Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028
After Tang Yan captured the 150th Yaozun, he finally stopped. It was already the afternoon of the second day, and the unprecedented wild sweep captured all the Yaozun-level sea beasts in an area of ​​more than 200 kilometers. Eight, not much left.

If it wasn't for rushing on the road, Tang Yan would have been looking forward to finding a deep sea demi-saint.

Of course, he was just fantasizing, if he really wanted to grab the head of the semi-saint, plus the more than 100 demon venerables before, his newborn world in his infancy could not bear it at all, and it might collapse directly!

After the sea beasts were captured, they were continuously injected into the new world. In order to avoid chaos and threaten the stability of the new world, Tang Yan controlled them and threw them all into the deep sea.

It's like a quagmire there, deeply imprisoning everything!
But the scene after scene made Xiezu and Langya, who were guarding the fierce sea area in the town, look weird.

150 monsters? !
Are you breaking into the Demon Lord's den? !

Would it be too exaggerated!You are not afraid of breaking the development law of the new world, and you are not afraid of being unable to withstand the violent force and completely collapsing!
After one head after another fell into the ocean, the demon masters immediately roared and tossed, venting their anger. They wanted to resist Tang Yan's capture, and wanted to collapse the dark world and return to the ocean. As a result, they just vented their physical energy and were immediately attacked by unnatural forces. Chaos is out of control, rampaging across the sea of ​​evil.

Resentful roaring, violent writhing, ferocious body shape.

The chaotic scene of the ocean was a shock, no less than a basin of cold water poured into a giant oil pan.

"If you don't want to become the food of other sea beasts, just listen to me!" Xie Zu couldn't bear the 'explosion'-like noisy scene, and roared, his soul power raged, stirring the vast sea area.

The roars of all the sea beasts were forcibly suppressed, and the soul impact caused many sea beasts to scream, but the shock was the shock. They were under the ravages of unnatural forces, and they couldn't control themselves at all. They were still churning and violent inside, causing chaos. wave.

But the strange thing is that the Lord of the Fiends still kept quiet, and didn't start killing because more than a hundred sea beasts invaded his territory.

"From now on, you can only live in this sea area. No matter how much you resist, you will never leave this new world. But it is your blessing to be chosen by him, and it is your new start. This sea area There is an anti-natural force in it, and you can understand it as an anti-gravity field, and all actions are opposite to what you used to do.

I advise you not to vent blindly, but to calm down and try to adapt. Whoever adapts to the living environment inside will be able to survive, and whoever can survive in the force against nature will become the master inside and leapfrog It is easy to prey on other sea animals.That's all I've said, you can understand it yourself. "

Xie Zu left a simple explanation and retreated directly to the periphery of Wang Yang.He has already adapted to the quiet atmosphere in the new world, and he really couldn't stand the wailing scene of these guys dying, so he came forward to remind them, but he was lonely and cold, and he didn't have the heart to be a commentator, so he just said a few words Then leave far away.

Xie Zu understands Tang Yan's purpose, but let him be a "mentor" patiently?He was afraid that if he got agitated, he would be completely wiped out!

As for the has disappeared without a sound, let alone explaining patiently.

The gloomy, cold and dark environment of the Newborn World was exactly what he dreamed of as a killer.

If he was allowed to fully adapt here, even if Tang Yan threw in a semi-saint, he would still be able to flay him to death bit by bit!
After Tang Yan finished hunting, he stood above the rough sea, staring at the distant sea through the waves.

But because the energy of more than a hundred demon lords is too terrifying, so that the continuous turmoil in the deep sea also caused violent fluctuations in the fragile new world, causing severe pain in the left eye. Tang Yan had to wrap the left eye with a cloth strip, and he could not die Yantian Jue relieves pain.

According to the guidance of the Lord of the Fiend, the deep sea vortex is fifty kilometers away.

If he wasn't framing himself, there should be strong men from the Temple of the Holy Spirit lurking further ahead, and the area in front would hide a huge secret.

Tang Yan attracted the golden monkeys who were "walking" in the new world: "You search in a straight line to the south. If it's a good estimate, you should be able to meet Zhao Zimo's team. Tell them to contact other teams as soon as possible and come over to gather."

