Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1032 The Conjuring Song

Chapter 1032 The Conjuring Song

Under the sea area, there is a 6000-meter deep abyss, mountains and ravines, ups and downs, giant peaks, and cliffs. In the dark, it looks like a terrible monster. The vast seabed scene is shocking, like a devil mountain submerged in the seabed area.

Between this extreme bottom mountain group, there is a stratum fault zone, the winding cracks are thick and ferocious, extending at the bottom of the vast ocean, and you can't see the end to the bottom.And the fissure area is extremely neat, just like an incomparably fierce sword that cut through the seabed to the crevice before endless years, forming deep sea ravines and deep sea cliffs!
This is not the darkness where you can't reach your fingers, but the gorgeous colorful light that is gushing out from the deepest part of the deep-sea broken wall all year round, echoing in the gaps in the ravines, and the light that emanates echoes on the bottom of the sea all year round.

The spiritual power in this sea area is extremely dense, and even the sea and sky are filled with a fog of spiritual power far exceeding that of other areas.If you make a simple comparison with the situation on land, this sea area is the top paradise in the entire ocean.

The special landforms and special environment also gave birth to five terrifying ominous creatures on the bottom of the sea—semi-holy sea beasts!
They dominate the seabed, occupy several seamounts, devour the spiritual power of the seabed greedily, and also deter all trespassers.

But today, the five overlords all disappeared and fled into a more distant sea area, with fear and panic.

The turbulent mist is colorful and colorful, like a lava tide gushing out from a distant and deep crack, boiling over the entire seabed, rolling up heavy tides, accompanied by deafening roars.

The loud noises continued, disturbing the bottom of the sea.

The bottom of the abyss today is extremely violent, like a small blazing sun, with endless colorful rays, illuminating the 7000-meter seabed like a daytime sky.

At this moment, the sky above Wang Yang was densely covered with lightning, thunder and lightning roared, torrential rain swept the sea tide, and strong winds shook the space. The terrifying scene seemed like this space was about to collapse.

At the bottom of the sea, the chaotic glow and mist are flying; on the sea surface, there are violent storms, lightning and thunder;

"The channel of the Lost Battle Realm has been opened, and the rest of the guiding work is up to us. You protect me, and no matter what happens, don't disturb me." Fallen Heaven is like holding a sea god needle, firmly stabilizing the deepest vortex on the bottom of the sea .The pitch-black pupils swirled and vortexed, staring coldly at the light tide area of ​​the broken wall of the deep sea.

"Don't worry, no one will dare to make trouble." The Heavenly Thunder Angels and Sky Poison Angels were scattered on both sides of the broken wall of the deep sea, but the gushing energy inside was too terrifying, and with their semi-sacred strength, they had to retreat again and again .

Luotian lowered his eyebrows slightly, the soul power of the saint realm shrouded the entire sea of ​​​​storms, making sure that there were no other hidden dangers.The curtains of the eyes opened suddenly, the dark eyes turned into turbulent whirlpools, and the aura of the whole person changed drastically, from the original fortitude and heroism to the beast-like blood.

The face under the white robe paled sharply, and the beast breath became stronger.

He held his hands forward slowly, and the six colorful jade beads floated like elves, and the endless rays of light illuminated the sea area, each of which was no more than the size of a thumb, but radiated the light of the scorching sun.

"Wandering souls from other worlds, the gate of heaven in your hometown has been opened, and the traces of your return journey are about to unfold. Please listen to my soul voice and guide your body to cross the lost path of that space."

"Thousands of twists and turns in the journey of space, the journey back home is haunted by dreams. Don't be restless, don't be panic, listen to my soul voice."

"Thousands of roads lead to Qitian in chaos, and thousands of roads are full of changes. Please remember my soul voice, please remember the three precepts and nine rejections."

"One precept is as smooth as a mirror, and the end is black clouds and thousands of miles.

"One rejects the melodious qin sound, the second rejects the ghostly chant, the third rejects the rustling drum..."

With a solemn and solemn demeanor, Luotian held up three colorful jade beads and stepped forward, step by step into the most chaotic broken wall area, murmuring every word and chanting every sentence, just like a sacred sacrificial prayer.

Strange sound waves mixed with the saint's soul power hit the colorful jade beads, creating layers of fascination, and rushed into the gushing vortex of the light curtain in the broken wall area.

These sound waves will fill the space turbulence, and these soul powers will connect the souls of the creatures inside. These colorful jade beads will pave the space channel, and together guide the lost war monsters who are fighting in the space turbulence.

Outside the stormy sea area, Tang Yan rushed into the tyrannical thunder and wave area like a wild beast out of control. entrants.

"Falling Heaven, if they hurt even half of their vellus hair, I will make you die!"

Tang Yan felt it for a while, turned around suddenly, and with a loud bang, he roared towards the 6000-meter area of ​​the seabed with a violent tumbling wave.

