Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1085 The End of Space

Chapter 1085 The End of Space
Unexpected surprises completely broke the sacrificial atmosphere of the sacrificial field, the giant leaders were furious, and the sound waves of venting and roaring shook the sacrificial field, and the domineering majesty competed for the power of the sky.

All the 2 barbarian giants drew their knives, strode proudly, and stared around the sacrificial field, frightening the more than [-] restless captives.

The sudden appearance of Xue Tianchen and the declaration of war, the existence and furious battle of the young master of Jiulongling, and the retreat and disappearance of Zang Ba all made the high-level barbarians furious, and temporarily terminated the sacrifice that was about to end.

"It's best for you to continue the sacrifice, otherwise the anger of the wolf clan will make you unable to eat." Mr. Luan appeared from the edge of the sacrificial field, facing the strong wind raging on the top of the mountain, and walked towards the altar step by step .

"Master Luan, why did you appear here?"

"Is that boy the young master of Jiulongling that Xue Tianchen mentioned?"

"How did that lunatic Xue Tianchen get in? Who can explain to me!"

"Xue Tianchen! Tang Yan! Adding you as Mr. Luan, what exactly do you want to do in the Central Plains forbidden area?"

"Just relying on you juniors, do you dare to break into the Youye Forest?"

"The current Youye Forest is no longer the Youye Forest of the Golden Ancient Clan era!"

All the leaders' eyes fell on Mr. Luan. Their eyes were as imposing as they were, with a very heavy sense of oppression, and even more undisguised anger.Although there are no saints in Tuocang Mountain, the ancient barbarians are not afraid of any forces!

"Want to know what they are going to do? I want to know too. Let's go, come and join me in the Night Forest." Mr. Luan walked through the crowd and stepped on the stone steps to the altar.

"Stop!! I tell you to stop! Speak clearly!" the barbarian leader shouted.

"Youye Forest... I haven't been in it for many years..." Mr. Luan's face is fair and handsome, and at this moment he is smiling fascinatedly, with a sense of beauty like a woman.

Before he could finish his sentence, he had already stepped into the altar where the rays of light were transpiring, leaving behind a mysterious smile, accepting the pull of space power.

The high-altitude black mist began to churn continuously and violently, with a manic momentum, the light of the altar became brighter, and all signs indicated that the sacrifice was coming to an end.

The Night Forest has special restrictions, and it is not easy to open a space channel for too long.

"Zang Ba has entered the Youye Forest. He will communicate with the wolf royal family and be alert to the intrusion of the three descendants of the forbidden area."

"Let him deal with it for the time being, and the wolf clan will assist him in dealing with this accident."

"Let the sacrifice continue without delay!!"

The barbarian leaders unanimously ordered the barbarians to move faster.The Youye Forest is dominated by the five wolf clans. As long as Zang Ba gives a timely warning, he will not be disturbed by the descendants of the forbidden land.

But if they can't send the sacrifices in time, the anger of the five wolf clans will cause severe damage to Tuocang Mountain.Therefore, the sacrifice must be carried out, and all the sacrifices must be sent in before the space channel is cut off.

"Everyone in the second cell, come to the altar for me!"

"Don't let us be ruthless, give me a little quickness!"

The barbarian giants roared loudly, pushing and shoving the captives savagely.

The captives all had strong resistance and fear. Looking at the altar that was steaming under the sun was like looking at a bloody beheading platform. No matter how strong they are usually, when they are walking towards death step by step, the suffering and fear are enough. Break anyone's will.

"Listen to me clearly, when you step on the altar, you will enter a special space, whether you live or die, it depends on your own good luck, but whoever can't walk into the altar in time will stay in Tuocang Mountain forever, living worse than pigs and dogs !!"

A commander yelled loudly, barely waking up the "vitality" of the captives, and a little light appeared in the desperate and dull eyes.

"There is only half a stick of incense time. If you advance, you will live, and if you retreat, you will die."

"People in the second prison area don't want to be prisoners forever, so let me go in immediately!"

The barbarian giants roared one after another, and nearly a thousand giants rushed forward, roughly pushing and shoving the prisoners.

Xia Houcha was the first to bravely walk towards the altar, without retreating or escaping, with a resolute demeanor, stepping on the ancient stone platform to the mysterious altar, accepting the transpiration of the chaotic mist and the submersion of the power of space.

Every prisoner has a restriction, which is a special restriction exclusive to the barbarians. It was imposed on them when they first entered the cell to limit the flow of spiritual power.But when they boarded the altar, the combination of the steaming mist power of the altar and the barbarian's restriction would remove the restriction immediately, and return them to normal warrior abilities, allowing them to fully exert their spiritual power.

