Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1111 Operation Failed

Chapter 1111 Operation Failed
Xia Houcha and her auntie jumped up in shock from the sudden loud explosion. For a moment, they thought it was the violent giant wolves who had killed them, and wanted to run away in a panic, but after hearing the quarrels and screams inside, He let out a long sigh of relief, but his face was full of weirdness.

"Where are you looking?! Do you want to lose face?! You bastard, calling you a hooligan is flattering you! Your wretchedness is beyond ordinary!!"

In the chaotic cave, Tang Yan was pressed to the ground by the furious Six-Tailed Thunderwolves. His face was full of anger and resentment, almost sharply reprimanding him.

Tang Yan was dizzy and dizzy from being devastated by the violent explosion. It took him a long time to come back to his senses. He was sprawled on the ground, coughing dumbfoundedly: "Did I provoke you? Don't be so unique in the way you express your thoughts, your brother I can't stand it."

The Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf hated his teeth so much that he slapped the back of Tang Yan's head with his sharp claws, and his anger became even stronger: "It's been almost 15 years, and you haven't restrained yourself at all? Which normal person has nothing to do to lift the wolf's tail? Shameless, shameless?!"

"I'm wronged, me!"

"I'm sorry for your size! I still don't understand you? If I had turned into a human, you wouldn't have taken off my pants just now?!" The Six-tailed Thunder Wolf kept angrily yelling at Tang Yan. The charged Tang Yan screamed strangely.

"I'm really wronged! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"You still don't admit it? How dare you argue?" Six-tailed Thunder Wolf became even more angry. His right front paw slammed Tang Yan's head fiercely, and the thunder and lightning all over his body kept attacking Tang Yan, biting him twice in hatred.

"It's really not what you think, oh, it hurts."

"Shut up! Back in the Dayan Mountains, you still wanted to study my parents!"

"I was young and ignorant back then, and besides, you took revenge too! Sister, I am really innocent this time!! Don't shock me! Shock again... Shock again..." Tang Yan suddenly yelled: "Shoot again It reacted!!"

"You! I can't finish with you!" The Six-tailed Thunder Wolf was furious, and once again ravaged Tang Yan for a while, and then left with relief.

"It's too cruel, too unfriendly." But Tang Yan lay on the ground moaning in pain, and he didn't get up for a long time. Laminar current, accompanied by convulsions.

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up." Six-tailed Thunder Wolf stepped aside, panting heavily, staring at him bitterly.

This wretched bastard, a dirty ruffian, has no right to do it!After more than ten years of not seeing each other, the scene in the first scene turned out to be... stealthily putting his tail down? !hateful!hateful!Damn it! !
"I...I suddenly felt weird..." Tang Yan twitched a few times for the last time, and sat up rubbing his scorched face.

"Where's the blame?" Six-tailed Thunder Wolf still hadn't calmed down.

"Brother, I raised you for more than ten years. I didn't see you open your mouth to say a word, but now you suddenly meet, and you can talk. It's like that, a pig that has been raising hard for ten years, finally knows how to give cabbage. "

"What nonsense." Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf curled his lips.

Tang Yan took deep breaths one after another to eliminate the numbness in his whole body.Hey smiled: "Do you miss me? Anyway, I miss you very much. I came all the way to see you, are you touched? Anyway, I was touched by myself. Haha. How about... Let's readjust the meeting scene and have a warm hug Land? The scene just now was too embarrassing."

Six-tailed Thunder Wolf stared sideways at Tang Yan for a long time, and finally eased his anger. "You asked for it."

"Come? Give me a hug? I miss you." Tang Yan tidied up his tattered clothes, smiled and opened his hands, and walked towards the Six-tailed Thunder Wolf.

Six-tailed Thunder Wolf had a cold and handsome expression, but seeing the familiar face and familiar smile, his eyes gradually melted away, and the thunder and lightning scattered all over his body.

"Come on, don't move, let me hug." Tang Yan came to it, sat on the ground and hugged.

The Six-tailed Thunder Wolf didn't hide or retreat, and let Tang Yan approach step by step, letting his arms embrace him.

Tang Yan hugged the Six-tailed Thunder Wolf tightly, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and gradually closed his eyes.At this moment, my heart was warm, and my smile was very warm. After two months of trekking from Tuocang Mountain to the Youye Forest, I finally paid off my hard work.Everything seems to have changed, but what remains the same is the true feelings for each other.

