Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1054 Elysium

Chapter 1054 Elysium
The three of Tang Yan sprinted towards the west at full speed, relying on the "Empty Spirit Orb" presented by chocolate, trying their best to feel the traces of the flow of space, looking for the legendary Youye Forest.

All the way to the west is chasing, anticipating, and indulging in mind and body.

The three ran wildly, like wild horses in the wilderness, like eagles in the sky, venting their feelings at extreme speed, looking for their former selves.They forget all their troubles, just like grown-up children reminiscing about their original innocence.

All the way to the west, over the mountains and mountains, across the vast ocean of Daze.

They wandered through the starry sky, fought against the sky, swayed their brushes to their heart's content, and vented themselves.

They stepped on the rivers, hugged the mountains, roared to their heart's content, and released the stale air in their chests.

For 20 days in a row, the three of them traveled day and night, starting from the northern edge of Canglan Ancient Land, heading west in a straight line, and sprinting forward a million kilometers.Spanning more than [-] cities and towns in a row, a total of [-] ancient countries.They are chasing the "world of sunset", and for the first time, they truly feel the vastness of the world and appreciate the customs and customs.

For them, carefree indulgence has a special meaning.

It was also a perfect memory before they took over their own destiny!

In the No.20 three days after the departure, they all forgot how long they had traveled, how many mountains they had passed, and how many territories they had crossed, but at noon today, Tang Yan, who was "bombing" through the clouds in the sky, suddenly had Wonderful feeling.

"Just around here?"

"Why didn't mine respond?"

The three of them fell into the sky like a bolt of lightning, and landed in a vast rainforest-like mountain group. Standing in the canopy of the tree, they looked around the vast and vast mountains.

The mountains here are beautiful, the sky is blue, the temperature is blue, and the scenery is so beautiful that it is completely different from the darkness expected. It is an ancient rainforest with beautiful scenery.

But looking at Tang Yan who was feeling it seriously, Du Yang and Xu Yan were surprised, why didn't the 'Empty Spirit Bead' on their neck respond? ?
"It's not space energy, it's... um... wait a minute..." Tang Yan was surprised to feel that the Buddha's heart that was 'buried' in the abyss of the heart sea had a wonderful reaction, emitting a very soft golden light, in the vast A golden area is reflected in the ocean of green fire.

Huo Ling'er was squatting there curiously, her little finger nodded tentatively, and her bright eyes were full of interest.

Ever since leaving Star Battlefield, especially after meeting the elder of Chenyuan Pavilion, the Buddha's heart seemed to have been disconnected suddenly, and it was self-enclosed in the bottom of the sea without any special reaction. .

Gradually, the solemn voice of the Buddha's chanting gradually emerged in Qihai World.

Tang Yan was about to ask Xie Zu, but... hum! !The Xie Zu in the new world suddenly opened his eyes and let out a cold snort of resentment. The opened eyes were bloody red, shining with bone-chilling coldness and killing intent, as if he had sensed the aura of the enemy.

After a long time of control, he closed his eyes very reluctantly.With a rude wave of his hand, he let the darkness of the sky obliterate him, no longer pay attention to it, no longer feel it.

Obviously out of sight and out of mind, he also warned Tang Yan not to disturb himself.

"The Buddha's heart has resonated!" Tang Yan withdrew his thoughts embarrassingly, and looked around the surrounding mountains. Is there any Buddha seal nearby?
"There are Buddha seals here? Your holy monk has really traveled all over the world?" Du Yang looked at the mountains strangely, trying to feel them, but there was no reaction.

"Lucky!" Tang Yan's eyes lit up and he smiled excitedly.

Being able to forcibly awaken the Buddha's heart, and at the same time make Xiezu show such a strong resistance, it seems that it is not easy!
"Actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question." Xu Yan tied her long blond hair tightly behind her head, looking heroic, like a beggar for a female general on the battlefield.

"Say it." Tang Yan glanced at Xu Yan's towering chest, teasingly said: "Sure! Du Yang, you are lucky."

"Believe it or not, I castrated you?" Xu Yan punched him.

Tang Yan laughed loudly and walked away: "Sister, tell me."

"How does it feel every time you cast the Buddha seal?"

"Huh? What aspect?"

Xu Yan glanced at Tang Yan with weird eyes: "You are a very pure hooligan, a complete scourge, and a crazy warmonger. You not only kill but also torture people. What kind of monk are you? Isn’t it ironic that the butcher displayed the supreme profound meaning of Buddhism in his hands? The seal of ten thousand Buddhas of Dukong is for the salvation of all sentient beings, and you use it purely as a murder weapon, don’t you think there is a strange feeling in it?”

"Wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha will keep it in his heart. Do you understand?" Tang Yan rolled his eyes and left: "Hurry up and help, I want to practice that precious Buddha seal."

"Give me back Tutu!" Du Yang yelled.

"Let's go, let's explore the treasure with me, hurry up." Tang Yan ignored it, hugged the little white bear, rubbed its round belly, and walked forward following the induction of the Buddha's heart.

