Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 107 Lepus

Chapter 107 Lepus
"Follow me!" Tang Yan reminded Du Yang and Xu Yan, and hurried out.

All the way to the east, avoiding the boulders that fell at any time, the three of them jumped up and down on the rugged ruins. From time to time, people broke through the ruins and climbed out nearby, but no one cared about these three miners. Looking at the doomsday scene around.

Tang Yan rushed for more than four to five hundred kilometers, and finally came to the edge of the ruins.

Looking back, the dust is rolling like a surging endless ocean, and huge boulders are falling, like a group of meteorites destroying the earth, it is like the whole world is collapsing, and the corpses of monsters and warriors can be seen everywhere.

But after leaving the ruined area, the world in front of them made the three of them a little dazed.

The boundless land is pale, full of sand, gravel and dead wood, and you can't see the edge at a glance; the sky is gray and dark, without clouds or light, extending to the end of the endless world.

Old trees can be vaguely seen on the vast land, some are thin and twisted, crumbling, some are straight into the sky, huge like mountains, but they have no color, all the ancient trees are dead.

silence!Deathly silence!

There is no breath of life!
On the gray-white land full of sand and gravel, occasionally there will be some broken stone pillars, standing there alone, as if there were once palaces, after hundreds of millions of years, they have collapsed and weathered, leaving only some stone pillars Standing in loneliness, recalling the glory of the past.

No no!The black girl became restless, and her body glowed with black electricity, feeling a great threat.

"What the hell is this place? Why do I feel hairy all over?" Du Yang had never felt such a feeling, a kind of coldness emanating from the soul, cold heart palpitations, and cold scalp numbness.

It seems that there is a land of death in front of you. If you step into it, you may be doomed.

"Sure enough, it's an underground world, but the area is too big!" Xu Yan's expression was also grim. He had already run for hundreds of kilometers, and there was no end in sight. How big is this place?
"Keep going, go east!" Blood Doll urged again.

"Will it be dangerous?" Tang Yan hesitated, as if there was an unreal world in front of him.

"Listen to the old ancestor, hurry up!"

"You first tell me where this place is and what you feel"

"I'll let you go!" The blood baby let out a sharp roar suddenly, the blood surged all over his body, and the sea of ​​​​qi set off huge waves.

hum!The golden tiger and golden butterfly on the edge of the sea of ​​qi erupted with brilliant brilliance, covering the entire sea of ​​qi, suppressing the violent resentment.The golden chains of the abyss were shining brightly, tightly entwining the blood doll.The golden light seemed to be highly corrosive, and the blood baby let out a shrill scream, and its body became thinner violently.

Tang Yan's body trembled violently, and he knelt down on the ground with a bang, his face was pale, and sweat dripped down the corner of his forehead.

"What's wrong with you?" Du Yang was startled, and hurried over to help him.

"Let's go! Patriarch, I can't kill you, but I can cripple you! In the worst case, we will die together!" The blood baby let out a tyrannical roar, with blood rolling all over his body, struggling to break free.

Moody!When he was surly, he was like a child, but at this moment, the rage was full of terrifying evil intentions.

The violent fluctuations in Tang Yan's sea of ​​qi affected the flow of spiritual power in his whole body, and even Wu Ying started to shake, showing signs of getting out of control, and the evil spirit of the blood baby made his whole body cold.

There was a burst of fear in my heart!
"I'm leaving! I didn't say no!" Tang Yan comforted the blood baby in his heart, struggling to stand up.

"Continue to the east, this is a land of death, but it is also a land of treasures, walk around!" The blood baby calmed down, but the serious tyranny never dissipated, staring at Tang Yan stubbornly.

"Crazy!" Tang Yan cursed in his heart, and took several deep breaths in a row to calm the churning blood: "You two stay here, I'll go over and have a look, and I'll be back soon."

"Hey, what are you going to do again? Something is wrong inside!" Du Yang held Tang Yan back.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, you guys wait here, don't go far away." Tang Yan put the black girl on top of her head, clenched her fists, and walked cautiously towards this gray and white world.

"Together?" Du Yang asked Xu Yan. In this mysterious and strange place, he couldn't let Tang Yan act alone.

Xu Yan stayed where he was, looking ahead vigilantly. A strong sense of danger filled the space like a substance, which made him very uneasy. After hesitating for a long time, he took the first step.