Feel Tang Yan's warmth, feel the familiar embrace.The Six-tailed Thunder Wolf's anger finally subsided, and he no longer pursued Tang Yan's hooligan behavior, but at that moment just now, he was really irritated by it.

"It's been almost 15 years." Tang Yan hugged the Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf, closed his eyes, murmured softly, and gently stroked its soft and thick hair: "I have wronged you."

The Six-tailed Thunder Wolf was gradually melted by Tang Yan's warmth, and the long-lost warmth emerged from his heart that had been frozen for more than ten years.Scenes from previous years flashed across the ocean of my heart, creating ripples.From the encounter in the Giant Elephant City trading market, when I was just a scared baby, to the life and death in the Taiwu mining area, when I was just ignorant, and then to the Dayan Mountains later, the two wolf tails that finally awakened, the awakened pass on memory.

This naughty but strong boy accompanied him through the most difficult and dangerous period, and this rascal but optimistic child accompanied him through the darkest and loneliest period.

The scene after scene, the stubbornness and mischief under danger, the stubborn smile after the battle of life and death, are all the most precious memories of his life.So much so that after returning to the Night Forest that year, it tried its best to seal the past memories. It didn't want the ugliness and cruelty of the forest to tarnish the past memories, and it didn't want that warmth to be contaminated by coldness and conspiracy.

Now, the memory has returned, and at this moment, the warmth has also returned.

He is still so stubborn and disrespectful, still so cheerful and sincere, and still so wicked, everything makes him moved.

The eyes of the Six-Tailed Thunder Wolf were a little hazy, and he couldn't help closing them, as if he had returned to the past and found the warmth of the past.

"Niu'er, do you miss the past?" Tang Yan hugged it, and said a familiar 'Niu'er', like a bond, tightly entwining each other again.

"Hmm." The Six-Tailed Thunderwolf was immersed in the memory and warmth returning to the sea, like strands of clear water, diluting the cruelty and coldness accumulated over the years.

It's rare to feel Tang Yan being so tender and emotional, but... this feeling is really good.

The two embraced affectionately, and despite the dust falling from the shattered cave, they enjoyed the beauty of reuniting after more than ten years.

When Xia Houcha and Auntie outside bravely came in, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

The picture of a man and a wolf embracing affectionately, under the dust and mist, and under the support of several green fires, is still so beautiful and moving.

They were moved by the sincere warmth between each other and the clear tears in the corners of their eyes.

Auntie quickly drank Xiahou tea and took him away.

"I have never told you that I hate the name you gave me." Six-tailed Thunder Wolf closed his eyes, enjoying himself, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, a smile that has not been seen for more than ten years, a relaxed smile, a warm smile .

"What a love, anyway, I like it very much." Tang Yan hugged it tightly, as if afraid of losing it.

Six-tailed Thunderwolves enjoy this moment very much, there are no more plots and killings, a "sense of security" that is almost forgotten, a "sense of trust" that they never believed.

Very subtle feeling, fascinating.

"Niuer?" Tang Yan hugged affectionately, and suddenly called softly.


"Can we embrace again?"


"You turn into a human form, let's hug again, I'll try to feel the same."

Six Tails Thunder Wolf slowly opened his eyes, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

Tang Yan whispered affectionately, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth: "Don't think about it, I just don't feel comfortable holding it like this. Don't move around, let me hold you, and you will turn back into a human like this."

"Don't you need to put on clothes?" Six Tails Thunder Wolf began to grind his teeth.

"Um... I won't mind, just face it honestly, that's great."

"Get out!!" Six-tailed Thunder Wolf let out a low growl, and with a muffled bang, Tang Yan was completely thrown out.

Tang Yan tossed and turned a few times in the air, landed steadily and stopped, smiled, winked, pouted, and had a strange face.

He also enjoys the long-lost joy and long-lost true love.

"Still not doing anything right." Six-tailed Thunder Wolf couldn't do anything about him, shook off the dust on his body, and said, "Where's Du Yang? Where's Xu Yan? They didn't come in with you?"

"Hey! Good baby, a treasure! I'll keep it for you!" Tang Yan took out two semi-holy spiritual source liquids, both of which were packed in brocade boxes, and said with a smile, "They're all here, but they got lost. I haven't encountered it yet, and I guess it's the cemetery guarded by the Chuanglang royal family. "

(End of this chapter)

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