The journey of "All the way to the west" has just begun, Tang Yan returned to his original nature, and took a glance at the white panda next to Du Yang, round and fluffy, as cute as it could be, as funny as it could be, so he took it forcibly Its ownership is held in my arms and played with all day long.

That rude behavior and wanton ravages made Du Yang's distressed heart twitch, and also made the little white bear sad, but Tang Yan used violence to control violence, forcing their master and servant to compromise.

The little white bear has already resigned to his fate, lying leisurely in Tang Yan's arms, enjoying the nimble teasing of his fingers.

"What Buddha seal are you looking for, and you are not in a hurry to pick up the girl?"

"You are full of treasures and you are missing a Buddha seal?"

Du Yang and Xu Yan were speechless, seeing Tang Yan's foolishness, they really regretted bringing him out.

"Delay for a long time, find it and leave. Don't be jealous if you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills." Tang Yan's speed gradually increased, following the subtle feeling of Buddha's heart response, he rushed towards the northwest direction quickly.

But halfway... "Amitabha, benefactor, are you happy?"

Among the mountains and on the top of lush old trees, a fat monk blocked the way of the three of them. He was wrapped in cassocks, with a jade face and a big belly, with Buddhist beads hanging in his hands and a smile, like a Maitreya Buddha.

There are six scars on the top of the old monk's head, and his whole body exudes golden light. He is like an eminent monk who can save all living beings.

Especially when the phrase "Are you happy?" came out, a kind of spirit of saving people's lives suddenly exploded.

Tang Yan stared at the monk strangely for a while, put Tutu on top of his head, grabbed Xu Yan with his right hand, and pointed his left thumb towards Du Yang: "Wife and child are hot on the kang, happy!!"



Du Yang and Xu Yan rudely blast Tang Yan away.

Maitreya Buddha smiled and nodded: "It seems that the life of the benefactor is not satisfactory, how about the poor monk show you the way? Give you a chance of happiness?"

"how much is it?"

"Just... Huh? Donor, your thoughts are unhealthy. Don't use money to tarnish the reputation of Buddhism."

"Really?" Tang Yan looked at him jokingly, and said with a half-smile, "What is your dharma name, fake monk?"

"Poor monk... Huh? Almighty, if you say that, the poor monk will not be happy. The poor monk came from a famous family and came from the pure land. He wants to follow in the footsteps of the holy monk and spread the warmth of love to the world." Maitreya Buddha's face was full of sincerity , with a peaceful temperament, and a treasure-faced demeanor of great compassion.

Especially when he was speaking, his whole body was shining with golden light, exuding layers of Buddha power, which made people want to worship him.

"Are you so tired? Molesting monks when you're free?" Du Yang and Xu Yan were helpless.

Tang Yan walked two steps forward with a smile: "Fake monk, if you pretend to be a Buddha and a monk, you won't be afraid of being struck by lightning?"

"Huh? Donor, is it really okay for you to be so rude? Let the poor monk enlighten you, and give you a chance to go to the world of bliss..."

"Fuck off! Don't talk nonsense! Where did you come from?" Tang Yan slapped Maitreya Buddha's shiny head with a loud slap.

Du Yang and Xu Yan's expressions changed, and their eyes widened.

Maitreya Buddha's face was full of grief and indignation: "This benefactor, you are too rude, let the poor monk enlighten you..."

Snapped!Another slap, resounding on Maitreya Buddha's head. "Stop talking nonsense to me! Desolate mountains and wild mountains, why did you stop us? What's the purpose? Don't think that if you shave your head, put on a cassock, and put on some golden light, you will become an eminent monk!"

"Benefactor! So good, so good, the Buddha said..."


"You... Amitabha, goodness, goodness, benefactor, the poor monk told you..."


"Short oil? I'll go, you... uh... the benefactor, the poor monk's name is Dufeng, it's Chenyuan Pavilion..."


"You...the benefactor! You are too irritable, the poor monk must enlighten me today..."

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Enough! Is it over?! Are you really a poor monk with a good temper?"


"Boom bang!!"

"I X, did I come up with a unique trick?"

Bang! !

There was a loud noise, and Maitreya Buddha howled and writhed out, lying on the ground like a prawn, clutching his stomach tightly, his eyes widened, his whole body was naked except for a pair of underpants.

"Where did it come from? Who sent you here?!" Tang Yan flipped through Maitreya's clothes, took out a series of red underwear, red bellyband, and seven or eight bags of gold coins, and blasted them all on Maitreya. .

"Grandpa... Where did you come from? Is it easy for me to start a business, old man? As for being so cruel?" Maitreya cried directly, squatting on the ground and crying, while throwing away the scattered stomach pockets and gold coins Something pulled into his arms.

"Count to three, or I will castrate you!"

"Brother!! Don't!! Let's talk if we have something to say, poor monk... um... no, I'm that kind of salesperson, I'm recruiting customers for the guild, business is not easy these days, so don't make a fuss No one will believe the tricks."

"What guild? Dare to pretend to be Pure Land?"

"Uh... forced by life..."

"Say!!" Tang Yan stared.



"Northwest! Go all the way to the northwest, eighty kilometers!"

(End of this chapter)

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