Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1002 Tianling Imperial City

Chapter 1002 Tianling Imperial City
With the return of a large number of King Wu Zunwu and the martial law issued by the royal family, Tianling City, which has become the recognized imperial capital, suddenly became tense. The streets are no longer lively.

The four gates of the imperial city are open for a limited time of three hours a day, and are closed for the rest of the time.

Tang Yan and others arrived in Tianling City before dark, and walked into the long-awaited ancient city with a team of a chamber of commerce. This chamber of commerce belonged to the Intelligence Department of the Great Zhou Empire, and its task was to provide Tang Yan and others with a disguised cover.

Furthermore, with Niya, a sorcerer, the difficulty of entering the city would not be difficult for them.

"King Zhou Ling really regards himself as the emperor?" Walking on the "bustling" street with few people, Matthews made no secret of his killing intent, his sharp eyes penetrated through the layers of buildings, and went straight to the depths of the inner city The towering palace complex.

Niya reminded: "Restraint, there are two semi-sages inside the palace, and the semi-sacred soul power of the Holy Spirit Temple is very strong, and can capture excessively strong emotional fluctuations. We try to restrain ourselves, and it is not appropriate to leak it in advance."

"Uncle Wuqing, how many warriors are gathered in the imperial city?" Tang Yan frowned and stared at the imperial city. He could vaguely gather irregular energy in the sky and earth in that area, and there were signs of strong fluctuations. This is too strong. It is a natural phenomenon caused by people gathering without restraint.

At least it can show that the information of the Dragon Scale Troops is correct - a large number of Wu Zun are gathered in the imperial city, King Ling of Zhou is likely to be preparing for a special operation.

Nian Wuqing closed his eyes slightly, breathing calmly, looking at the imperial city with his mind, nodded after a while and said: "Two semi-sages, more than 60 Martial Venerables, among them there are ten Tier [-] Martial Venerables, and the number of Martial Kings is [-]." More than five hundred."

"What a strong lineup!" Even Zhaoyi was shocked by the number of strong men in the imperial city. Even if thrown in the vast Central Plains, such a lineup is enough to sweep an area, let alone this remote southern wasteland.

"It seems that Zhou Lingwang is planning a big event." Nalantu's delicate face was calm, and he accepted the gazes of everyone: "On the way here, I stood at the position of Zhou Lingwang and the Holy Spirit Hall. I made an empathy, assuming that they really value Biannan, they will definitely try their best to preserve the integrity of this land, including the natural landscape and urban structure, as well as the livelihood of the people.

In this way, they will not hope to resolve their grievances through a national war, and they don't want to cause anger and grievances.

If enough strong men can be mobilized to use it, as it is now, the best way is to lock the main areas and main characters of the Great Zhou royal family, conduct lightning raids, and pull out the high-level ones one by one, which is equivalent to directly cutting off the main areas and main characters of the Great Zhou royal family. At this time, the lifeblood of the Zhou Empire relied on absolute power to descend forcefully, and the entire south of the border would easily fall under control.

Judging from the current situation, it is not surprising that they probably want to take such an action plan.Two half-sages, sixty Martial Venerables, and five hundred Martial Kings are enough for them to sweep the upper echelons of the Great Zhou Empire. "

"I agree with Nalan's conjecture that King Zhou Ling and the Hall of the Holy Spirit have called all the strong men to meet up for the final discussion, and the attack is only a few days away.

It's getting dark now, so I suggest sneaking into the imperial city at night to find out what's going on, at least get to know their action plan, so you can be prepared. "

Niya really appreciates Nalantu's delicate way of thinking and unique reasoning perspective.

Nalantu shook his head slowly, but his expression was a little dignified: "I'm [-]% sure that they are going to take a lightning raid to end the southern border separatism, but the question is, what kind of temptation is it that makes the Temple of the Holy Spirit come here? Bian Nan invested so much manpower and energy, what kind of purpose is driving them to control Bian Nan regardless of loss.

In addition to the collapsed mysterious underground ancient city cemetery, there must be other aspects!
I suspect that the reason why the other half-saint of the Holy Spirit Temple went south to Binhai was not to sneak into the Great Zhou Empire by detour, but to go straight south to the ocean. There may be other purposes that can reveal that the Holy Spirit Temple insists on controlling Biannan. "

"Nalan's analysis is very thorough. All the way back from Jiulongling to the present, the more I think about the border south incident, the more difficult it will be. Now the focus is not only to kill Zhou Lingwang to solve the border south incident, but also to find out the details of the Holy Spirit Hall. real purpose."

Tang Yan had serious doubts about the purpose of the Holy Spirit Temple, but after Nalantu's detailed and well-founded deliberations, he was even more sure of his judgment - the problem lies in the coastal area, or even in the barren sea area in the south.

