Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026
"You are God's perfect works of art. You should not be silent in the abyss of the sea. I will change you to a new home and give you the splendor you deserve!" On the edge of the mountain, after silently adjusting the breath, the spiritual power of the meridians accelerated sequentially, guided by the Immortal Yantian Art, and gathered towards the left eye. The black eyes gradually deepened, and a layer of dark ripples expanded silently, stirring up layers of ripples Over the deep sea, shrouded in mountains.

After the first layer of ripples, the second layer...the third layer...the fourth layer...layers of dark ripples spread from the eyes, uninterruptedly expanding towards the fierce mountains. They all contain the power of swallowing.

Layer upon layer, strength increases.

Tang Yan skillfully controlled the rhythm, attracting the power of swallowing from the eyes of silence.

In Star Battlefield two years ago, he had just entered the realm of Tier 5000 Martial Venerable, and he was able to swallow several kilometers of mountains, and included the entire mountain range where the Sansheng Stone was located into the New World.Now that he has been promoted to a semi-saint, the power of Silent Eye has been qualitatively improved, but after all, it is the bottom of the deep sea at a depth of [-] meters, the pressure is extremely terrifying, and the mountains on the bottom of the sea reach five or six kilometers. It can be imagined how difficult it is to cut off the whole thing, and it is definitely an extremely difficult and huge project.

Endured by the devouring power from the new world, the countless crystals in the Jijian Mountains became more and more bright, as if they had life, they made subconscious resistance and resistance, and the rebellious power in the entire deep sea Jijian continued to skyrocket.

Tang Yan sat upright, unhurriedly expanding his devouring power, calmly, and constantly increasing his power.He is not in a hurry to leave the evil room, and he is not impatient when he can completely devour it. As long as he can subdue the Lord of the evil room, he can determine whether the Holy Spirit Hall passes through this sea area, or whether he knows the secrets in the South China Sea!

With the help of the master of the murderous world, it will always be better than looking around aimlessly.

The sea surface in the fierce sea area returned to its usual tranquility, the blue sky was cloudless, and the vast sea area was silent and waveless, like two giant pieces of blue glass spread across the sky and the sea, unusually smooth and eerily quiet.

But... the silence on the sea surface didn't last long. About half an hour later, a violent click suddenly came from the bottom of the distant ocean.

That was the sound produced by the fracture of the seabed ridge. The fracture formed an extended crack, which was poured in by the turbulent sea water, and soon formed a vortex on the bottom of the sea, and it rushed towards the sky under the unnatural force, creating an ever-expanding vortex. , directly to the sea.

The moment the sound waves and vortexes reached the sea surface, the silence and levelness of the sea surface were shattered.

Not long after a wave of sound passed, the loud noise resurfaced, and the vortex formed again, impacting from the 5000-meter seabed, expanding and rising continuously, with undiminished and even stronger power.

And then... Loud cracking noises continued one after another, and powerful sea vortices raged on the bottom of the sea one after another, as if they were about to crush the ocean of evil.

The strange phenomenon lasted for half an hour, causing the sea to churn, as if returning to the scene of the fierce battle at the beginning.

At a depth of 5000 meters, the ridge was breaking, the blue crystals were shining brightly, and the unnatural power soared to the extreme. Tang Yan had to fix himself on the top of the mountain. The mountains covering nearly six kilometers, finally... the thick dark atmosphere annihilated the blue crystals on the mountains, making the bottom of the sea dark.

After two hours of hard work, Tang Yan 'dug' out the entire Jijian Mountain Range from the deep-sea crust, and consumed two semi-holy-level spiritual source fluids. The huge consumption made Tang Yan left His eyes were bleeding, and his body was extremely tired.

But...success..."Deep sea fierce, you are mine!" Tang Yan's right eye was blazing, and a roar surged from his chest to his throat. The huge mountain groups with a range of six kilometers each were lifted up, and pulled towards the new world little by little.

With the 'detachment' of the huge mountain group, the sea water surged toward the bottom, creating more and more intense eddies.

Boom! !

The bottom of the mountains and seas roared loudly and lasted for a long time. The sea vortexes formed successively, and their power was extremely terrifying. It seemed to turn the deep sea into a meat grinder. The scene was huge and thrilling.

In the new world, the evil lord and Langya who had been waiting were refreshed, staring at the dark sky, a huge mountain group gradually appeared, as if squeezed out of the endless void.

Appearing inch by inch, crystals lit up the sky one by one, puffs of sea water fell, the whole scene lasted for half an hour, and finally the entire mountain range lay across the dark sky, dense crystals in the dark shining brightly.

