Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1092 The Spirit Whisperer

Chapter 1092 The Spirit Whisperer

In the dark and cold new world, the surviving fighters gathered together in groups of three or four, calming their heavy panting, pressing on bloody wounds, and looking at the strange black space with nervous and frightened eyes.

"where is this place?"

"Where did the Pure Land Envoy go?"

"Why is there no guidance?"

Everyone has the same question in their minds, but no one can answer their confusion, and no one can appease their fear.

Boundless and endless darkness, eternal coldness and silence, the whole world is like a pool of stagnant water, without any life, without any trace of life.

Occasionally, a few wisps of lonely souls would drift by, leaving behind a hollow gloom; occasionally, there would be animal souls roaring silently in the distant mountains, bringing depression and loneliness;

Leaving the dirty Tuocang Mountain, walking into the dark forest of killing, looking for hope in despair and pain, but in the blink of an eye, they all fell into darkness again.

More than 300 people were divided into dozens of clusters, and there were some scattered solitary people.

They didn't know how long they had been waiting. The dark and cold world seemed to stand still forever, without the concept of time, and even their sense of direction seemed to be lost.

"Savior? Saint? Rescue the suffering?" Xiezu's soul floated in the dark sky, overlooking the panicked crowd on the dark land. A series of rhetorical questions, combined with his evil sneer, felt weird.

"What? It's rare for me to be kind, and you laughed at me?" Tang Yan's phantom appeared next to him, observing the crowd below.

"Purposeful kindness, how about you?"

"Purposeful kindness is also called kindness." Tang Yan knew that he couldn't hide his thoughts from this old villain: "Leave it to you??"

"Leave it to me? Are you not afraid of being killed by me?" Xiezu's green eyes flickered slightly, as if he was a little interested.

"The New World is my secret. I let them in, but I have no intention of letting them out. If you stay in the Night Forest, you will die, and you will die miserably. If you enter the New World, at least you will have a chance to survive. , even death is a peaceful death. I have no regrets in my heart, and I am worthy of saving time."

"Don't mention that old thing in front of me!" Xie Zu's eyes turned cold.

"I came in to ask you where the black coffin is."

"In the territory of the wolf royal family, the wolf royal family is guarding it with all their strength, and the other four wolf clans assist in suppressing it. If you are tired of working and looking for excitement, I suggest you go in for a stroll."

"Every time Tuocang Mountain offers sacrifices, three thousand children will be sacrificed to Youye Forest. What will they be used for?"


"Eat?" Tang Yan frowned and looked at him strangely: "It's that simple?"

"I don't know more about Youye Forest than you. I was arrested back then, not invited to visit. I have been suppressed in the cemetery and used as nourishment for Youye Forest."

"Amber said back then that because the emperors jointly set up the curse power in Youye Forest, they were unable to break through the shackles, and they would never be able to give birth to a powerful emperor. But the ancient golden clan left the Qitian Continent for tens of thousands of years, and the five wolf clans were out of control 5 years, and secretly accepting a large number of gifted children, I suspect..."

"Is there an emperor in Youye Forest?"

"The possibility cannot be ruled out. Back then, Amber did not affirm that Youye Forest would never be able to give birth to an emperor." Tang Yan came to this point on a whim. The five wolf clans were jointly founded by the ancient golden clan. Perhaps no outsider would understand his abilities.

Xie Zu didn't respond, but there was a very weak fluctuation in the soul body.

"I've always been curious, with your strength back then, how could you be suppressed in You Ye Forest?" Tang Yan was sure that Xie Zu didn't hold back. Neither Zhanjie nor the Ancient Golden Clan knew about it, let alone Youye Forest.

But Xie Zu is assisted by the ghost Qinghuo, has the strength of the holy realm, and claims that he is expected to hit the imperial path, who can easily suppress him?Is it related to the secret in the night forest?
"I was tricked by that old bald donkey Du Kong back then, I was murdered by the Five Great Empires, and I was set up by You Ye Forest." The evil ancestor's eyes flashed with hatred. It has been more than a hundred years, but it is still very uncomfortable when I think about it. Willingly.

"Public Enemy of the Mainland? Much stronger than me." Tang Yan teased on purpose.But it suddenly became clear that the five empires were involved?Involved in the Pure Land?Also involved in the night forest?Things are almost clear.

Who made you kill everywhere back then, who made you behave so evil, who made you show a strong momentum to hit the imperial path, who made you cause uneasiness in all parties.

