamp', which is regarded as an inaccessible fringe area, and further south is the forbidden area leading to the boundless sea.

Southern Seas? !The more Tang Yan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and he slowly looked at Nian Wuqing: "Where is the deep sea vortex where the ancient gold clan entered the Lost Battle Realm?"

Um? !Nian Wuqing's heart jumped slightly, his eyes revealed a strange light, but he slowly shook his head: "The first deep sea vortex was born in the lair of the Holy Emperor Mo Qilin, the deepest part of the East China Sea, and many other deep sea vortexes were born in various sea areas, but the deep sea vortex in the southern deep sea Relatively less.

After entering the Lost Battle Realm, in order to prevent the war from spreading to the Qitian Continent, all the deep sea vortexes were destroyed, including the southern sea area. "

"Where did you come from?"

"It's not as simple as you think." Nian Wuqing understood Tang Yan's meaning, but shook his head again, and said: "We were guarded by Huangwei back then and passed through the turbulent space, but the turbulent space is actually a lost area. It is directly and definitely sent to a certain place, but it is extended indiscriminately. Even if you pass through the most dangerous area and reach the outer source of the deep sea vortex, the space crack there will tear you into other space trajectories. When we This is the case, scattered to different areas, so we don't know where the deep-sea vortex was when we first left.

Qi Lufu and Ke Zunshan were able to go back in a hurry, maybe because they discovered another vortex, or they may have discovered the root of the left vortex, but they have already left, and we can't be sure where it is.The dragon-eating loach may also know something, but it is too late. From here to Jiulongling, it takes nearly a month to go back and forth. "

"Does the Temple of the Holy Spirit want to send people here again?"

"I understand your suspicion, but it's unlikely. Except for the ancient gold clan, no other forces in the Lost Battle Realm know that there is a passage leading to the Qitian Continent, and the ten ancient clans are all working together to monitor the passage. , it is possible to secretly send a few people over, but it will not be sent on a large scale.

That vortex is too terrifying, there are still 'Ten Emperors Eli' in the space turbulence, and it will be destroyed if you are not careful.Even if it is lucky to pass, it will consume a lot. "

"Then what is the purpose of the half-saint of the Holy Spirit Hall approaching the South China Sea?" Tang Yan thought silently, but lacked information and could not find a clue.

The rest of the people looked at the information one after another, discussing it a lot, but they couldn't come up with reasonable inferences and explanations.

The third prince stood not far away, staring blankly at Tang Yan. The more he looked at it, the more he felt familiar. Finally, he suddenly thought of the Battle of Dross that year. It was like being hit in the back of the head by a hammer, and the buzzing sound completely froze. .

It turns out that the village owner of Wagang Village is the young master mentioned by the mysterious team!
It turns out that the mysterious figure is... Tang Yan? !

The dandy young master of the Giant Elephant City, who was famous in the north back then, now has such a terrifying power, he has actually been promoted to the semi-holy realm!
Half holy!How old is he? !
The third prince kept shaking his head, kept his expression in a trance, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Not only the third prince, but even Matthews's unchanging state of mind for thousands of years had turmoil, a pair of sword eyebrows involuntarily frowned, and locked on Tang Yan straight.

The breath of the semi-holy realm? !
How can it be!I have experienced life and death several times, selfless tempering, and the help of the fierce sword to be promoted to the third-rank Martial Venerable Realm. Tang Yan was no better than himself before, how can he be promoted to the semi-sage again now? !
Just like driving a demon master to the Imperial City of Dros back then, now he is driving a semi-holy monster, and the aura is so violent and terrifying, the four arms and three weapons all bring a landslide-like oppressive threat.

Where did he get the opportunity?To be able to subdue a semi-holy monster and make it a mount!

Matthews' eyes swayed slightly, moving towards the charming woman next to Tang Yan - Niya!
Tier [-]!Another Tier [-] Martial Venerable!
I used to think that I was growing rapidly, that I could be called Bian Nan's first prodigy, and that I was expected to hit the semi-saint within ten years, but I haven't seen each other in just a few years, and both Tang Yan and Niya are making rapid progress!
I used to think that meeting again would surpass everyone, but now... Tang Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then noticed Matthews in the crowd, but at the moment he was upset, and just responded with a friendly smile, not too much exchange of pleasantries.Besides, Matthews is not someone who will greet you, a look and a nod are enough!

Halfway back to Nalantu, he pondered: "The gathering of all the Martial Lords in the Holy Spirit Hall this time is not worthy of our deep consideration. But Zhou Lingwang also gathered his own Martial Lord and King Wu, there must be special intentions .

My first suspicion is that they want to concentrate their superior forces for a surprise attack, rather than triggering a national war as we expected.The second suspicion is that they want to suspend the attack and have other important matters to deal with. The semi-saint of the Holy Spirit Hall going south to Binhai is a sign. "

Niya said: "We have too little information, we must find a way to get more information, and act as soon as possible!"

Tang Yan looked at the fifth judge: "Is there any other news?"

"Not yet, but people have been sent to investigate."

"Fourth Uncle, Fifth Uncle, you two go to Binhai in person, you must find out the movements of the demi-holy of the Holy Spirit Hall, but don't disturb him." Tang Yan's expression was very serious. He had always suspected that something was wrong in Nanhai. This is the main reason why the Temple of the Holy Spirit took action in Biannan University.

Nian Wuqing's understanding of the deep sea vortex is very vague, and he doesn't believe that the problem lies in the South China Sea.However, after thousands of years, the Holy Spirit Temple may have found a way to avoid other forces to secretly convey the clansmen, or has found a way to send them out directly without being affected by the turbulent flow of space.

In short, anything is possible.

But the information I know is pitiful!
"Understood, let's go!" The two turned and left the mountains without hesitation.

Tang Yan pondered for a while, and greeted the five evil dragon team members: "You rush back to the country of Yan as soon as possible, visit the holy land of Yaochi, and inform them to prepare, and invite the saintess or the ancestor of the country of Yan, and the two choose one of them. One, go south to Wagang Village and wait there temporarily. If there is a situation in Yan State, he can return in time, and if we need it here, he can also provide timely support."

"Huh?" Nian Wuqing and the others were secretly surprised. Could it be that they made a big fuss?
"Understood!" The five evil dragon members did not hesitate, and quickly left the team and returned.

"Third prince, long time no see, it's good to get together after the matter is over." Tang Yan smiled at the third prince, breaking his absent-mindedness: "Now, please return to the royal family immediately and remind the royal family to be prepared. Possibility of concentrated force lightning raid.

It is up to you to decide whether to draw all the forces outside back to the royal realm, or to scatter outside and continue to guard.But my personal opinion is that it is best to draw them all back. Anyway, King Zhou Ling's power is also gathered in his own imperial city now, so there is no need to worry about the threat of frontier troops. "

"Ah? Ah, yes, I'll go back now." The third prince's expression was still in a daze, he turned his head every step of the way, looked at Tang Yan for a while, and then led the team away.

"Master Su, please wait in the southern mountain area for the time being. Let's go to the imperial city of Dros to investigate the situation first. After everything is clear, we will take joint action. The troops from Wagangzhai and Yuhua Palace will also stay here temporarily. I will only bring a few people with me. It’s fine in the past.”

Tang Yan made the impromptu arrangement and made arrangements neatly. He only took Nian Wuqing, Zhaoyi, Niya, Matthews, and the Xielong team members to leave secretly. What the hell are you doing.

(End of this chapter)

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