Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1030 The Storm Opens

Chapter 1030 The Storm Opens

The sea area in the southwest is vast and boundless, and Tang Yan has not found any objects protruding from the sea for a long time.

The sudden discovery of such a huge building is really hard not to attract attention, and it is in the sensitive waters of the southwest.If the Temple of the Holy Spirit really builds a base in this sea area, it is obviously the best choice.

What's more, looking ten kilometers to the south, the scene of lightning and thunder contains violent energy, which shows that it is unusual.

Tang Yan secretly speculated that the guidance of the Lord of the Fierce Space is probably correct, which also indicates that there is a great possibility that there is a secret base of the Holy Spirit Temple.

After quietly observing for a long time, he sneaked along the bottom of the deep sea.

Tang Yan approached while being vigilant, avoiding many wandering sea beasts, and appeared on the edge without any danger.Gradually ascending along the seabed mountain, the head is exposed in the north.

After really approaching, its vastness and magnificence bring a stronger visual impact, and the birds and beasts are contending, the trees are lush, and the mist is layered, just like a fairyland on the sea, beautiful and charming.

Tang Yan's thoughts slowly and cautiously extended upwards to explore, his body gradually left the sea water, and stepped towards the land, his eyes were like torches, and he looked around vigilantly, his hands tightly clenched the Lieyang Earth Bow, and his whole body was covered with layers of thin blue flames.

All God on alert!

But at the moment Tang Yan stepped onto the land, the green fire on the surface of his body unexpectedly became a little more luxuriant, and he even made a very subtle sound of kindness.

It's like the green fire is melting some kind of object.

The moment the abnormality appeared, Tang Yan was alert, and retreated into the sea like lightning, frowning tightly, looking around with sharp eyes.

what happened?What did Qinghuo touch? !

Could it be some kind of barrier?
Tang Yan hid half of his body in the sea water, observed and waited for a while, then stretched out his hand tentatively, thin and agile flames danced at the fingertips.

One point, one point, another point.

Fingertips wrapped around the flames and approached cautiously.

The same voice sounded again, so subtle and inaudible!The cyan flame was obviously brighter, as if it was automatically catching something invisible.

Tang Yan didn't withdraw his hand, but moved his fingertips slowly, searching meticulously, and then stared at the normal air in front of him with bright eyes.

After a while, my heart shook slightly, mist? !
Is the mist burning with the green fire of the ghost?

There is spiritual power in the mist?Or is it simply a mist formed by spiritual power?

Or... when the green fire smelts the natural spiritual power between the heavens and the earth, it will not make a sound, which only shows that they are not formed naturally!
"The Temple of the Holy Spirit! It really is here!" Tang Yan's eyes changed from cloudy to sunny, recalling the fog that he encountered when he first came to another world more than 20 years ago.

At the same moment, in the far south, Luo Tian, ​​who overlooked the stormy sea area, slightly condensed his dark eyes, turned around slowly, and looked to the north through the thick and heavy.

"Someone broke into the island again?" The Sky Thunder Messenger noticed the strangeness of Venerable Fallen Heaven.

"Heaven, go over and have a look." Luotian ordered, and continued to investigate the storm ocean ten kilometers away.He just noticed something strange in the north, didn't think much about it, and didn't care.

The angel disappeared on the top of the mountain like a mist and drifted north.

Tang Yan dived into the bottom of the sea, hesitated for a while, inspired the demon spirit veins, concealed his breath, and slowly marched on the bottom of the sea. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary sea beast, no different from other beasts like electric eels and crocodiles.

There are many kinds of sea beasts in this sea area, so I didn't pay special attention to it, and I would never have thought that this weird little beast would be transformed by humans.

He moved slowly around the outer edge of the island, carefully inspecting the situation above, and occasionally emerged from the sea and rolled the tide to invade.

The more he tried, the more he was sure that the mist was the defense set up by the Holy Spirit Hall - Water Curtain Tianhua.

I planted on it more than once that year!

Since there is a fog, there must be some people dormant in the Holy Spirit Hall, but it is not sure who is sitting in it, let alone whether the saint Luotian is here, Tang Yan dare not act rashly.

Suddenly... When Tang Yan was considering whether to use the monster physique to 'land', a strong soul power swept across the northern mountains, bypassing the beach and sea water, reaching nearly a thousand meters to the bottom of the sea. Of course, Tang Yan and other sea beasts include.

In an instant, dozens of sea beasts on the bottom of the sea roared in pain, and suddenly showed fierce eyes, looking for who was provoking him.

