Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1101 Mounts

Chapter 1101 Mounts
female voice?Tang Yan suddenly became sensitive, ignoring the cold gaze from the dark valley, he insisted on staring and observing.

It was dark there, but there were more than a dozen majestic thunder wolves around, as if they were guarding something. With Sen Luo's eyes extending and exploring, a black figure was finally found in the deepest darkness.

The whole body is dressed in black, but it is covered with a black cloak and cloak, which covers the whole body, and the face cannot be seen clearly, but under Tang Yan's eyes, behind the man in black is a murderous six-tailed thunder wolf Phantom, entrenched in an arrogant posture.

"Roar!!" The two-headed and five-tailed Thunderwolves guarding in front of the black shadow suddenly jumped out of the valley, making a loud cracking noise, and attacked violently with a destructive attitude, heading straight for Tang Yan's position.

Rumble!Galloping wildly, the thunder and lightning were like a tide, and the ferocious and thick thorn forest was destroyed in pieces, forming two terrifying blank passages, extending from the valley to Tang Yan in a straight line. The five-tailed thunder wolves at both ends were berserk, and the dense thunder and lightning surged on them whole body.

A terrifying momentum of chilling rushed towards his face.

Tang Yan frowned again and again, and looked at the undried blood all over his body. His eyes lit up, and he quickly suppressed his strength. Zhanglong's body fell to the ground in a daze - pretending to be dead! !

Two five-tailed thunder wolves attacked powerfully. Before the wolves arrived, a wave of black electricity surged up first, blasting towards Tang Yan with the momentum of sweeping and smashing.

I X!I will endure!Tang Yan cursed inwardly, his heart trembled, he quickly tightened his body, suppressed the subconscious counterattack, and let the waves of thunder and lightning flood him.

The power of the black electricity is unsurpassed, far exceeding the normal thunder. As a result... thousands of black electricity bombarded the area of ​​nearly [-] meters where Tang Yan was located into a deep pit of seven or eight meters, and the thick dust fog instantly Stir up.

Tang Yan's three-foot-long dragon body was dripping with blood, and the terrible electric arc almost destroyed the dragon scales all over his body.Tang Yan couldn't help groaning slightly. Although he didn't really break through the defense, the manic bombardment still caused pain, and he quickly suppressed the operation of Immortal Yantian Art to prevent the wound from healing.

The battlefield continued in the distance, the thunder wolves and the giant wolves were slaughtered frantically, a large number of thunder wolves were torn apart alive, but even more giant wolves were brutally destroyed.The collision of bodies, the ravages of black flames and black electricity, the flying of blood, and the biting of fangs make the battlefield far more tragic than the human world.

Two five-tailed thunder wolves tentatively approached Tang Yan, fully on alert, surrounded by lightning, full of vigilance, and might violently kill at any time.

Tang Yan continued to play dead and remained motionless.

Anyway, the appearance covered in blood and piled up with gravel looks very 'miserable', coupled with his wonderful acting skills, he really looks like he is dying.

One thunder wolf walked towards Tang Yan, while the other stayed where it was and looked at each other coldly. They lived in the cruel night forest all the year round. They were ferocious and vigilant from the bottom of their bones.

Um?Thunder Wolf immediately became interested in Tang Yan's 'appearance' after clearing out the stone pile. After watching it carefully for a while, he became more and more familiar with it. Why is it similar to the legendary dragon?

The other thunder wolf also found something abnormal, and examined it from a distance.

After a while, the two thunder wolves exchanged glances, and after confirming that Tang Yan was unconscious, they dragged him back to Gujian.But at this time, the fight in the thorny forest was coming to an end. After all, the giant wolves failed to resist the siege and culling of the thunder wolves, and died tragically one after another. In the end, only twenty or so horses were left struggling, but it seemed that they could not escape the doom of death.

Some thunder wolves have withdrawn from the battlefield and started tearing and devouring the corpses of giant wolves, bloody and cruel, making the smell of blood in the dusty thorn forest more and more intense.

Tang Yan was quickly brought to Gujian. The body of three feet and nearly ten meters was very conspicuous, and the unique shape was even more eye-catching. How could it look like the ancient creatures depicted on the altar of the clan?
Youye Forest has existed for a long time, has experienced the era of great destruction, and has guarded a large number of strange beasts and ancient beasts.Although the relationship between Youye Forest and the ancient tribe has been stalemate for nearly ten thousand years, and there are very few alien beasts involved, there are still a series of alien beasts depicted on the surface of the palaces and altars of the five major ethnic groups.

This group of Thunderwolves has a special status, and they get along with the murals all the year round, so they naturally feel familiar with Tang Yan's appearance.

More than a dozen thunder wolves surrounded him one after another, but they all maintained full vigilance, their bodies wrapped in dense black electricity.

Tang Yan continued to pretend to be dead, not afraid of their tricks, anyway, even if I let you bite the dragon scales all over my body, you wouldn't be able to bite them.He lay quietly, pretending to be dead, waiting for the shadow in the darkness to appear.

After a while, there was movement in the darkness, and a tall figure stepped out. The environment was dark, and he was dressed in a black cloak. He couldn't see anything clearly, but it was obviously a human figure!
Following its appearance, the surrounding pack of wolves couldn't help taking a few steps back, lowering their wolf heads unanimously, showing obvious obedience, but the ferocious wolf eyes were fixed on Tang Yan.