In the broken wall area of ​​the deep sea, the Sky Poison Envoy and the Sky Thunder Envoy imprisoned Zhaoyi and Ling Ruoxi respectively. They looked at the turbulent sea, the light waves spreading everywhere, and the heroic figure who was marching steadily, their hearts fluttered. , very excited.

A scene across the century is about to appear!

The pattern of the two worlds is about to change!
The Spirit Clan's alliance with the Monster Clan may have more unknowns in the future, but at this stage, whether it is the bloody battle of hundreds of clans in the Lost Battle Realm or the full deployment of the Qitian Continent, they all have wonderful advantages.

In this Qitian Continent, there are holy-level monsters sent by the monster clan, together with the three saints of the Holy Spirit Hall and an astonishing number of half-saints, the "forbidden land" that is still secretly allied is enough to deter all heroes from all sides, and it is also convenient for the hall master to talk to someone. Empire allied!
In this way, the situation of the Temple of the Holy Spirit in a dangerous situation will be improved, and even a blessing in disguise will leap to a new height.

"Come out, come out quickly, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"Saint-level monsters, holy-level monsters that have been left behind in the battle world! What kind of terrifying existence should they be? Are they ancient aliens? Or are they new strange things?"

"How many generals will the allied Demon Emperor send?"

"I can't wait, holy monster, come out!"

The Sky Poison Angel and the Sky Thunder Angel were all excited and stared straight at the vortex space in the deep sea wall area. The energy inside was getting stronger and stronger. It would be better to say that a fierce sun is about to be born.

"Lost souls, accept my invitation and come back." Falling into the sky above the broken wall, in the area where the power of space is the most violent, at this moment, the soul flames all over his body soared, the whirlpools in his eyes suddenly solidified, and the six colorful jade beads he lifted Fluttering and lasing, it hit six directions with a bang, deeply embedded in the seabed rock mass.

Buzz buzz!The radiance of the colorful jade beads is more blazing, far surpassing that of the semi-holy spirit source liquid that permeates the sea area. The endless rays of light are connected and intertwined with each other, turbulent endlessly, and finally converge into a hexagram-like existence.

The range is as large as 2000 meters, forming a dense barrier, forcibly suppressing the violent energy, so that the gushing light tide in the deep-sea vortex space is obviously weakened. It has been dazzling for a long time, but it is no longer chaotic and wild.

After waiting for a long time, a roar came from the bottom of the six-pointed star array, shaking the rays of the sun and trembling, like a cry from a reason, or a call from the endless void.

Although the roar is very far away, one can feel a majestic majesty, and the bravery is far better than the ferocity.

"Coming?!" The Sky Poison Angel and the Sky Thunder Angel all stepped forward, clenched their fists excitedly, staring at the vast area of ​​light with burning eyes.

"The leader of the Spirit Race stationed in the Qitian Continent, Fallen Heaven, welcomes the allies who have been left behind in the battle world." Fallen Heaven stands proudly above the six-pointed star array, fearless of the gushing energy wave, fully revealing the majesty of a saint without any reservations.

Surging soul power flooded the bottom of the ocean, standing coldly and arrogantly, falling into the sky at this moment is like an ancient fierce demon appearing in the world.

"Ohoo!" "Oohoo!" "Oohoo!"

The howling sound was clear, like multiple voices roaring together, or the echo of a wave of sound.

At this moment, the endless killing intent stirred the bottom of the sea through the six-pointed star array, and the reverberation of the howling sound made Luotian frowned, and the expressions of the two special envoys suddenly changed, as if they were suddenly placed in a cruel battlefield. The killing spirit, the boundless and vast fighting spirit.

It seems that some peerless God of War is about to rush out of it.

At this moment, all the area of ​​the hexagram array turned into dazzling gold, illuminating the bottom of the sea, reflecting the mist of souls falling into the sky.

Tang Yan shot at full speed, and his fighting spirit continued to soar, but just a thousand meters away, the vast golden light wave and the fierce fighting spirit of the most powerful and powerful shook the entire bottom of the sea, and the golden light and the roaring sound wave separated Heavy sea vortexes permeate the whole body.

"It's coming out? What emperor's general? Damn it, is it too late?!" Tang Yan was short of breath, his solemn face flashed a little ferocious, and he gritted his teeth fiercely. Instead of retreating, he suddenly rushed straight to the bottom of the sea.

Sensing Tang Yan's furious fighting intent, the two spirit bodies on the shoulders became a little quieter, no longer playing with the sea water, and stared at the light tide of the seabed in Tang Yan's direction, as if there was something terrible in it, which made them fearful.

The Lieyang Earth Bow and Ancient War Saber held tightly by the left and right hands trembled slightly, one was shining with divine light, and the green fire converged into a nearly solid broad arrow, and the other was full of demonic flames, with bloody lines clearly visible.

Tang Yan was obviously holding two tyrant soldiers, but it seemed like he was holding two fierce things.

(End of this chapter)

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