Xie Zu didn't want to mention the deeds of those years, but instead asked: "How do you want to convince the Thunder Wolf Clan? Don't tell me that you really came to propose marriage! Youye Forest is not Jiulongling, let alone Xingluo Ancient Country, I advise you not to We had close contacts with them."

Tang Yan smiled sheepishly: "I was just kidding around, I stimulated them on purpose, I really think I'm a demon, even my own girls will not be spared."

"Hei Niu's status in the Thunder Wolf Clan is not low. The black coffin of the Bone Race is of great significance to Youye Forest. Whether you want to take Hei Niu or Xu Yan to take away your seniors, it is not an easy task. Standing on my side The angles are unrealistic."

"The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge. Now that I've come in, can I back down? If I'm timid, can I get to where I am today? Look, take it away if you can, and fight for it if you can't." Tang Yan pointed. Miss Zuojia and her three guards in the crowd below: "The four of them take care of it a little bit, and the rest just do experiments. There are more than 300 warriors, eight Wu Zuns, four hundred Wu Kings, and the rest are all Wu Zong."

Xiezu asked: "Did she say she is Miss Zuojia?"

"you recognize?"

"The Jinpeng Kingdom is an ancient family. My hometown is the Jinpeng Kingdom. Of course I know the Zuo family."

"Oh? Your hometown?" Tang Yan looked at Xie Zu in surprise. Is there such a relationship?
"What? I can't have a hometown? Could it be that I jumped out of a rock?" Xie Zu didn't even bother to look at Tang Yan, and said: "The Zuo family has a long history, and there is a semi-holy ancestor in the family. Let them have a prominent position in the Jinpeng Empire. The Zuo family has a very unique ability, which can be regarded as inheritance power, giving them a special identity-spirit talker!"

"Spiritual language? Explain, explain?"

"You may not have noticed that Miss Zuo's ears are pointed and longer than normal humans. Their sense of hearing has been sharper than humans since childhood. With the improvement of their realm and the awakening of their blood, they can hear many wonderful things in nature. Sound. For another example, they can communicate with animals, understand the feelings of plants, and hear the flow of spiritual power in the blood of warriors. It is said that the elders of Zuojia Bansheng can feel the pulse of the earth.

Even though I wantonly killed people, devoured the spirit source fluid, and smelted the newborn world, I never got my hands on the Jinpeng Kingdom.The Zuo family is also the only faction that I have come forward to ask them to help me, and it is also the only faction that has not been wiped out after refusing me. "

"How can the Zuo family help you?"

"Distinguish the truth from the false, listen to the good and the evil, and rationalize loyalty and rebellion."

Tang Yan was confused, but he vaguely felt that the Zuo family seemed really extraordinary.

"Spirit talkers can feel the sounds of all things in nature and the flow of the earth's spiritual veins, which allows them to find treasures of heaven and earth better than ordinary people. I need this ability to obtain better treasures for my power .

Spirit talkers can hear the warrior's heartbeat and spiritual power flow, and those with extraordinary aptitude can even distinguish between good and evil and the ability to tell the truth from the fake.I need this ability to help me see through the loyalty of my subordinates. I need them to be with me at all times, so I can see if my opponent is playing tricks. "

Tang Yan couldn't help but re-evaluate the Miss Zuo's family below. She seemed weak, but she was really extraordinary.The so-called spiritual whisperers should not have strong combat effectiveness, and they may seem weak, but if they are used well, they may really have some magical effects.

"The secret book of the Zuo family is 'Listening to the Gods Record', first listening to the living beings, second listening to all things, third listening to the soul, fourth listening to good and evil, and fifth listening to the principles of heaven. But the real 'Listening to the Gods Records' has been inherited in ancient times, and they retained It’s a fragmented scroll, lacking in ability, but the Bansheng of the Zuo family is a talented person who can distinguish between good and evil!”

Tang Yan couldn't help touching his chin, showing an inexplicable smile.

After they discussed with each other, more than 3000 warriors in the world below began to move one after another. They are not puppets, and it is impossible to squat in one place for a few days. Gradually, some people bravely moved around, some in small groups, Some move forward alone.

They gradually dispersed, gradually lost in the darkness, some continued to move forward, while others stopped in fear.

"It's about to start." Xie Zu waved forward, and the fluffy will-o'-the-wisps scattered between the sky and the earth were guided, and gradually fell, connecting sparsely in a straight line, dancing faintly in the darkness, guiding some warriors to the distant... three Shengshan Group...

(End of this chapter)

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