Tang Yan wondered in his heart, carefully felt the situation in the valley, and felt the breath of the person who came. After a while, when the black shadow stood in front of him, he finally found out. His heart moved, it turned out to be a semi-holy place? !
human?Or a monster?Can a half saint transform into a human form?
The more Tang Yan thought about it, the more strange he felt.

But... the black shadow stood in front of him, looked around his huge three-foot-long body, suddenly raised his foot, and stomped hard on his throat.

This kick is full of power, and black electricity gathers on the toes.

Stab it!Boom!Clang!

Accompanied by dense bangs, Tang Yan seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole body bounced up with a scream of wow, and hurried to the side, staring at the man in black in front of him 'angrily'.Blood was dripping from the self-proclaimed tough throat, and the scarlet blood dripped continuously along the broken scales.

Ow! !
The wolves roared at the same time, the whole body was full of electric light, the whole body leaned over, their fangs and sharp claws were exposed, showing an offensive posture, and the wolves who were biting and eating in the thorn forest also came one after another, culling them one by one. Surrounded by valley streams.

How cruel! !Tang Yan gritted his teeth in pain and glared at each other. He was completely defenseless when he grabbed it just now, and he really didn't expect this guy to strike so hard!That kick almost crushed his throat.That's right, this woman must be a semi-holy, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hurt herself, and even shatter her scales.

Um?and many more!

Black arc?When she stomped just now, what she showed was the black electricity of the Thunder Wolf Clan?Could it really be the monster Thunder Wolf?But can the semi-holy realm manifest a human form?
Tang Yan deliberately showed a vigilant and nervous posture, twisting his body.But at this moment, Ming Shang suddenly thought of it. It seemed that that guy was also in the semi-holy realm, and also had a human body.Could it be...the wolves of the Night Forest can manifest human form in the Semi-Holy Realm?
The whole body of the black shadow was entangled with electric arcs, and he fled back and forth between the black robes. The whole body was cold, giving people an extremely dangerous sense of oppression.Like a signal, more than a hundred thunder wolves that gathered showed fierce lights, and moved forward step by step, threatening Tang Yan.

Being 'surrounded' by more than a hundred wolves is really uncomfortable.

Tang Yan deliberately expressed vigilance and resistance, staring at the audience with glaring eyes.

"You belong to the Giant Wolf Clan?" Soi Ying spoke again, his voice was very cold, so cold that it made one's heart chill.

But feeling at a close distance, Tang Yan finally confirmed that although the voice was a bit hoarse, it should be a female voice.

Tang Yan let out a deep roar, shook his head, and after pretending to be dead, began to pretend to be dumb.

"Speak!" Hei Ying shot out suddenly, and a black electricity with a thick arm and wrist blasted towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan's eyes popped and his heart shrank, this girl is so cruel?With the power of black electricity, it is so strong that it is almost ready to 'kill to the dregs'.Shocked, he hurriedly dodged to the side, and showed a slightly embarrassed posture.

Boom! !

The cliff behind him trembled suddenly, and a black hole with a bottomless depth appeared on the mountain. Because of its fast speed and strong power, the black lightning did not shatter the mountain, but left an equivalent black hole, whose penetrating power was only visible.

Tang Yan looked back, and immediately roared loudly, but still pretended to be dumb, and just kept silent.

"Can't talk?" Heiying slowly raised his right hand, and a strange black electric ball appeared out of thin air. It was so dark and had a terrifying aura that even the Thunderwolves around couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Tang Yan watched vigilantly and shook his head slowly.

"You don't belong to the giant wolf clan, are you a sacrificial offering?" The black electric ball in the black shadow's hand continued to expand, as if it had life, and it jumped out a terrifying aura, forming a strong sense of oppression in the valley.

Tang Yan nodded, and then... the dragon's body lay down slightly, restrained its breath, and showed a gesture of 'surrender'.

He pretended to be dead and dumb, in order to get close to the black shadow, to confirm her identity, whether she had something to do with the black girl, if so, try to get close, if the person refused... then he would do it himself, use some violence, Torture them and ask again.

The black shadow slowly raised his head, and he could vaguely see his pale but delicate chin, as if he was sizing Tang Yan carefully.

At this moment, a high-pitched wolf howl suddenly came from the distant mountains.At the same time, the only dozen or so giant wolves left in the thorn forest collectively roared loudly, their voices were extremely shrill, as if they were responding to a distant call.

Um?The black shadow was suddenly vigilant, and with a loud snap, it shattered the electric ball in his hand, and threw out a chain, which suddenly and savagely wrapped around Tang Yan's neck: "From today onwards, you are my mount, let's go!! "

The Thunderwolves all seemed to have a premonition. After swiftly killing the remaining Thunderwolves, they turned their dignified eyes to the distant mountain, took two steps back, and all retreated into the valley.

Tang Yan was about to tease the black shadows, but following their gazes to the distant mountains, the scene in Sen Luo's eyes made his scalp numb, and he rushed out like lightning without the black shadows yelling again.

(End of this chapter)

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