Nalantu said: "It's meaningless for us to speculate wildly here. The key point is to find out more information as soon as possible. I suggest that we split up tonight, but we must be cautious if we want to sneak into the imperial city."

Tang Yan said: "There are only two semi-sages in the palace, so it won't be difficult for us. In this way, you will investigate the outside, and Uncle Wuqing and I will enter the imperial city separately. We will move after dark and meet at midnight. Try to keep hidden. As a last resort, I can’t leak it. I don’t want to scare the snake in advance, and remember the purpose, not only to destroy Zhou Lingwang, but also to find out the purpose of the deployment of the Holy Spirit Hall in the south of the border.”

"I'm in charge of the southern city." Matthews made a direct choice. The appearance of Tianling City has not changed much from the Dross Imperial City back then. He lived in the southern city for a while when he was young. , is also responsible for the south, has feelings for it, and is very familiar with it.

"I'm in charge of the north."

"I'm in charge of the East."

"The west is over to me."

"The other scattered areas are handed over to our evil dragon troops."

Niya, Zhaoyi, Nalantu and the evil dragon troops make their own choices.

Everyone followed the Chamber of Commerce team back to a courtyard located in a hidden place in the outer city, and settled down for the time being. After a short rest, when it was dark and the imperial city became a little more lively, Tang Yan and the others immediately left in a flash, taking advantage of the night to sneak in Every corner of the ancient city.

The evil dragon troops are proficient in espionage and have rich experience in performing missions, so there is no need to worry about their whereabouts, and Tang Yan and others are even more extraordinary. Even the weaker Nalantus are second-level warriors, and the rest are either third-level or half-level. Holy, or straight up saint.

While Niya and the others scattered their investigations, Nian Wuqing was the first to sneak into the palace.

Tang Yan then sneaked in with a hidden 'ghost'.

The palace complex is very large, and the imperial guards are patrolling around, and the guards are very strict, and armored warriors marching as a whole can be seen everywhere.

If you feel carefully, you can find that the aura of the venerable appeared in each area one by one, forming a fishing net and covering the entire palace group.

Tang Yan and Ghost Shadow moved forward together, trying to avoid the patrolling team, and haunted important areas such as main palaces, harems, and academies, but after several rounds, they did not find the expected scene.

Until half an hour later, Tang Yan was guided by the wolf teeth, and found a special figure in a special place - Zhou Lingwang!

The imperial city, the zoo!
King Zhou Ling has been staying here since the afternoon, and with the coming of the war, he likes to stay here more and more to taste the blood and killing.

The lightning attack campaign is coming. Once the ruling power of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty collapses, the entire fertile land in the south of the border will become its own territory.

At that time, the yellow robe will be wrapped around the body, the crown will come down, and the laurel crown of "one emperor through the ages" will finally fall on his head.

Although King Ling of Zhou was deep in the city and secretly resisted the too strong intervention of the Holy Spirit Hall against him, he still couldn't stop his heartbeat when he looked forward to the glorious glory of "one emperor through the ages" right in front of him.

"The entire southern territory will be transformed into the king's territory, and hundreds of millions of subjects will submit to me!" King Zhou Ling stood by the fence, staring at the bloody fight between the two packs of wolves in the animal garden below, clenched his hands tightly, A burst of pride flourished.

But he didn't notice that somewhere in the sinful man-made garden below, two figures sat casually among the branches, separated by layers of tree shadows, and stared at him coldly through the dark night.

"... King Ling of Zhou..."

Tang Yan stared at the familiar figure with no expression on his face, but there was a clear killing intent silently in his eyes.In the back of my mind, I can't help but sketch out various scenes of the year, from the framing of the psychedelic forest to the pursuit, from the tragic battle in the giant elephant city to the escape, and then to the national war in Dross.

My downfall, Tang Qiong's calamity, and Ailinda's tragic death all came directly from this man!

Granny Li, Venerable Huo Ying, and the younger generations of the Rao family all died under the butcher's knife of this man!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is blood and deep hatred!
Even if Tang Qiong escaped from danger and Ailinda was resurrected, he and the Rao family could still be considered passable, but they were not enough to offset the crime King Zhou Ling committed in the first place.

"You let me experience more than ten years of remorse and pain, and finally it's time to pay back, King Zhou Ling, let's play slowly, and we won't let you die easily!"

Tang Yan restrained the murderous urge in his body very well, now is not the time to kill him, and he doesn't intend to let him easily 'pay the debt of blood'!
At this moment... "Your Majesty! An urgent letter from thousands of miles away!" A confidant general hurried over from a distance, and handed the letter to King Zhou Ling with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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