What a terrifying soul force!
Tang Yan suddenly felt that his soul was hot, and there were bursts of tingling pain.But he didn't retreat because of this, but followed the wrath of other sea beasts tossing on the bottom of the sea.

Angel's soul power is terrifying, and he uses extreme martial arts.

He has abandoned his physical body since the time of Wu Zun, and his attainments in soul skills are unparalleled!

He floated above the island, his strong soul power permeated the mountains and beaches like a scorching sun, surging toward the bottom of the sea. He didn't intend to restrain himself, but directly invaded and investigated in a domineering way.

Tang Yan endured the severe pain in his soul, did not directly resist, and left his invasion range with the tide.

But the soul power of an angel is like a giant screen, which clearly captures the scene of the seabed. From Tang Yan's body, he sensed an abnormal flow of spiritual power, which is not at all like the level of spiritual power that ordinary sea beasts can contain. .

The surging spiritual power exploded, and disappeared over the island in an instant, turning into a surging torrent of soul, rushing directly into the bottom of the sea hundreds of meters away, and intercepting Tang Yan in front of it.

He has no body, and is completely a mixture of soul power. He has been freed from the confinement of natural forces, and has extremely terrifying attainments in certain aspects.

Um?So fast!

The moment Tang Yan noticed the abnormality, he shook his body violently and shot towards the bottom of the ocean. That is, the moment the Skyfire Angel intercepted him, he had already turned around and rushed into the dark and cold seabed.

"Want to escape?!" The angel didn't know who Tang Yan was for the time being. The first thing he thought of was the pets of the three female captives. With a thought, the gathered soul power blasted away again, completely ignoring the pressure of the sea water, and headed towards Tang Yan. Yan laser extension.

Tang Yan kept silent, and accelerated towards the bottom of the sea.

"Huh!" The angel snorted disdainfully, and the spreading soul power immediately turned into countless vines and blasted towards Tang Yan.The speed completely surpassed the limit of Tang Yan's physical body. In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded in all directions, and he was entangled in hatred in an instant.

Stab it! !
The black mist of the soul instantly penetrated the body and reached the soul in the body, turning into countless barbed vines, instantly entangled Tang Yan's entire soul, from beginning to end, tightly bound, and the soul vines seemed to contain a terrifying high temperature.

Tang Yan really didn't expect this person's soul martial skills to be so terrifying. He was a warrior who had fought fiercely in the Holy Spirit Hall, but today... ouch! !

Tang Yan let out a painful scream, and his spurting body suddenly tensed up. It felt like his entire soul was thrown into magma. The strange high temperature scorched the soul, and the unspeakable pain far exceeded the physical trauma.

It was at this moment that the realm sealed by the Stone Frog Seal was completely released, and there was a loud bang, shaking the entire seabed, and all the semi-holy aura rushed out, forming a violent seabed wave, rolling in all directions, It even shook the submarine ridge below, and affected it.

"Huh? Fighting?" The Sky Poison Envoy looked at the trembling mountains around in surprise, such a strong shock wave.

"I'll go and have a look." The Sky Thunder Angel's face darkened slightly, he wasn't worried about who could hurt the Sky Fire Angel, because he couldn't stand any unexpected situation now, so finish the matter as soon as possible, and don't attract other attention.

"Let me go, could it be your little lover? Or a little pet?" The Sky Poison Envoy gave the three palace masters a charming look, and left the mountaintop in a graceful manner.

The three palace masters suddenly opened their eyes, except for Yin Xiyue who showed surprise, the other two palace masters all looked solemn.

"Come back!!" The Lord of Fallen Heaven stopped suddenly, his voice was slightly high-pitched, he slowly raised his right hand, and pointed his pale finger at the distant stormy sea area: "It's coming!!"

"What?!" The two envoys cheered up, staring at the storm area ten kilometers away.

Boom! !

The thick dark clouds slowly rotated amidst the loud noise, and the originally dense thunderbolts suddenly became manic. Each thunderbolt had thick arms and wrists, and invaded the ocean like a bombardment. The storm, the surface of the sea was so boiling that it was impossible to look directly at it.

"The vortex under the sea is opening, they are coming." The master of the Fallen Heaven Hall revealed a strange light, and left like lightning, disappearing into the sky.

"Let's go!" The Heavenly Thunder Messenger and Sky Poison Messenger all left, swept away Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi, and impaled them on the top of the mountain with Yin Xiyue, the Soul Spear.

They didn't come simply to greet them, but to use the secret treasure of the Holy Spirit Temple to stabilize the space inside the deep-sea vortex, to ensure that they passed through smoothly in the final stage, instead of flowing to other areas through space.

(End of this chapter)

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