Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087 Thousand Buddhas Open the Way

"I am a sinner, but I can be regarded as a human! You beasts, enough is enough!"

Tang Yan's treasure is majestic, like a real Buddha, but under the solemnity and the golden light in his eyes, there is a strange coldness and inexplicable sadness.

He is not a good person, let alone a savior, but watching wolves devouring his own kind and witnessing the downfall of human beings, he truly feels compassion and anger.

Even the evil disciples and evil generations of the evil ancestors will also fight in rage. Human beings can kill each other, and wild beasts will never be allowed to treat human beings as food!
Tang Yan is not a good person, but he is still a person, a person of flesh and blood, and a person who hovers outside the boundaries of the 'wicked person'!
He was prepared for the cruelty of the Night Forest; he had fantasized about the filth here.But if you really experience it personally, if you really face it personally, every emotion and scene still deeply hurts the soul.

The scene of hundreds of thousands of wolves eating together is simply horrific.

The filth and crime of the Youye Forest are more serious than imagined, and the monotony and cruelty of the world are even more shocking. It is sad that my black girl lives in such an environment? !

Hateful bastard, treat us humans as food?

What the hell did you do to my black chick?
Tang Yan's Buddhist prestige soared, out of pity and grief, the golden light shone across the world, propping up a piece of light and opening up a side of solemnity.

Stunning and golden light form a still atmosphere, centered on Buddha's prestige, radiating endless canyons, mountain streams, cliffs and black plains, hundreds of thousands of wolves stopped killing one after another, raised their ferocious wolf heads to stare at the golden Buddha seal, more than [-] Humans stop and stare in a pool of blood.

The name of the Pure Land, the majesty of the semi-holy, and the majestic Buddha statue are like a dazzling lamp, illuminating the desperate and desolate hearts of all human beings and bringing fiery hope.

The warriors who gathered a little closer were in high spirits, and their eyes were blazing.

"Master! Master! Help me!!" On the edge of the cliff 600 meters away, a bald man screamed sadly, and rushed towards the golden light-filled field.

His right arm was bitten to pieces, and he was covered in blood, but the desire to survive that was aroused at this moment made his blood boil.

The eyes of the surrounding wolves were suddenly ferocious, and they surrounded him with glaring green eyes, their teeth bared, their temples bristling, and the bloody and cruel aura made the space freeze.

"Big...Master..." The brawny man's voice was slightly weaker, his face completely faded, and he looked at the wolves circling around him in horror. Every wolves were bigger than himself, majestic like a lion !
"Buddha seal! Opening the mountain!" Tang Yan formed the seal in an instant, stretched out his palm, and the fifth most powerful Buddha seal opened the mountain seal with a bang.The golden light surges all over the body, the mighty Buddha power in the sky, and the surging golden light tide turns into a ferocious and wild giant crocodile, which is lifelike and tens of meters tall, rushing and impacting.

The crocodile claws slapped, the rocks splashed, the space trembled, and the golden flames billowed, shaking the mountains, just like a beast came out of the ancient battlefield and blasted directly at the wolves in front.

Ow! !
The pack of wolves are fierce, ferocious and cruel, they will kill you head-on, no matter what the Buddha's seal is or not.

But Kaishan Buddha Seal, the power of Broken Mountain, fierce and domineering, turned ruthlessly at the moment of head-on collision and smashed more than a dozen giant wolves, leaving behind shocking corpses. Bang Fei, some luckily avoided.

Open the mountain seal, the body of a giant crocodile!

A passage 20 meters wide and 600 meters long was created in the chaotic ocean of wolves, directly reaching the one-armed strong man.

A domineering move is equivalent to a decisive declaration - this person, I'm sure!

The wolves on both sides of the passage shook and roared, and retreated involuntarily, making the passage as wide as 30 meters.

The bald man stared blankly at the dissipating golden light in front of him, raised his head tremblingly, looked at the blood-stained passage, looked at the golden Buddha figure in the sky, and fixed that solemn face.

His ferocious and desperate expression gradually relaxed, his desperate eyes began to shake, his teeth chattered slightly, and hot tears welled up in his eyes.

"Thank you, Master!!" The bald man roared hysterically, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he burst into tears, and ran towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Realm with firm steps.

He was a mortal, he was just a mercenary.He was originally a refugee, he was just Wu Zong.He has never been treated like this before, and no one has ever saved himself like this. He asked Tang Yan for help just because of his subconscious desire to survive, but... Tang Yan really rescued him, and he was still so resolute.

He has never been so excited today, and has never been so teary like today.

Tang Yan's sudden killer once again frightened the nearby wolves, trembling the dark and high-altitude warriors again.

Thousands of pairs of eyes looked at Tang Yan and the running bald head.

Is he really going to save someone?Can it be saved?
The wolves are not reconciled, they are ferocious in nature, and they are full of violence and fearlessness in their bones. Foyin's deterrence has indeed played a role, but it is absolutely impossible to really shock them.When the bald man ran half the way, the wolves on both sides of the road in front suddenly and quickly rushed out, completely unafraid of Tang Yan's threat, and more than a dozen giant wolves rushed towards the strong man in all directions.

