Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1098 Another Tang Yan

Chapter 1098 Another Tang Yan

The mysterious man never stopped after assaulting Xue Tianchen. He was like a ghost, and he moved like a dragon. In a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the struggling giant wolf leader. His golden eyes looked at him coldly. He raised his ancient saber again, like an executioner, holding up his butcher knife .

"What do you want to do?" The leader of the giant wolf was slightly stunned, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Behead!" The mysterious man was like a battle robot carrying out an order, he spit out two words dryly, and slashed down his sword in an instant, slashing with the same violence and slashing with gravity.

"Roar! Get out!" The leader of the giant wolf roared suddenly, and his anger turned into terrifying black flames, and he was about to get out of trouble, how could it be easily destroyed.

But the saber was like lightning, and it struck hard like a mountain. The moment Hei Yan appeared, the saber slashed firmly on its head, making a loud click, like a landslide.The roar of the giant wolf immediately turned into a low howl, its high head was hit hard, and it deflected in response to the sound, the terrifying black flames that had already spewed out rubbed against the side shoulder of the mysterious man.

Moreover, the force of the heavy blow of the saber was so terrifying that it directly made this semi-holy head bloody, and the strong collision caused a violent vibration frequency, making his head dizzy and muddy.

Even though it has the power of a semi-holy one, it can't withstand the bombardment of the sword, not to mention the fact that it was already devastated by the green fire and sharp arrows. At this moment... it struggled a few times with a low growl, its eyelids braced, but it was still the head A crooked, completely passed out.

Aww! !The surrounding wolves were all galloping, rushing towards the mountainside all over the mountain.

One by one, the shells seemed to be fired, killing the mysterious man one after another.

The mysterious man turned to face the wolves with a blank expression on his face, and raised his saber again, the blade was chilly.

Roar! !

A gigantic wolf stepped on the gravel and rose from the ground. It was as majestic as a rhinoceros, bloated and exaggerated, with a ferocious face, thick fangs, and scarlet wolf eyes. The tight claws slapped the mysterious man head-on.Moreover, black flames billowed inside the wide-open fangs, as if magma had accumulated and was about to erupt.


The mysterious man remained calm, and still spit out two words dryly, only to strike head-on with his raised saber.

The sword is clanging, and the heavy sword is used for battle.

There are no fancy moves, no energy fluctuations, only a clean and quick critical strike after locking on to the target.Boom, the saber was not that sharp, it didn't cut off the head, but smashed the head of the giant wolf that was already close in front of it, splashing blood rain all over the sky.

Its majestic wolf body fell down in response, splashing blood all over his body.

But after one head, the rest of the wolves were fearless and rushed forward, rumbling towards the mysterious man.

The next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

The mysterious man stood firmly in front of the giant wolf leader, expressionless, stiff, holding his saber high, but before the wolves came to kill him, he spit out the word 'behead' and slashed like lightning.

Each time is a knife, each time is a heavy blow, and each time is accompanied by the sentence when the lips and teeth move - behead! !

It was hilarious at first, but as I watched it, the hilarity turned into horror.Because at first the wolves were culling one after another, he slashed one after another. When the wolves rushed forward and almost overwhelmed him, the frequency of his slashing accelerated, and he almost couldn't see the trajectory at all. ……cut!cut!cut!cut!cut!The lips and teeth are crackling like beans fried in an iron pan, and the pure chopping words are popping out, and the sword is crackling and chopping with both hands, the scene is like a movie cassette.

The whole person is like a robot placed here, chopping tirelessly and executing orders precisely.

The pack of wolves rushed towards them like a tidal wave, with an astonishing momentum, which changed the color of the mountains, but in a blink of an eye, their heads were blown densely, and their bodies fell like rain.

The mysterious man kept chopping and beheading cleanly and neatly, each time a giant wolf's head was broken and its neck was split. Apart from splashing scarlet blood on him, it did not cause any trauma.

An exaggerated and shocking scene was staged here, and Tang Yan seized the opportunity to rush to the sky, controlling the flaming earth bow with both claws, gathering a long blue arrow, ready to capture Xue Tianchen alive at any time.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him has always been Tang Yan's purpose in life, especially for an extremely dangerous war madman like Xue Tianchen.

But... when he rushed to an altitude of [-] meters, except for the ghost green fire that was spreading, he didn't find Xue Tianchen's shadow.

