Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1023 Lord of the Fiends

Chapter 1023 Lord of the Fiends
Tang Yan fell into the air from the wave of green fire in the sky, and recovered his normal body, wearing black robes.His eyes were dark and his face was cold and hard.The shadow of the beast entrenched in the sky still exists, and the surrounding body is covered with a cyan mist, making it difficult to see the real face. Occasionally, parts of the body will be exposed and quickly disappear in the mist.

Its evil spirit is so strong and so fierce that it silences the vast ocean of heaven and earth and makes all things tremble. The shrill screams from the ancient beasts in the sky add to its deterrent power.

Crashing, the surface of the sea dispersed one after another, and mermaids with disheveled hair appeared in the sky one by one, surrounded by flexible water currents, soaking the body, and surrounded Tang Yan from all directions.

They are all fish tails with human bodies. They are said to be fish tails, but they are more like python bodies with wide fins. They are black in blue, without scales, thick and powerful, without any aesthetic feeling at all.The upper body is a smooth human body, all of which are women, without any strands of hair, revealing sensitive parts, but the bloody scalp is scattered, making it impossible to see clearly, and simply covering the upper body of Chi-Guo, only the evil His eyes flashed in the bloody hair, looking extremely cold.

As they soared into the sky, the phenomenon of "against nature" reappeared, trapping Tang Yan in high altitude.

Tang Yan was fully on guard, looking around at every mermaid and beast, his brows could not help but frown. The strange thing is that he really can't find out their realm, and he can't even feel the fluctuation of energy. They are like ordinary beasts. No monsters are allowed, but they truly create a phenomenon of 'against nature'.

How to explain? !

Tang Yan had to admit that the ocean is a new world completely different from land, with too many unknowns and too many terrifying phenomena.

The evil mermaids and beasts looked at Tang Yan coldly, and some of them were trying to get closer to save the ancient beasts that were suffering in the sky, but they seemed to be afraid of Tang Yan's phantom entrenched in the sky, and refused to act presumptuously.

"Come out, let me experience the demeanor of the master of evil." Tang Yan took advantage of the short gap to swallow a semi-holy spirit source liquid, replenishing most of the spiritual power he consumed, and getting ready for a fierce battle .

Although a large amount of spiritual source liquid was distributed before the action, after all, the Falan Tower incident refined too many powerful people, and there were still five semi-holy and more than thirty high-level spiritual source liquids in the golden lock. Enough for him to squander and consume.

As soon as the spiritual source liquid of the semi-sacred realm entered the body, it exploded violently, turning into an ocean-like wave of energy and rushing towards the meridians like the Zijin Avenue. They flock to all areas of the body.

By the way, it swallows the life blood energy and the power of resentment inside, nourishing the life blood baby and the new world of death.

The water splashed on the sea surface, and a beautiful and wonderful mermaid burst out of the water, and the high-altitude Rebellion Domain suddenly rose a bit, as if it was about to reproduce the terrifying scene at the bottom of the sea!
The Lord of the Fiends is different from other mermaid beasts that are so gloomy, with a very different body shape and appearance. It has a dark blue fish body covered with fine scales, which is beautiful and charming, and the wide tail fin swings in a graceful arc.

The upper body is also a female body, perfect and flawless, as white as suet jade, with a slender waist, soft shoulders, and a delicate and perfect face.The crisp-chest on the chest has an outline that is not inferior to that of a human being, tall and straight, and the two pink dots are particularly eye-catching.

The long brown-red hair hangs loosely behind her, tied up casually by emerald green aquatic plants, beautifully resembling a mermaid fairy in a painting, making one sinking.

But Tang Yan didn't have the time to appreciate the rare beauty at all. He stared at the master of the murderous room, his heart was full of vigilance, and the Buddha seal on his forehead was shining brightly.

This fierce master is just like a banshee of the deep sea, her sky blue eyes are piercingly cold, not as ferocious as a beast, nor as complicated as a human being, her eyes have no emotion at all, just like a boundless The deep sea looks blue and beautiful, but it is full of danger.

With its appearance, two figures rise from the nearby sea surface, it is the golden monkey who is exhausted to death and the wolf tooth covered with water rope!
"Choose one of the two, and exchange servants." The voice of the master of the murderous room was slightly hoarse, which destroyed the aesthetics brought by the overall image and made people feel more dangerous.

Tang Yan remained silent, only staring at each other coldly.

Just at this moment, the wailing in the sky stopped abruptly, and the struggling figure of the ancient beast gradually calmed down.The ghostly blue flames surrounding it and devouring it suddenly became intense, turning into a raging vortex, rotating and tempering at a high speed, compressing the volume of the ancient beast at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The semi-holy ancient beast... fell!
Dozens of deep-sea mermaids at high altitude suddenly let out ear-piercing screams, their cold eyes full of resentment, their long blood-colored hair fluttering in the wind, and dense and sharp voices filled the high altitude, causing the already strong "anti-natural" power to continue to skyrocket, even A certain squeezing force is formed in the space.

"You kill my war servant, and I will be replaced by you in the future." The deep sea banshee was not angry at the death of the ancient beast, not even the slightest mood swing.

But... when I thought about it, the world changed.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in the sky of the vast ocean, and the wind swept across the ocean, stirring up turbulent waves, like thousands of troops roaring on the battlefield, and like thousands of drums beating the sky.


A sea beast completely gathered by the tide formed from the surface of the sea, making a deafening roar, sweeping through the churning waves and attacking Tang Yan.