Sharp fangs, terrifying figures, ferocious impacts, and vigorous figures create terrifying killings.

With the bald head and eyes burning, he ran wildly to the death, no longer resisting at all, because there was a voice in his heart screaming - he will save me!he will save me!He will definitely save me!

"Tiger Seal!"

"Sky Eagle Seal!"

"Earth Ape Seal!"

Tang Yan's eyes were blazing and decisive, his throat was rolling, and the shadow of his palm was flying, and he struck out three Buddha seals in succession, like a meteorite falling from the sky, with the power of destruction, mercilessly blasting and killing the wolves. Corpses fly.

With the power of a semi-sage, one can imagine the power of the Buddha Seal. The scene was completely bombarded. Dozens of wolves died miserably, and the wolves that rounded up the strong man turned into dust.

"Hahaha!! Haha!" The strong man laughed wildly in his heart, his blood was boiling, he stared at the figure in the sky, and ran wildly.

At this moment, the eyes of thousands of warriors were focused on him, staring straight at him, their hands clenched tightly, they couldn't help shouting in their hearts - go!rush!rush over! !

Ow! !
The surrounding wolves rioted collectively, their blood was raging, and it shocked people's hearts. The sound of the riot quickly swept across, and the wolves that had been silent just now boiled again.

Foyin's domineering did not deter them at all, it only had one effect - to irritate them! !

Not only the wolves around Tang Yan, but also the wolves in the distance and everywhere, all went mad and rushed towards their targets viciously. They didn't need any unified command. They were ferocious in nature and would never allow human beings to trample on their dignity.

"I illuminate the sky with the Buddha, and the Buddha holds the common people with a thousand arms! The gate of Buddhism—a thousand handprints!" Tang Yan's voice was like a bell, his eyes were like bright lights, his lips moved, and his handprints turned into knots. Suddenly, strange lines appeared under his body, converging into a The giant swastika extending hundreds of meters erupted with golden light, permeating with terrifying divine power.

The sound of the Buddha surged between heaven and earth, as if it came across space, echoing in the dark night, all the warriors looked around in amazement, looking for the source of the sound.

The golden light around Tang Yan suddenly exploded, like a raging flame. The giant Buddha statue reached the sky and the earth, illuminating the mountains and valleys, and the sound of the Buddha's voice rose accordingly.

Tang Yan is the real Buddha, the Buddha statue is the Buddha's power, and the swastika under his body is the Buddha's garden, and they complement each other!

"Open the way! Return!!" Tang Yan pushed out with a slow palm, and the ears of the high-altitude Buddha statue were pierced at the same time, and the vast momentum and dazzling golden light emerged like a vast ocean, sweeping out in all directions with terrifying power.

The entire mountain group was trembling, and the dark night was disturbed by it.

The golden light split into thousands, like a thousand palm shadows bombarded all of them, each possessing the power no less than the previous 'Mountain Seal'.

"This is..." All the terrified warriors on the battlefield lost their minds and looked up at the night sky in a daze. Even the wolves who had just rioted felt an unusual aura.

Thousands of Buddha Palms did not gather in layers as they used to, but they were shot out indiscriminately, covering the sky and covering the earth, ruthlessly bombarding, covering a range of 5000 meters, covering nearly a hundred mountains and ravines, and awe-inspiring hundreds of thousands A pack of wolves.

Tang Yan became angry, and the Buddha's prestige rose. The thousand handprints of the Buddhist sect reaped the lives of nearly [-] giant wolves under this blow.

Blood stains the black land red!

But the golden light and the bloody world formed a sharp contradiction, and the eyes of the high-altitude Buddha statue left traces similar to blood and tears.

This sweep, released with one blow, not only opened up the road in front of the bald head, but also sharply reduced the number of wolves within five kilometers by more than half, reducing the pressure on the more than 5000 warriors within the range.

"Thank you! Thank you!!" The bald-headed man successfully arrived in the golden light area, and he knelt down on the ground, his head deeply touching the ground, and he refused to lift his head for a long time. Hot tears dripped again, soaking the black ground.

"It's the seal of Buddha! It's really Buddhist martial arts!!" Countless warriors were emotional and tears filled their eyes. They didn't know Jiulongling or Tang Yan, but they had all heard the name of the Pure Land and could feel the semi-holy spirit. Coercion can better understand Tang Yan's determination to save them.

"Open your eyes, kill! Brothers and sisters, join hands!" The desire of human beings to survive is terrifying. First, they experienced the torment of despair in prisons, the ravages of human nature, and then the threat of wolves. Hope, that kind of mood, that kind of feeling, no one can understand without personal experience.

Some people just started crying, crying in a wild run, running to the god-like savior.

But... "Tang Yan!! Escape!!" In the middle of the crowd, the mother-in-law appeared and screamed piercingly. She was as vicious as her, and her eyes were full of horror, as if she had a premonition of something terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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