Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1108 Ancestral Wolf

Chapter 1108 Ancestral Wolf
Maybe it was the deterrent of the roaring sound, maybe it was the disturbance of the peaceful atmosphere between the heaven and the earth, or it was some other factors. After the six-tailed thunder wolf arrived, it didn't launch an attack immediately, but stopped after more than three hundred meters.But Lei Wei was still the same, fierce and fierce, staring at Tang Yan coldly, with murderous intent and fighting spirit.

"Do you still remember the ups and downs we experienced together in those years? Do you remember the names that accompanied you, Tang Yan, Du Yang, Xu Yan, and Golden Monkey? Ancient sword, ghost green fire, spiritual source liquid, Do you still remember? Parting from the Black Waters, the tears you shed, do you still remember??"

Tang Yan's emotions became more and more high-pitched. All the experiences of the year flashed through his mind, and his eyes became dim unconsciously.While stimulating the Sen Luoyin of the right eye, he tried his best to stare at the eyes of the Six-tailed Thunder Wolf, trying to break through its willpower and make it calm down a little.

These names and these things, unless the Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf has been given some kind of secret technique, otherwise the demon is a black girl, so it will naturally awaken the memory of the past and arouse her sympathy.

However... completely ineffective!
He underestimated the aggressiveness of the six-tailed thunder wolf from the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, the Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf is very vigilant and suspicious. When Tang Yan tried to control it with Sen Luoyan, and the consciousness flickered slightly, it keenly sensed and judged that Tang Yan was playing tricks .

"Put away your ghost tricks, surrender immediately, and be my battle pet!" The six-tailed thunder wolf roared fiercely, Lei Wei surged, the six wolf tails danced violently, and the terrifying black electric light rumbled out like a volcanic eruption, continuing in the sky Turbulent and boiling, like a torrent spreading hundreds of meters.

hiss!Is that Lei Qun? !Xiahou Cha in the valley suddenly changed face and retreated in horror.The lake of thunder and lightning that suddenly appeared in the sky was really huge, and the scene was like a sharp arrow that stimulated his vision and shocked his mind, and the destructive power contained in it ruthlessly shattered his pride.

"I don't have time to waste with you, a battle will determine success or failure!! The ancestor of the wolf, the trial of the thunder!" The six-tailed thunder wolf roared loudly, spreading out into a lake of thunder that suddenly boiled and rose into the sky.

The dense thunder and lightning are like thousands of thunder snakes scrambling to the sky. The scene is thrilling. The thunder power filling the sky continues to soar, and it is about to collapse the mountains and dry up the Heihe River.

Tang Yan suddenly felt something was wrong, could it be some kind of secret method of Thunder Wolf Clan?
Aww! !The six-tailed thunder wolf continued to howl proudly, and the six wolf tails danced endlessly, stirring up endless thunder waves. Amidst the deafening roar, the thunder waves gathered around one after another, and then transported high in the sky.

The thunder and lightning were dense and frenzied, completely submerging the Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf itself, first forming a terrifying field of thunder pools, and then continuing to send them to the sky.

"Stop it, you'll drain yourself dry!" Tang Yan felt a burst of horror, which originated from the thunderstorms in the sky, and there seemed to be something terrifying gestating there.But such six-tailed thunder wolves rush forward and continuously rush out thunder waves, which is definitely an overload consumption for itself.It is equivalent to continuously extracting its spiritual power and physical power.

At this moment, the thunder clusters that continuously gathered in the sky began to change, and the outline of a giant wolf gradually appeared. Even if it was a thousand meters away, one could still feel its huge size, and even more so, the pervading coercion.

At this moment, the tens of kilometers of mountains were all quiet, and the thunder clusters in the sky were like the focal point between heaven and earth, as if they had broken through the cycle of time and were about to awaken some kind of dead god.

The millions of giant wolves that were rushing across the distant mountains felt inexplicable pressure one after another, as if their own blood had been affected, and the three commanders who were sitting inside the giant wolf army flew into the air one after another, staring in horror.

Yuan Shitian of the Holy Realm, holding the Supreme Bell, also appeared, staring at the thunder tide in the distant night, his black face was solemn again and again: "It is the breath of the ancestor wolf of the Thunder Wolf Clan, this is the supreme secret method inherited by the royal family, is it... The princess of the Thunder Wolf Clan?"

"Why is she here! Who pissed her off?"

"Who can force her to play the strongest inheritance secret?"

"Could it be that...she met that strange beast?"

The three commanders came together one after another. Although the five wolf clans were each branched, there was still some connection in their blood, and they could feel the horror of that thunder shadow.

"It's likely to be like this!! Millions of wolves all pay attention, and the wolves on both sides immediately speed up and surround the target mountain group in a four-sided manner. You three, follow me!!" Yuan Shitian felt tricky, although he wished Thunder Wolf The princess of the tribe died here, but things have become serious, and other wolf tribes have spread the news. If the Leiwolves know that they stand by and watch their princess get injured or die, they will definitely not let it go.

The four most powerful members of the Giant Wolf Clan all accelerated, passing across the mountains like a stream of light, approaching Tang Yan's area at full speed, and the millions of wolves also made adjustments to encircle them in a fan shape.

A tense and oppressive atmosphere enveloped the sky and the earth.