The little golden monkey hadn't recovered from the wonder of the new world, looked around blankly, then looked at Tang Yan fixedly, and immediately stretched out his little paw, the meaning was obvious - first give the spiritual source liquid and then work!
"Three, go and return quickly." Tang Yan didn't mess around with it anymore, and gave it three straightforwardly. The sea ahead is full of danger, and it is irritable and irritable. It really needs some means to save its life.

The little golden monkey's small eyes suddenly widened, hugged the three pieces of spiritual source liquid, jumped up and down happily, squeaked twice, and rushed out like lightning.

But... "F*ck! Go south!! Go south! That's north! You have a language barrier and a direction barrier? The monkey's face has made you lose your face." Tang Yan's face was full of black lines, and he reprimanded the straight line The golden monkey heading north.

Whoosh! !The golden monkey went back the same way holding the spiritual source liquid, and disappeared in the southern sea in a blink of an eye.

Smiling all the way, he kept licking the spiritual source liquid in his arms, feeling very comfortable, because Tang Yan gave it three third-level spiritual source liquid with rare generosity, each of which was as big as his claw.

"Get down to business! Go straight to the south, looking for Xuanyuan Longli and Zhao Zimo!" Tang Yan yelled at it, and suddenly regretted letting it go.

After these years of separation, it seems that in addition to its soaring combat power, its intelligence has degraded a bit. I really don't know how the foster mother educated it.

Tang Yan didn't wait for the others to gather, and rushed towards the southwest.

In the target sea area guided by the Lord of the Fierce Space, there is a magnificent and vast giant, lying on the turbulent sea, towering into the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mists, undulating mountains, and roaring waterfalls. The terrain is very complicated, and there are lush rainforests, Precious exotic beasts, rich in biological resources.

In the depths of the vast and endless ocean, the seat suddenly appeared, which is still an extremely huge giant. It is undoubtedly an alternative existence. It is also an excellent resting place for some sea birds and monsters, and it also provides a temporary habitat for some amphibian beasts. .

The area is huge, but the types of monsters gathered on it are even more abundant.The special geographical environment and special way of existence are destined to have more and more special and different.

On the top of the outer mountain, a figure in white robe stands on the majestic mountain top, gazing at the sea ahead in the face of the icy sea breeze.

At the end of the distant line of sight, about ten kilometers away on the sea surface, there is a dark storm area, where lightning and thunder, dark clouds like mountains, and the vast sea surface are mixed with strong winds and waves, stirring up a deafening and vast momentum.

The white-robed figure had been waiting for three days and three nights, his whole body was covered by the white robe, his posture and appearance could not be seen clearly, and a thin white mist diffused from his whole body, covering the top of the mountain, and covering the entire hundred thousand hectares of vast area.

These fogs seem to be no different from the fog that has shrouded the sky all year round. They are ordinary, just adding a bit of aesthetic sensory rendering.

But... their existence successfully concealed all the aura of the man in white robe, and concealed the three figures behind him who were also wearing white robes.

The presence of the mist makes them non-existent.

A day ago, the three masters of the Yuhua Palace who were in charge of investigating this straight-line Shanghai area discovered this area and aroused their vigilance. At first they did not approach blindly, but avoided it from a distance and carried out detailed investigation.

As a result, apart from the large number and variety of sea beasts, there were no other abnormalities.

After Yin Xiyue's suggestion and insistence, they climbed up cautiously and vigilantly. First, they secretly observed and then tried to sneak in from the edge to investigate.

At first, no special situation was found, so they spread out a little and continued to investigate.

As a result... the four white-robed people stopped and waited on the mountain peak, and three more prisoners were captured this morning - the first palace lord Zhaoyi, the second palace lord Ling Ruoxi, and the third palace lord Yin Xiyue!
They are held in place by three icy cages, bound within by vile chains of souls.The ice devastated their bodies, the chains tormented their souls, and the thin mist swallowed the spiritual power in their bodies.

In just one day, they were all so weak that they didn't have the initial struggle, so they could only sit cross-legged in the cage and try their best to cling to the remaining breath.

(End of this chapter)

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