The three of them headed east all the way, speeding up constantly. As they walked, they gradually lost their sense of direction. Looking around, the sky and the earth, and the surrounding environment were all gray and white, boundless, and stereotyped.

"This is a tree." The three of them passed by an ancient tree. The vigorous roots cling to the ground, and any root is stronger than Tang Yan. The huge trunk is hundreds of meters long, extending to the sky.

It is entirely conceivable how domineering it used to be, and it may have spirituality.

"How many years does it take for such a huge ancient tree to grow?" Tang Yan was full of shock and emotion, and reached out to touch the old bark. Suddenly, there was a loud buzzing in his mind, and a shocking picture emerged!

Clouds and mist billowed in the sky for thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of thunder and lightning swept across, endless creatures trembled, and were destroyed one after another under the wrath of the heavens, but in the dark world, under the violent lightning, a huge ancient tree was like a towering giant standing in the sky. Dancing huge branches to resist the sky, rolling up bursts of terrifying energy.

Du Yang and Xu Yan both met the ancient tree, and the same scene appeared in their minds. After a long time, the three of them trembled and were bounced back fiercely. They looked at each other with shock on their faces.

What kind of terrifying picture is this?This ancient tree has ever competed against the sky?

When did this happen?Is it ancient
This thought came to mind, and the three of them shuddered in unison.Leaving the ancient trees and continuing to move forward, occasionally passing some ancient trees, they are all very huge, and most of them can feel special images every time they are touched, without exception, they are shocking scenes of them fighting against the disasters of heaven and earth.

What kind of place is this?
What ever happened?
Why buried deep underground?And why did they all die?
Gradually, the three of them entered the deepest part of this boundless world, and found a dilapidated stone pillar between two ancient trees that reached the sky. It seemed that this place used to be a small altar, but it had been weathered after endless years, leaving only a bare stone pillar , Under the stone pillar, nailed a broken monster skeleton.

When their fingertips touched the stone pillar, there was no response, but when they touched the monster skeleton, the shocking scene reappeared.

A vast mountain range, bare, without any vegetation, looking around, it is desolate.

Suddenly, a huge mountain trembled violently, and with a loud bang, the whole giant mountain collapsed completely, and a black bull with two giant claws struggled out from inside!The barbarian bull is as huge as a mountain, covered with steel-like scales, and its two ferocious giant claws are like eagle claws, flashing a frightening cold light.

The black-armored bull roared up to the sky, and the desolate mountain range trembled. It was so powerful and powerful that its two sharp claws seemed to tear the sky and the earth apart.

The three of Tang Yan felt their energy and blood surging, and they hurriedly broke away from the skeleton.

Continuing to move forward, they saw more skeletons, and they could feel a scene every time they touched them. There were falcons covering the sky, blue flood dragons churning in the river and sea, and golden spiders all over. A humanoid monster with wings.

They were all nailed to death under the stone pillar. No matter how huge and terrifying they were in life, there are only a few broken bones left now.

"Huh? What is this?" As they walked, they accidentally noticed a special situation. There was also a dilapidated altar between two towering ancient trees. It was still the same stone pillar, but it was different. Yes, under the stone pillar is not a messy skeleton, but a stone rabbit curled up the size of a palm!
"What's so special about this rabbit?" Tang Yan and Xu Yan stretched out their hands one after another.

"Wait, don't touch them." Du Yang suddenly stopped their movements, and pointed to the ancient tree next to him: "Pay attention to their color, some are whitish, they are petrified!"

Petrochemical?Tang Yan and Xu Yan checked carefully. That's right, the two towering ancient trees were all petrified, including the roots and branches, and they were full of cracks under the erosion of years. If it wasn't for Du Yang's petrified spirit veins to detect it, they really wouldn't have been able to find it.

"Heaven! This is Lepus!" The blood baby exclaimed suddenly, with deep horror flashing in his eyes.

"What is a lepus?"

"A legendary monster. Millions of years ago, there was a very terrifying monster. No matter where it appeared, it would cause unprecedented disasters. Everything around it would be turned into stone. According to legend, the most powerful The Usagi can instantly petrify a huge city of millions of people, no matter how strong or weak, old or young, will become its artwork."

(End of this chapter)

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