But the devouring power of space is extremely surging, and they are no longer allowed to struggle. At the first moment of recovering their abilities, before they cheered and resisted, they all dragged and passed to the endless space channel.

Like endless stars passing by at high speed, and like boundless chaotic light gushing towards him, leading to the unknown world.

At the end of the space passage is the Night Forest!

At this moment, the exit was already foggy and the sun was shining, and the offerings were coming.

The altar of Tuocang Mountain is the only entrance to the space passage, but there are different exits at the end of the passage. It seems to have a specific recognition ability and separate the objects entering the space passage.All the treasures of heaven, material and earth are scattered to the same exit, weapons and metals are scattered to another exit, one exit for souls, one exit for children, and the most important warriors and monsters lead to one area.

Tang Yan and Du Yang and Xu Yan broke into the altar together, but it was obvious that they were first and then later, so that they were lost in the gorgeous passage in a blink of an eye.And because the suction force is so violent that it loses balance in the space channel.

Vigorously tossing and soaring into the air at extreme speed.

There were bursts of whirling, tearing and pushing, making Tang Yan whirl through the passage.

hum! !The dazzling light suddenly disappeared, and the whole world was completely plunged into darkness.

Tang Yan seemed to be blasted out by a domineering force and fell from a high altitude.

Boom! !Tang Yan landed steadily and regained his composure, but before he could stand up, his body froze slightly, his brows first furrowed and then raised, he raised his head slowly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he took a deep breath.

The sky and the earth are dark and gloomy, only the very thin moonlight shines palely, leaving mottled and sparse light.There are black shadows everywhere, they are dead trees, gullies, and cliffs, desolate and terrifying.The eyes are full of green light, they are... wolves! !
A wolf with grinning teeth, a ferocious wolf, a majestic wolf with black hair standing upright and sharp claws!
Looking around, in the dark, on the cliff, under the shadow of the tree, on the top of the dead tree, and under the moonlight, there are densely packed, boundless, tens of thousands?One hundred thousand?millions?
Tang Yan stood up in a daze, and a long-lost chill swept through his body like an electric current. Looking around, he saw a sea of ​​darkness, a sea of ​​dead wood, and even a sea of ​​wolves. The feeling was creepy, and the breath was so oppressive that he wanted to die. .

Looking far away, in the depths of the boundless darkness, it seems that there is an extremely violent collision, the chaotic and dense roars spread faintly, more violent energy rages in the darkness, and occasionally there are lights flickering.

Apparently there was a battle going on there, and it was huge.Even if you are far away, you can still feel the madness.

Compared with the fierce battle in the distance, the overwhelming pack of wolves around Tang Yan was a little calmer. They all looked up at the sky, their wolves' eyes were scarlet, and their teeth bared, as if they were waiting for something.

"Did you fall into the wolf's den?" Tang Yan swallowed hard, growing up so big, he had never seen such a pack of wolves who belonged to wolves, and he would be exhausted if he stood up and let himself kill.

And the wolves... my mother, what did you eat to grow up?

Each wolf is of different size, but the smallest one is five meters long, and the scariest one is more than ten meters long. It is a mess of fierceness, exuding the bloodiest wildness all over its body.

"Roar!!" Low-pitched wolves roared all around, and more and more wolves noticed Tang Yan's fall. Their fangs bared out, their saliva dripped, and they breathed heavily, spitting out bloody red air.

The atmosphere of the vast sea of ​​wolves gradually began to change.

This is... the violent giant wolf clan?The most brutal and violent group?
Did I fall into the lair of the giant wolf tribe?

Tang Yan suddenly realized that the sacrifice is food!The ancient barbarians captured more than 5 warriors and monsters just to feed the wolves?The battlefield in the distance is obviously a pack of wolves hunting down the more than 5000 monsters that fell before.

So here... are the wolves waiting for the arrival of human warriors?

"Don't get excited, I came here with good intentions." Tang Yan raised his hands and tried to force a smile.But his whole body was tense, from head to toe in high tension, and even his breathing was uncontrollable and rapid.

The surrounding wolves turned their wolf heads towards them one after another, and their bodies moved, but their heads were slightly lowered, and their teeth were grinning, which was a sign that they were about to pounce on food.

At this time, the high-altitude space channel suddenly burst into light, and the sacrifices began to be delivered again. The dazzling light illuminated the world, clearly illuminating the dark world full of cliffs and dead trees, and also clearly showing the endless and endless pack of wolves. The ocean lights up.

Anyone who saw the scene in front of him would either go into convulsions or commit suicide. Even Tang Yan almost bit his tongue. This scene was far more shocking than he expected.

(End of this chapter)

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