Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1061

Chapter 1061
"Try to say it again?" Hong Ling's spiritual eyes flashed a little chill.

The five guardians of the Red Pavilion looked at Tang Yan one after another, showing hostility.

They are all women, but the aura is quite tough.

The status and identity of the Red Pavilion in the Thomason United Empire is equivalent to the existence of the Gu Family of the Ancient Xingluo Kingdom and the Dongze Python Clan. Although they are all female disciples, with the help of the power of the Thomason United Empire, the Red Pavilion The name of the museum is extremely terrifying, and its influence is even wider.

With their status and status, they are enough to run rampant in the Thomason United Empire and the surrounding countries, and are widely respected.

Although Hongling girl is not the strongest successor of the present age, she is the most distinguished person, and her talent and realm rank among the top three in the new generation of Hongguan, and her status is equal to Gu Lingfeng!Who dares to provoke?Who dares to question?
It was precisely because everyone present was familiar with Hong Ling's background and future that they were astonished at the impact of the "red-haired girl".

Red-haired girl?It's a good thing this guy can figure it out!
"Yo! You're quite proud." Tang Yan took a few steps forward, looked around at the prominent young masters, and smiled strangely: "A red-haired girl can cause death? Say, let the world be clear, there must be a limit to your arrogance!"

Girl Hongling stopped the elders from showing their murderous intent, and her voice was cold: "I won't kill you, but I will teach you the etiquette of being a human being! My name is Hongling, and I come from the Red Pavilion of Thomason United Empire."

"Yan Tang, a refugee in the mountains, has never had a relationship with etiquette since he was a child. Don't worry about it. This is the end of today's conversation." Tang Yan has never heard of any red houses, and didn't pay much attention to Hong Lingnu. After responding, he directly questioned the world of bliss: " I don't have a higher education, I don't know etiquette, I can't say euphemistic words, let me say something simple and easy to understand - return the money to me quickly! We have urgent matters, and I don't have time to accompany you to fool around here!"

"Give him the money and let him go!" Tian Zhiyuan felt dizzy for a while, he should not have let him in if he knew this guy was so difficult to deal with.

I thought it was a cash cow at first, but now it seems that I was wrong!
"Wait!" Hongling girl stopped the world of bliss, and continued to walk towards Tang Yan with unkind eyes: "I'm talking to you, what's your minimum politeness?"

"You..." Tang Yan raised his eyebrows, nodded his head, and pointed at her: "Is your head okay? I don't know you well, so why do you have to talk to you? You are ready to kill Why should I be polite to you?"

"... Wow..." There was a little commotion at the scene, who is this person?Implicitly speaking, it is courageous enough, but generally speaking, it is simply reckless!

Mr. Luan finally cast his attention. Shesta, Sushou Wuhen and the others also temporarily stopped exploring the deep pit, and turned their surprised eyes to Tang Yan.

"You play with your prestige, it has nothing to do with me. You check your thieves, it has nothing to do with me. We will have no date, so leave."

"Stop! Before the whereabouts of the icon are found out, anyone may be a thief and have connections with everyone!"

"Huh? I said that you little girl is quite domineering." Tang Yan rubbed his forehead helplessly, and said, "Please think about it, we seem to be able to kill you in seconds. The role of the semi-saint? Don’t be funny, if we can kill the semi-saint in seconds, will we still talk nonsense here? If we can kill the semi-saint in a second, you won’t be standing and talking to me now!”

"Not always!"

"Not necessarily? What is not necessarily! I asked you to provoke you? Do I know you? How do I see what you mean, as if I am a thief. Did you, red-haired girl, take a fancy to me? If you want Strengthening communication can be done in another way.”

"Shameless!" Hong Ling's face turned cold.

"Looking for death!!" The five elders of the Red Pavilion almost went up to kill them.

"Huh? Why do I feel that this kid is molesting Hongling girl?" A prince of a kingdom was amused, and he lined up the closely guarded line a little, looking at the scene ahead with great interest.

"Okay, I'm not your type, and you're not my impulsive type. You search for your thieves, and I'll chase my way." Tang Yan hurriedly told Du Yang and the others to leave. up.

"Without my permission, no one can leave today, especially you!" Hong Lingnu regained her composure, her eyes were bright, but it was as cold as ice.

"We don't want to make trouble, but if someone makes trouble, we will never be afraid of trouble! Our three brothers and sisters have one life, and we will die when we die. Savages are not easy to mess with."

"You have the ability?"

Tang Yan carefully looked at Hong Lingnv and her five guards, smiled silently, shook her head and waved her hands, completely indifferent.