Tang Yan stared blankly at the Lord of the Ominous Room. Driven by his thoughts, the turbulent green fire tide entrenched in the sky suddenly fell, just like the Milky Way pouring out, the flood flowed backwards, obliterating Tang Yan, spreading an area of ​​nearly a kilometer, Form a green fire field that melts heaven and earth.

The phantom of Long Kui churned in the green fire wave, still looming, but with a slightly more ferocious power, making the power of the green fire domain even more terrifying.

Ow! !
The sea beast moved like a giant crocodile, huge and mighty, carrying billowing waves, forming an attack storm of more than [-] meters, and rushed into the green fire field.

The giant crocodile contains the power of critical strike, and the wave contains the power of destruction.

But at the first moment of rushing into the Qinghuo field, Qinghuo counterattacked directly, like boiling soup and vortex snow, it melted completely in a blink of an eye, even the steam was swallowed, and only the spiritual power contained in the sea water was perfectly preserved.

Tang Yan is as stable as a mountain, standing still so as not to be affected by the force of 'against nature'.The ghostly green flames surged around, enough to comfort Tang Yan, and became even more surging after devouring the spiritual power in the sea water.

The lord of the fierce world's eyes turned slightly cold, and the wrath of the ocean was violent again.

Aww! !The roar is like a tide, the ear-splitting roar of suppressing the rushing tide, one after another water beasts are formed in the sea, some are more than ten meters long, some are 30 meters long, there are giant crocodiles, seabirds, whale sharks, etc., their breath Fierce, breaking through the ocean, carrying a mighty tide, rushing towards the high-altitude green fire field one after another.

Boom boom boom!The violent impact shook the green fire field, but it was still swallowed and melted one after another, and the power of the blue fire continued to skyrocket instead.

Tang Yan was indifferent, staring coldly, tenaciously maintaining the green fire domain.

The fierce master looked at each other indifferently, and the ferocious waves raged and collided around it, setting off a bit of domineering.

Waves from all directions rolled up into the sky and turned into terrifying sea beasts, roaring sky-shatteringly, rushing towards the green fire domain one after another.

The ghost green fire is indeed domineering, devouring all the intruders one after another, cleanly and neatly, melting away and leaving only spiritual power.

But... the ocean is constantly capsized, the waves are rushing, the vast sea is boundless, all of which are the domain of the Lord of the Fiend, and under the urging of his thoughts, more and more sea beasts are formed.

As far as the eye can see, thousands of waves are competing, thousands of beasts are screaming together, the waves are soaring into the sky, and people are rioting, turning the ocean within a radius of more than ten kilometers into a terrifying battlefield of beast swarms.

Anyone will be shocked, anyone will be terrified!
The lord of the fierce world still remained silent, only his thoughts controlled the ocean, thousands of giant sea beasts rushed towards the green fire field one after another, and even more waves smashed into the air.

In the end, a flood disaster of nearly [-] meters was formed in the chaos, completely submerging the Green Fire Domain, and the rest of the sea beasts and waves continued to pounce.

More than thirty mermaids and beasts began to move at full speed, circling around the [-]-meter battlefield, trying their best to control the force against nature.As long as the green fire is annihilated, Tang Yan will definitely be hit by the wave, or move his body to launch an attack, and then lose control under the influence of unnatural forces.

The end result is either exhaustion of spiritual power, or being severely injured by the sea beast directly, but no matter what, he will prostrate on the sea surface and surrender to spare his life.

No matter how powerful you are, no matter how arrogant and domineering you are, in this deep sea domain, in this fierce place, the deep sea banshee is the ruler.It can borrow the power of the heavens and the earth, the power of the ocean, and the power against nature. The end result of any intruder is to surrender except for destruction.

Just like the fierce battle thousands of years ago, the lord of the fierce world forcibly forced back a hidden saint who wandered the South China Sea to defend his reputation.

The rumbling wave shook the vast ocean, and the area of ​​[-] meters was full of raging waves and roaring sea beasts, and there were other waves and sea beasts swarming here one after another in all directions.

The scene was chaotic, and the riots were frightening.

"Take him down!" The master of the murderous room felt that it was almost done, and signaled the nearby banshees to get ready, as long as Tang Yan struggled to escape from the green fire area, it would be the beginning of his capture.

However...Under the continuous impact of the tide, a shocking roar suddenly exploded in the depths. All the waves and all the sea beasts all collapsed under the terrifying impact force, turning into torrential rain and splashing across the ocean.

The boiling green fire became more verdant, and the figure of Long Kui screamed proudly.

The lord of the evil room's eyes turned cold, he stopped the mermaid's attack, and stared coldly at the phantom in the sky, which contained a terrifying evil spirit that could not be emitted by a semi-saint at all.

"Sansheng Stele, break your deep sea and fierce place!" Tang Yan was still standing firm, but under the roar, the green fire wave suddenly subsided, like a thousand streams returning to his ancestors, rushing into his body, and even the phantom of Long Kui disappeared. But the new world of nirvana in the left eye is completely open!

The pitch-black energy vortex became the focus again, gushing out towards the sky.

Rumble!Loud noises roared, black mist billowed, countless ghosts floated around, and thick yin energy filled the sky.

Under the dignified eyes of the Lord of the Fiends, a hazy and low earth mountain 'squeezed' from the inside.

Stretching high in the sky, it is only a hundred meters tall, low and dilapidated, and the roots of the mountain are even more messy.

(End of this chapter)

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