Bombed into slag?
It can't be so fragile.

Tang Yan's thoughts spread out and expanded the dark night sky. There was really no shadow of Xue Tianchen, even if he opened Sen Luo's eyes, there was no trace.

Moved instantly?
That lunatic still has this secret skill?But there is no trace of escape, right?

The more Tang Yan watched, the more he felt something was wrong, and suddenly he roared: "Xue Tianchen, I saw you!"

"Look at your mother!!" In the remote mountains and valleys, under the silent mud, a beggar-like man cursed ferociously.

Thin blue flames were sticking to his whole body, burning his clothes and destroying his body. He couldn't get rid of it, but instead brought a sharp pain like a bone piercing his heart; his crotch was bleeding continuously, and his legs were tightly clamped, but There were still bursts of unspeakable pain from time to time, which made him tremble; his face was ferocious, twisted in pain, and his round eyes were full of hatred and anger; "Tang Yan, you are unforgivable! Unforgivable! !"

The beggar-like man was Xue Tianchen who had escaped. This was the first time in his life that he was abused, the first time he ran away voluntarily, and the first time he hated someone so much!

Many, many firsts were dedicated to Tang Yan in such a miserable way!
"This lunatic! Can you kick it there? Are you going to make Zhenyao Temple an end?" Mr. Luan inhaled quietly, his face full of astonishment, recalling the previous blow, he felt the chills, and he was even more grateful for the one who collided with Tang Yan at the beginning. Never 'enjoying' such high-standard treatment.

Tang Yan searched for a long time in the high altitude, but he couldn't find any trace of Xue Tianchen hiding or fleeing, which made him strange and vigilant.Xue Tianchen must have escaped. There is no doubt that the descendant of Zhenyao Temple would not be kicked into scum by his own kick, but he escaped by relying on martial arts?Or relying on some kind of treasure and spirit weapon?

Is it a one-time use, or permanent use?

"Xue Tianchen! You coward! Shame on you!"

"Is your arrogance just now acting?"

"I've been aroused by Mr. Tang, and you've become impotent? Are you considered a man?"

"Go back to your ruined temple! Don't challenge me again, I can't afford to lose this person!"

Tang Yan yelled loudly, he was venting his suppressed anger, and he was deliberately provoking Xue Tianchen, can't find you?Can't hit you?But I still piss you off.

Xue Tianchen in the depths of the mud was really spit out blood alive, the anger and hatred in his chest almost exploded, under the impulsive and trembling, the mud that had been silent just now burst into bubbles, and the sound of puff reverberated in the valley .

He escaped by relying on secret methods and successfully concealed himself, but in fact he escaped not far away, even closer than Mr. Luan, so... huh?Tang Yan was about to leave when he suddenly heard something unusual and immediately inspired Sen Luoyan to look around.

With Sen Luoyan's "detailed attention to detail", even if you are at an altitude of [-] meters, you can overlook the corner of the bottom of the valley.

"Don't let me seize the opportunity, or I will crush you!" Xue Tianchen successfully suppressed his anger at the last moment when he was about to erupt, and did not let the surface of the mud bubble again.

In fact, overall, his injuries were not too serious, but he was completely unfit to continue fighting.

A wound was on the face, and the black sword was so powerful that it almost split his head in half. The wounded realized that he was still groggy, and his handsome face was smashed like It's a tattered watermelon, it's too horrible to look at, and it feels hot and painful just looking at it.A wound in the crotch, still the kind of unspeakable pain, and the shame of being abused, it feels like thousands of ants are tearing his body, and his proud heart.

They have been ruined into such a virtue, how can they fight?

Xue Tianchen scolded the sky in his heart, and cursed Tang Yan for eight generations.

Tang Yan searched quietly for a long time, but found nothing in the end, but added loudly: "Young Master Xue, I am too harsh, sorry, sorry."

"You beast!" Xue Tianchen trembled with hatred.

Mr. Luan really couldn't stand it anymore, and left far away before Tang Yan got angry, but couldn't help but look back again, looking at the valley flooded by evil wolves, his heart was full of doubts, and he was a little confused.

Who is the mysterious man who suddenly appeared?
How could he avoid Xue Tianchen's detection and directly approach him?It also directly caused Xue Tianchen's defeat!

Why do you look like Tang Yan?What's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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