Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1009 Absurd

Chapter 1009 Absurd
"Assemble immediately and fight out together!" The Heavenly Blood Envoy was the first to come back to his senses, staring at Tang Yan with cold eyes, and lowered his voice to remind Zhou Lingwang and others: "The deputy master of my palace, Luotian, is already on the way, as long as you escape Here, we still have a chance to come back!"

"And the deputy hall master? What strength?" Huo Sheng was about to run away, when he heard this sentence, his eyes lit up.

"Saint! He's coming soon, and he's probably already entered Biannan." The Heavenly Blood Demon didn't even know where Fallen Heaven was now, and his whole body was tense, but if the current situation didn't give everyone some hope, nothing but destruction There is no other way.

King Ling of Zhou was in high spirits, his eyes brightened, and he mocked Tang Yan with a sneer: "Shut up your rambunctious words, no one can stop this king's progress, no one can stop this king from achieving great achievements in the future!
Twenty years ago, you couldn't stop me from forming an alliance with the Temple of the Holy Spirit, but you were like a dog; ten years ago, you couldn't stop me from taking down Delos, and your father-in-law and his family could only flee; today, you can't stop me from taking control of Biannan. "

"Traitor Tang Yan, you are destined to live under the shadow of this king all your life, you are destined to be the foil of this king forever, watch with your dog eyes wide open, and see how this king can achieve great things for thousands of years!"

King Zhou Ling's voice became more and more high-pitched, and with a final roar, a icy white wave of cold blasted into the sky: "The plan is changed, the four parties gather!"

"Let's fight together!" Huo Sheng exchanged vicious glances with the Blood Angel.

"King Zhou Ling, do you know what the saddest thing is?" Tang Yan smiled, and the smile was full of sarcasm. He pressed his fingers, and the guards in the east gate area of ​​the ancient city received the order, and they raised their knives and fell on the ground. on Zhou Lingxue's head.

"Father, run away..." Zhou Lingxue's violent struggle suddenly stopped, and her continuous shouting came to an abrupt end.

On the top of the city, among hundreds of soldiers, the scene suddenly freezes!

The sharp heavy ax fell in the air, and the unwilling head fell, and the scarlet blood sprayed out sad and beautiful traces, and the fresh life ended.

King Zhou Ling felt something in his heart, turned his head suddenly, stared at the city tower a thousand meters away, his heart trembled violently, his pupils shrank, his head hummed loudly, and he just froze in place.

The glaring blood made the atmosphere suddenly extremely tense.

The strong men in the Holy Spirit Palace and the Lingwang Mansion were short of breath, fully alert, and their eyes full of fear were fixed on the powerful enemies gathered around them.

The Lord of Zhaoyi Palace stands high in the sky, with a sea of ​​flowers covering the sky, sealing off the entire eastern city area. The petals are gorgeous and enchanting, and the flower clusters are beautiful and eye-catching, exuding a white brilliance, but anyone can feel it from inside. throbbing breath.

Especially the domineering and powerful ancient beast behind Tang Yan brought a trembling sense of oppression to the audience. They usually thought they were strong, but facing that monster at this moment, it was like an ordinary child who suddenly saw the bloody monster. Tiger, strong despair filled my heart.

The three monkey masters of the monkey clan twisted their shoulders, shook their arms, and moved forward eagerly. Zhan Juhu, Tang Ba and others all had sneering sneers on their faces, filled with bloodthirsty killing intent. The second palace master and the third The palace masters were scattered in the sea of ​​flowers, each accumulating spiritual power.

The nervousness on the part of Lingwang's mansion and the soaring fighting spirit on Tang Yan's side made the battlefield situation threatening to explode.

Not only the Zhengdong area, but also the other Zhengxi, Zhengnan, and Zhengbei regions are also full of fighting spirit. Su Li and other forces in the Dayan Mountains and even the powerful royal family are mainly distributed in the Zhengdong and Zhengbei, because the Zhengxi area is dominated by the Great Zhou Dynasty. The patriarch of the royal family and the two third-tier Martial Venerables are powerful enough to control the audience at the semi-holy level, and with the assistance of two third-tier warriors, no one can escape.

"Tang Yan...I want to twist your head off with my own hands, swallow your flesh and blood, and torture and kill all your relatives!" Zhou Lingwang turned around slowly, his eyes were already flushed, his cheeks were bulging, and he was no longer calm and luxurious, just like a cruel man. the beast.

20 years ago, she lost her daughter Zhou Linglu, who was her favorite daughter. 20 years later, Zhou Lingxue showed her talent and became her helper.

The two daughters died tragically, and the culprit was Tang Yan!

"Death is imminent, and you still can't see the situation clearly. This is your greatest sorrow. Don't look at me with this pair of eyes. More than two of my relatives died at your hands! New and old hatred for 20 years, we today Let's settle together, you enjoy this process, and enjoy the wonderful feeling of falling from the peak to the ground."