"Those years, those things, those tribulations and joys! You really don't remember? The Night Forest can seal your memory, but it can't seal your emotions. I don't believe you have forgotten everything!" Tang Yan was about to be The tense atmosphere was destroyed, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. He watched the six-tailed thunder wolf, his head spinning rapidly, trying to determine whether it was a black girl or not.

"Using the power of blood, borrowing the might of the ancestral wolf—destroy all spells and kill!" The six-tailed thunder wolf suddenly spewed out scarlet blood, and followed the thunder group to the sky.

Aww! !The giant thunder wolf that was gathering in the sky finally completed its outline, and with the infusion of blood, it screamed in the sky like a resurrection, and a terrifying power of wild beasts filled the world.Thunder Wolf's eyes were red, and... the wolf tails with the outline of Thunder Wolf grew one after another, first eight were born, and then nine were born! !

Nine wolf tails dance domineeringly, until they smash the sky.

At this moment, more than a hundred high mountains within a few kilometers all had cracks, and the dense crackling sounded into the whole area, creating a doomsday-like horror scene.

"Run! Run away!!" The mother-in-law in the deep mountain changed her face in fright, grabbed Xiahou Cha, and fled desperately into the distance.Xia Houcha didn't try to be brave anymore, and hurriedly fled with her mother-in-law and auntie, dragging Ming Shang by the tail.

Poor Ming Shang, lonely and noble, is being dragged by a child to run away.

Tang Yan looked up at the sky and felt a strong sense of oppression, as if the sky was about to collapse.But at this moment, the blood in his whole body suddenly boiled, and the bones all over his body crackled, and the demon spirit veins activated spontaneously, and the purple-gold veins in the meridians actually glowed brightly.

The Yao Lingmai felt threatened, and the oppression from the high-altitude ancestor wolf awakened it.

Tang Yan was about to suppress it, but suddenly a bold idea came up.The Six-tailed Thunderwolf has strong resistance and aggressiveness, and is not disturbed by itself, so... what if it consumes too much and causes unconsciousness? ?Will Sen Luoyan take advantage of the void and work?
As soon as the idea came out, Tang Yan immediately released the demon spirit veins.

Ow! !
Bones grew all over his body, the dragon's body collapsed and his clothes were broken, and it was displayed in a perfect posture. A high-pitched and crisp dragon chant resounded through the mountains and ravines, and made Yuan Shitian, who was rushing over from a distance, affirmed his idea that the "strange beast" was here. Attack the princess of the Thunderwolves.

Booming, the dragon's energy was steaming, and the dragon's power was rising. At the moment when the high-altitude ancestor wolf was fully formed, a giant body of Long Kui, as large as a hundred feet, proudly took shape, and also roared up to the sky, glaring at the high-altitude giant wolf.

"Yeah! Broken!" The Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf screamed suddenly, squeezing its potential and arousing all its powers. It wanted to defeat Tang Yan, a strange beast that played tricks repeatedly to provoke him, to completely suppress it, and to be reduced to nothing forever. Own war servant.

"Ascension to the Dragon Road!!!" Tang Yan was also proudly entrenched, but suddenly stepped into the air, his high-altitude dragon Kui screamed again, and the hundred-foot-long dragon's body twisted violently. As for the trembling space, it rose directly into the sky.

The eight tails of the high-altitude ancestral wolf rolled, and eight glaring black lights fell in the air, divided into eight directions, extending the range of a kilometer, booming, the eight black lights shattered eight giant mountains, stirred up hundreds of feet of dust and fog into the sea, and the earth continued to vibrate.

The eight beams of light turned out to be in a strange shape like eight fangs. They were purely the gathering of lightning. Their falling was equivalent to sealing off all directions and trapping all Tang Yan's escape directions.In addition, the ancestor wolf thunder tide, amidst the violent howling, had some terrifying ancient power, as if awakened from a distant ancient era, and resolutely blasted down against Long Kui without fear.

"Ahhh, break!!" Tang Yan met him with the way of ascending the dragon, rolling the phantom of Long Kui directly to a thousand-meter altitude.

Boom! !

The collision of dragons and wolves seems to reproduce the scene of the ancient times.

The terrible collision shocked the world, turning the sky and the earth within more than ten kilometers into daylight, and the burst of destructive energy filled the entire sealed area.

"Stop!!" Yuan Shitian, who was approaching at a very high speed, waved his hand suddenly, and a palm popped out, and the space within a few thousand meters was almost turned into black flames, like a thick wall of fire, resisting the sweeping destruction ripples.

The three commanders dodged back behind him without hesitation to avoid being affected.

At this moment, all four of them changed color, especially Yuan Shitian's complexion was particularly ugly. He really felt the power of the ancestor wolf of the Thunder Wolf clan, and it must be Princess Thunder Wolf.But what I never expected was that it had just been released from the customs and had just been promoted to the semi-sacred realm, but it had already stimulated the Thunder Wolf's secret skills to such an extent!

It shows that the blood of the ancestor wolf in its blood must be unimaginably pure, and it is more pure than the outside rumors!
Deep in his heart, he was directly motivated to kill. One Ming Shang was enough to balance the new generation leaders of various clans, and another princess, wouldn't it be better than other clans?The news spread to the wolf royal family, and I am afraid that the civil strife 40 years ago will reappear.

But another strange energy from the collision area made him feel even more vigilant, and he had no time to estimate Thunder Wolf Princess for the time being.The power inside made his blood warm, as if there was a touch.

Longwei?It's not like a simple Longwei, but it's unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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