Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1021

Chapter 1021

"Do you really think that a semi-saint can live forever? Do you really think I can't kill you?"

The huge body of the ancient beast descended above Tang Yan like a mountain. The injuries all over his body filled him with hatred, and he pulled his claws towards Tang Yan's body forcefully.

No one has been able to hurt himself for hundreds of years!
Even a half-saint who ventured into the South China Sea ten years ago was easily eaten by him!

The bastard in front of him actually hurt himself so badly!
They are now thousands of meters deep at the bottom of the deep sea, the pressure of the sea water is as heavy as a mountain, and even their movements are very slow, but the actions of the ancient beasts are not affected, on the contrary, the smoother and more relaxed they are. Like a bolt of lightning tearing apart the sea.

Snapped! !The blood overflowed, and the skin was ripped apart!

Tang Yan's body was bloody and bloody on the spot, exposing stubble. The severe pain caused his whole body to convulse, and his face turned pale again. Under the impact of the huge force, his body turned over along the vortex of the seabed, leaving behind a series of scarlet blood and broken pieces. of scales.

In other areas of Wang Yang, the golden monkeys are still struggling crazily, but no matter which direction they yearn for impact, their bodies always move in the opposite area. Whether it is a large movement, or turning their head, shaking their fingers, or twisting their waist, they are completely unable to use it. .As a result, the more anxious the irritable golden monkey became, the more embarrassed he became, the angrier he became, and the crazier he became.

"How does it taste? How long can you hold on? Talk!!" Seeing Tang Yan's surprisingly calm, the ancient beast became annoyed and aroused a bit of anger, and once again rushed forward fiercely. , Beating and humiliating Tang Yan wantonly like rotten meat.

The bottom of the sea is not pitch black, but bluish light. You can clearly see that Tang Yan is in dilapidated condition, and the bottom of the sea is dyed a dazzling scarlet with blood.

"Resistance!!" Langya happened to be swept here by the vortex, and witnessed the scene in front of him.

Tang Yan was indifferent, eyes closed, body tensed, writhing like duckweed with the twisting force of the deep sea vortex.

"I'm going to pump you into meat sauce!" The ancient beast suddenly took control of a square area of ​​tens of meters around Tang Yan, completely static, as if glassing this area from the deep sea vortex.

Then... Ka... With the claws of the ancient beast clenched, the imprisoned area suddenly shrank and suppressed, fully compressed three times, the density of the water flow was almost solidified, and Tang Yan's body locked inside suddenly cracked There was a distorted sound, large pieces of bones were misplaced, and scarlet blood flowed from the depths of the ruptured wound.

But... still calm, letting the ancient beast toss.

"Huh?!" The ancient beast felt weird, frowned and stared at Tang Yan, and slowly dispersed the trapped area.

Rumble!The tide continued to toss, Tang Yan tossed along with it, but his body was like the scene of a car accident, full of stubble, messy wounds, distorted bones, and gushing blood, it was too horrible to look at!
Anyone who saw it would be shocked. If Niya saw it, he would cry immediately. If Du Yang saw it, he might run away on the spot.

Today is the worst time since Tang Yan left Eternal Beast Mountain, and it is also the most severely injured.

Spike tried its best to charge over, but was swept away by the whirlpool created by the ancient beast's flicking wings.

"I want to see what you want to do?" The huge body of the ancient beast suddenly approached, staring at Tang Yan with blood red eyes.

Tang Yan was still churning with the ocean, ignoring the arrival of ancient beasts, the external environment, and even the sharp pain.But he is not giving up, but slowly adapting to the environment of the sea area while maintaining his mental balance.

From stretching your fingertips to a slight twist of your waist; from slightly kicking your legs and shrugging your shoulders to trying to control your body balance; from shaking your head to curling up your body;

Bit by bit, bit by bit, in a seemingly riotous environment, making extremely small attempts.

After more than [-] years of bloody battles, Tang Yan has long cultivated a calm and calm mentality, as well as the will not to be alarmed by changes.He has not lost his blood, but his mentality is already sophisticated. The more he is in a chaotic environment, the more he will not be able to confuse himself. The madness of the golden monkey is the best sign.

He was puzzled at first, unable to understand the strangeness of the sea area at all, and concluded that it was not the domain power of the ancient beast itself.

However, during the unacceptable abuse at the bottom of the sea, and during repeated stretching activities, he suddenly realized - the anti-gravity field!

It is completely different from the anti-gravity field suppressed by gravity!
Tang Yan was inspired by the rebellious domain of the giant war tiger!

But the anti-chaotic domain of the giant war tiger is probably just a fur-like existence, while the entire vast ocean's anti-gravity domain is extremely terrifying and perfect!
If it wasn't built by a certain holy beast on the bottom of the sea, it must be a forbidden place naturally formed by the vast ocean abyss. Whether it is the former or the latter, it will be an infinitely terrifying existence.

In fact, Tang Yan's own "anti-gravity field" can't perfectly explain the current situation, or it is more appropriate to describe it as "against nature" or "anti-nature".