"In the past 20 years, you have been allowed to escape twice. This time, we will fight to the death. If we don't screw your head off, I, King Zhou Ling, will never become emperor!" King Zhou Ling took a deep breath, exerting all his strength to calm down a little. Some, but his eyes are red, and the resentment in his body has reached the extreme.

"It's all up to now, and you still want to be the emperor? You are not so pitiful! Uncle Qiong, he made you suffer for ten years, and you will take it down first." Tang Yan shook the ancient sword, Pointing at Huo Sheng: "Old man Huo, let's make gestures? Three tricks abused you, will you mess with brother in the future?"

"Damn! The little yellow-haired thief, who uses the secret method to strengthen his strength, is worthy of yelling at me. Do you dare to challenge me one-on-one!" Huo Sheng had already seen the situation clearly, so he took Tang Yan for surgery, and a little boy grew into a semi-saint It's completely unreasonable, he must have used a secret method, such a child will definitely be arrogant again, and he can just take advantage of the loophole.

"It's just the two of us, make an agreement, three tricks." Tang Yan clenched the ancient saber tightly, and the blue fire quickly gathered in the sky, turning into a thick wave of fire and wrapping around his body, like a crisp giant python entrenched around him.

"Let the monster behind you go away first, we will fight alone!" Huo Sheng pointed at Luo Hu obliquely, he was very afraid of this monster, and he didn't want to confront him.

"It's just the two of us, no one is going to bother you." Tang Yan stepped forward, the speed of the green fire coiling suddenly accelerated, and the semi-holy aura overwhelmed the audience, encouraging his own troops and deterring the enemy's heroes.

"Don't be afraid! Our Saint Fallen Heaven is in the north, and it's coming soon, get out!!" Huo Sheng suddenly roared and encouraged, and told the truth. The powerhouses of the Lingwang Palace and the Holy Spirit Palace were first stunned and then ecstatic.

It was in this gap that Huo Sheng seized the opportunity and rushed forward.

"Wait!!" Zhou Lingwang suddenly roared and stopped Huo Sheng.

"Dry hair? If you fart, let it go!" Huo Qi was in high spirits, and the gray aura of resentment had spewed out, and once again gathered at high altitude to look like a giant crow, the gray aura drowned the petals within hundreds of meters.

One holy, one hateful!

The two semi-holy auras intertwined and collided, and there were dense stabbing sounds in the sky.

"The antidote!" Zhou Lingwang threw a jade bottle to Huo Sheng with a sullen face.

"What antidote?" Huo Sheng reached out to catch it, puzzled.

"I poisoned you." King Zhou Ling's voice was very deep, but anyone could hear it clearly.

Now that things have come to an end, I don't care about face anymore, and escaping from birth is the top priority.

"What the hell?" Huo Sheng stared.

The Heavenly Blood Envoy and the others were also slightly stunned, the soaring aura was obviously in a mess, while Tang Yan and the others showed playful smiles, and Tang Yan had already heard Tang Yan mention it on the way.

"I poisoned you, take the antidote quickly, or you won't survive Tang Yan's three moves."

"You poisoned me? I'm @#¥%# you old mother!" Huo Sheng was furious, and the boiling resentment rushed towards King Zhou Ling like a rhinoceros, and at the same time he hurriedly opened the jade bottle, He poured out a stream of red pills, cursing incessantly.

But before he could stuff the pill into his mouth, Tang Yan appeared beside him like lightning.

The bursting speed, the soaring fighting spirit, the round ancient saber, and the flipped body all together create an unparalleled force at the moment of landing: "The flame...eight heavy blows..."

Aww! !The thick green fire gathered wildly, and it roared like a wild beast. The light of the ancient sword soared, and the green fire superimposed violently. The moment it fell on Huo Sheng, the green fire unexpectedly condensed into a solid body, turning into a body more than ten meters away. The huge cyan knife body, with the fierce power of breaking the sky and breaking the river, blasted head-on at Huo Sheng who was about to deliver medicine into his mouth.

boom! ! !The knife light tore through the resentful breath, and blasted firmly at Huo Sheng's abdominal cavity.Accompanied by a loud noise, the abdominal cavity of Huo Sheng's body instantly shattered, and his whole body exploded into the sky like a fired shell, and he was about to put a pill in his mouth and throw it away.

He blasted thousands of meters away in a tumbling posture, and smashed the giant city gate head-on. With a loud bang, the giant city gate burst on the spot. He threw it nearly a hundred meters away again, drawing a dilapidated deep hole on the streets of the ancient city. The pit, the whole person is bloody and bloody, it is too horrible to look at.

"Please enjoy, the time of a stick of incense will end the battle!"

Tang Yan raised his arms and raised his saber. The sound was not loud, but it spread throughout the audience, completely igniting today's battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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