"Scatter!!" Tang Yan's low roar echoed between the heaven and the earth, and the evil master and Langya immediately retreated at full speed.

The entrenched giant mountains crashed down, covering the fragmented northern ravines.

The sky collapsed and the earth shook, shaking the mountains and rivers!
The violent impact shattered the loose mountains, set off a thick wave of dust, and rolled towards the depths of the dark new world. The unnatural power originated from mysterious crystals filled the sky and the earth, making the tumbling dust even more chaotic.

Tang Yan rushed from the chaotic seabed to the sea surface, panting for a while, ignoring corrections, and continued to entangle in the sky, the Eye of Annihilation opened again, swallowing the mighty tide like a dragon absorbing water.

Not only did he want to take down the deep-sea evil room, but he also wanted to restore the original appearance as much as possible.

Rumble!The majestic sea water pours from the vast void, like rushing rivers converging into the sea, impacting the vast Jijian Mountains.

Tang Yan split his mind a little and turned into a phantom lying over the New World, controlling the continuous subsidence of tens of kilometers in the north. He wanted to push the Jijian Mountains into the ground 5000 meters, and lead the seawater to converge towards the subsidence area.

Xiezu and Langya were on both sides of Tang Yan, watching the massive sea-building movement, and their expressions were complicated to varying degrees.

Being able to control one's own world, and being able to move mountains and seas with one's mind, is the pinnacle of martial arts most desired by warriors in the world - to rule the world!
Tang Yan is only in the semi-sacred realm, and he has already glimpsed the way. He can no longer be described simply by talent, let alone covered by opportunities.

The entire sea-building movement lasted for another two hours, until the outside world was completely darkened, and Tang Yan forcibly opened up a huge sea area extending tens of kilometers in the northern area of ​​the New World. Looking around, it was boundless, and Quiet returned.

The Jijian Mountains were suppressed in the 5000-meter area of ​​the seabed, and they have regained their tranquility, and they are also re-creating their own Jijian world independently.

"What kind of place is this?" The deep sea banshee woke up from her coma, perched on the surface of the sea and looked around the boundless sea and the drowsy night.Intuition tells it that the situation will definitely not be simple, the ocean below and the night in the sky are not at all like the world it used to be.

"This is my world. I moved your deep-sea evil room in, and this will be your new home from now on." Tang Yan was so exhausted that the phantoms in the new world could not be seen clearly, but the second The shape of the fierce grave made him full of enthusiasm from the inside out.

The master of the fierce world was very weak, but there was no wave in the ancient well. Hearing the words, he sank directly to the bottom of the sea. The rest of the mermaids and beasts that were sprinkled on the sea surface by the evil ancestor also sank to the bottom of the sea without a sound, and followed the master to dive toward the bottom of the sea.

Xie Zu said: "How are you ready to subdue it? You shouldn't have poured seawater in so early, into the ocean, and those crystals, its power will recover quickly. Even in the new world, if its power exceeds Without you, it may also threaten the stability of the new world, and if it is over-inflated, it may burst your eyes."

"That's right, its power will recover and it can threaten the stability of the new world, but the key is that it doesn't know it. It has intelligence not weaker than human beings, but it has no complicated emotions. It is a creature shaped by the deep sea, so it cannot leave Those crystals in the Fierce Mountains, even if I let them leave now, they may not necessarily agree. As long as I can control this Fierce Mountains, I can make them stay here permanently."

Tang Yan can get a rough idea of ​​the specific situation of the deep sea monster, and he is [-]% sure that it will not leave. Fighting this kind of monster is far easier than normal humans or monsters.

They are very smart, but their thinking is not complicated, and guarding the Jijian mountain range is the dominant idea; they are ferocious, but they have a firm bottom line, and the intactness of the deep sea Jijian is the bottom line.

"This is a brand new world, a world we discovered and conceived." Tang Yan stood above the ocean and shouted to the calm ocean. A world of 'discovery'.

There was continuous silence in the deep sea, and the master of the ominous room who dived did not respond.

"The new world is just a rudimentary form, it is still growing, just like this sea area, it is also the rudimentary form of an ocean that will grow into the future. Simply put, it is not a loss for you to stay here, at least it is better than the ocean outside.

Whatever you want, even if you ask it, I can provide it for you, but if you want to return to the outside world, unfortunately, I'm afraid it's impossible.After entering this new world, I am the ruler. If I say no, it is absolutely impossible! "

Tang Yan quietly signaled Xiezu and Langya to retreat and get ready, and walked towards the center of the ocean by himself: "Come out, you can see the situation clearly, there is no need to make unnecessary resistance, we should talk about other things."

(End of this chapter)

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