Under normal natural conditions, when you apply force backwards, your body will move forward smoothly, the anti-gravity field, or "against nature" conditions, the body exerts force and the actual effect will be released Confusion, making you push backwards and move backwards.

For another example, in an unnatural environment, you want to deflect your body to the left, and use the force of twisting to the left. As a result...the force is misplaced, and your body turns directly to the right.

It is equivalent to the consciousness urging the body to exert force, and the response is completely opposite to the normal situation!

It is equivalent to the 'physiological cognition' and 'geographical environment' that a person has been fully adapted to since infancy, completely reversed the chaos in the current environment.

It is more terrifying than any martial arts!
Scarier than any trick!
In an unnatural environment, it completely negates all the environments that species have been adapting to since their birth!
The more Tang Yan understands, the more he is shocked, the more he understands that the result of anxiety will only be more embarrassing, and he can only sit and wait for death. He must try to adapt and control!
So he strained his body as hard as possible, using the tenacious defense of the demon spirit veins to resist the impact of the ancient beasts head-on, fully mobilizing the Undead Yantian Art to continuously repair his body, while he himself adapted to the anti-natural effect with the distortion of the vast ocean vortex.

At this moment, in the dark abyss in the deepest part of the ocean, a hoarse female voice came out - kill him!

The ancient beast was slightly dazed, and looked at the bottom of the sea in disbelief.

"Immediately!" The bottom of the sea made a sound again, endless bubbles gushed out, and more than a dozen fluffy blood hairs rushed out of the bottom of the sea with the bubbles, and sprinkled on the turbulent and chaotic underwater battlefield.

"Jiangyang overturned!" The ancient beast woke up suddenly, with a cry like an eagle, and its fleshy wings violently churned, triggering chaos in the deep sea, stirring up terrifying rotation and impact forces, cooperating with the anti-gravity field, all moving towards The place where Tang Yan was was bombarded.

Faced with such a scene, even if five and a half saints descend, they can completely lose control and 'go with the flow', completely losing the ability to resist.

At the same time as the ancient beast set off a frenzied wave, its two thick and sharp claws swung violently, shooting out two intersecting light blades, piercing through the whirlpool wave, and heading straight for Tang Yan.

How terrifying is the destructive power of this crossed light blade that allows the ancient beast to use it as a killer move?
"It's almost there. You abused me nine times and broke 28 of my bones. We can easily settle this debt!" Tang Yan's closed eyes finally opened at this moment. .

It's not a burst of impact, but an expanding vortex, spewing out a terrifying impact force, and even more densely packed ghosts and ghosts.

boom! !

The attack of two semi-holy-level ultimate attacks all contained a destructive collision force. The light blade and the Mieyan collided halfway, and they were immediately intertwined and swallowed. The bottom suddenly swelled, and the tide of seabed water in an area of ​​hundreds of meters suddenly evaporated, turning into tens of thousands of blisters that burst open and rushed in all directions.

The sudden evaporation of the hundreds of meters area formed a huge 'blank' area, which was 'filled' by the scattered water tide after a short silence.

This time and again, a huge vortex far surpassing the ancient beast's previous "Wang Yang Overturning" martial skill suddenly formed, accompanied by tens of thousands of water bubbles, forming a terrifying twisting force in the depths of the seabed, the ancient beast was affected on the spot, and was embarrassed. to the vortex.

Tang Yan finally stabilized his body, and opened the eight-phase thunder seal immediately!

At the moment when the lightning-like void marks appeared, he forcibly restrained the effect of his subconscious mind, and instead of taking advantage of the trend to step forward, he moved backwards. As a result... his body rushed forward into the void marks on the spot.

In the next moment, Tang Yan disappeared completely, and appeared in a slightly calm area by lightning hundreds of meters away.

It's not that they ran away randomly, but there happened to be a floating shadow here!
It was the 'blood hair' phantom discovered at the first moment.

The sudden appearance of the golden lightning and Tang Yan fully exhaled the phantom's expectation, and immediately issued a sharp sound wave, and quickly retreated stealthily.

But... "I'll take you somewhere!" Tang Yan's expression turned ferocious, and his eyes of silence burst out again.It does not belong to physical matter, and is not subject to the image of the anti-gravity field. It is like the golden monkey bombarding the ancient beast at the beginning, and he was ejected, but the golden light successfully hit it.

The blood-haired shadow drifted away soundlessly, but the Eye of Nirvana had been shot out, completely covering it.

In an instant, an extremely ear-piercing sharp sound resounded through the bottom of the sea, swaying through the churning vortex area, and agitated for several kilometers. In an instant, countless blood hairs all stopped, and all evil and cold eyes turned to where Tang Yan was.

The ancient beast that had just stabilized was a little stunned, and then roared violently. The manic roar shook the entire seabed, and the terrifying power swept in all directions, impacting the vast seabed. In an instant, the ocean surface that had just returned to silence completely boiled.

(End of this chapter)

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