"Stop them!" Hong Lingnu's eyes sparkled with coldness, and the coldness turned into killing intent.

Shesta interrupted suddenly, and walked towards the sky step by step, facing Tang Yan from a distance: "You say you are a refugee from the mountains? May I ask where the mountains can produce three third-level warriors and third-level monsters? Dare I ask?" What kind of vagrants can face dozens of princes and sect heirs without changing their expressions? May I ask where the vagrants in the mountains will look at the Red Pavilion with contemptuous eyes?

Forgive me for daring to speculate, I am afraid that my friend has a lot of background, right?Dare I ask what mountain I came from, and which hermit master did I learn from? "

Shesta spoke powerfully, showing extraordinary eyesight and judgment.

After he mentioned it, many people re-examined Tang Yan.

If it is really an ordinary refugee in the ordinary mountains, how can it be possible to grow into a third-rank martial artist?To reach such a realm, opportunity, talent, martial arts, guidance, natural resources, everything is indispensable, and it must be of high standard!
Especially the three third-tier martial masters, and the third-tier demon masters!

This kind of lineup is not very luxurious, but it will definitely make some superpowers warmly entertain them. Even if they join the kingdom, they will be entrusted with the important task of protecting the country, and even if they are formed, they will develop rapidly.

The most important thing is Tang Yan's demeanor and demeanor, it doesn't seem to be artificial at all, natural and free and easy with arrogance, stubborn and perverted with arrogance, it's a natural expression!If it is said that the state can be obtained through too perverted opportunities, but the temperament is by no means cultivated by cultivation.

Tang Yan secretly thought that something bad was going to happen, and arousing suspicion was not a good sign.

"Stop talking nonsense, just go straight out." Du Yang had a premonition that today's battle is inevitable, and instead of wasting time, it is better to make an early attack, so that everyone is caught off guard and can escape smoothly.

"The Bliss Union seems to have discovered something, let's do it." Xu Yan noticed that the priests responsible for maintaining the prohibition began to gather, and more than 20 of them gathered in one area, as if to focus on some place search.

"En!" Tang Yan agreed with their opinions, but remained silent for a while, and decided to make some more tests to confirm a few things.The face continued to pretend to be weird, looked at Shesta, then at Hong Lingnv, and smiled strangely: "Am I really so good? When we met for the first time, I attracted the attention of the two young masters and young ladies. The red-haired girl wants her first love. Now, the blue-haired boy is going to recruit me, how should I make a decision?"

"Friend! You are causing trouble for yourself." Shesta shook her head and chuckled, seemingly elegant and indifferent, but the gleam in her eyes was not a good sign.

"Presidents, regardless of whether today's thieves are them or not, these three...we have decided in the red hall!" Although Hong Lingnv was shrewd and wise, she couldn't withstand Tang Yan's successive provocations like a disciple.It's just that there is no need to be angry now, and he sentenced Tang Yan to death in his heart.

After taking it, Ling Chi will be executed!
"Red girl, please don't worry, they can't escape!" Tian Zhiyuan took the lead to express his opinion. They were grateful for Hong Ling's help, and they intended to take the opportunity to make friends, and they were fed up with Tang Yan, so they just took the opportunity to take it down.With the name of the red house in the way, no one will question the bliss union to crack down on customers.

Tang Yan ignored them, and turned directly to Mr. Luan: "Dare to ask this Mr., your name? Where did you come from? I think you look familiar. Could it be the legendary eye? If you don't mind, we can find someone It’s a good place to discuss your interests and hobbies.”

Mr. Luan remained silent, except for a casual glance, he didn't pay attention at all, his eyes were like looking at a monkey playing around.

"No need to collude with allies, no one can help you today!" Hong Lingnu signaled the elders to surround Tang Yan, lest they take the opportunity to escape.

Tang Yan looked at Mr. Huiluan, shrugged his shoulders, and ignored him, but turned around and said suddenly: "As a person from the Seven Forbidden Lands of the Central Plains, it is ridiculous and naive to come here to 'dream'."

Um?Mr. Luan's eyes narrowed slightly, and several guards under his command slowly raised their heads. In the darkness under the cloak, there were two balls of dancing underworld fire, which was extremely terrifying.

At this time, the priests in charge of searching for the underground suddenly rushed to President Bliss and the others, and whispered: "After our patchwork, we have basically determined the original location of the underground tunnel connecting the sacred statues in the restricted area."

"Where is it?!" Tian Zhiyuan's expression turned cold.

"In...the VIP area...the seventh house..."

(End of this chapter)

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