Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1138 Bloody Battle at the Peak

Chapter 1138 Bloody Battle at the Peak

"I'm here to stop the war demon! All wolves, retreat ten miles away!" Thunder Wolf King took the initiative to petition and stopped in front of the war demon. The celestial tomb group, in a squeezed state, controlled the area affected by the magic power of War Demon, and avoided continuing to wreck the rest of the wolf pack.

"Let's go!!" The blood wolf king, giant wolf king, and dark wolf king all evacuated immediately, rushing towards the sky without any doubt, and wanted to join forces to stop the black coffins.

Although the celestial tombs have a secret method jointly set up by the ten ancient clans, which can stably control the black coffins inside, but now that half of the black coffins have fled, there is no chance or time to jointly create a guardian restriction, so it is necessary to form an interception in midair.

And at this moment, the Lord of the Night, Yao Yueye, with his supreme power, blasted the Emperor of the Ancient Kingdom who was about to flee from the top of the sky, and mixed into various black coffins in midair.Then he took Jessica and Grandma Ji and launched a bombardment from top to bottom. "Forget it!! Even if you leave Youye Forest, I, Yaoyueye, will pull you back in the void space!!"

The battlefield was in chaos.

"War Demon, I have admired your name for a long time. Today, I will use your might of battle!!" The Thunder Wolf King probed for a while, and the sky was filled with thunder and thunder, and it turned into a pitch-black sword, like a giant saber, wild and domineering. The black thunder and lightning made the Thunder Wolf King's domineering momentum a little bit more.

He took the initiative to stay because he wanted to use the fierce battle with War Demon to continue to disrupt the entire celestial tomb complex and create a chance for Tang Yan to be born as an elder of the Bone Race!More for the next action!

But just as he was making a move, Tang Yan suddenly rushed out and shouted: "Wolf King, that's my mentor! Be merciful!"

What?Thunder Wolf King frowned slightly, and at this moment, the fierce battle of War Demon broke out, swinging his sword and slashing at Thunder Wolf King.

Feeling threatened, he aroused the fighting power in his blood, and wanted to fight the Thunder Wolf King bloody.

The sword shows the secret skill of breaking the sky, and confronts the Thunder Wolf King head-on!

"Hmph!!" The Thunder Wolf King swung his saber and struck violently in the air.

Boom! !

The terrifying magic power collided with the violent thunder and lightning, and the two energies exploded at high altitude, about to shatter the space.

But... a shocking scene appeared! !
The two energies raged and intertwined, forming a chaotic area several hundred meters away. The light was so dazzling that no one could see clearly. Even Tang Yan retreated in embarrassment. , Disturbing the mountains and rivers, the War Demon actually retreated, taking more than seven steps, and every step fell, leaving giant footprints and opening dense cracks.

And when the power dissipated, the Thunder Wolf King stood proudly high in the sky, not retreating an inch!

I X! !Tang Yan took a deep breath, shocked by that thunder-like wild figure.

Thunder Wolf King is too fierce! !
But after thinking about it, he felt a little relieved, after all, War Demon was just a disabled body, and he was suppressed, unable to exert one-tenth of his strength.And Thunder Wolf King is in its prime, and ranks among the wolf kings, probably second only to King Ma Yan, and even able to compete with King Ma Yan.

How can such a person be easily repelled.

Thinking of this, Tang Yan frowned slightly, and couldn't help but stare at the sky. The four wolf kings have joined forces, and with Jessica's assistance, how long can those black coffins that have been sealed for a long time last? ? ?
A stick of incense?Or half a stick of incense?

Tang Yan took a deep breath, his eyes were firm, he couldn't delay any longer, he had to make a quick decision to rescue the senior Bone Race!
"Tang Yan, you said he is your mentor? Zhan Mo has been dead for thousands of years, how could he be your master?" Thunder Wolf King was surprised, Tang Yan actually knew Zhan Mo?Not only acquaintance, but also a mentor! !

With the imperial lineage of the demon spirit, the inheritance of heaven and fire, and a war demon as a teacher, this child has such a terrifying opportunity! !
"Let's talk about it later, don't hurt my master! Find a way to lure him to other places, in short... keep him!! After this is done, I will leave two species for your wolf clan!!" Tang Yan stretched out two fingers, Without any further hesitation, he carried the black coffin and charged towards the seal of the Bone Race senior.

The wolves tried to stop them, but they were all vulnerable, and were savagely bombarded by him.

"Good boy, with the body of a demon spirit, the green fire cloak, and the teacher of war demons, you are a genius!! You are such a kind, I really want to be a Thunder Wolf clan!!" The Thunder Wolf King is more and more appreciative of Tang Yan , the thunder in the bottom of the eyes bloomed, and the round knife faced the arrogant man and demon in front of him, but he didn't restrain himself at all.This kind of monster must be suppressed strongly, otherwise don't want him to leave with you.

Ow! !
The war demon is furious, and the magic power is overwhelming.Humans and swords unite to fight against the sky.

Thunder Wolf King is even more merciless, as for detonating the space.

Yaoyue Ye and other wolf kings in the sky were a little distracted to investigate Wolf King Lei, and found that he was really exerting his full strength instead of cheating, so he secretly erased his doubts and tried his best to control the high-altitude battlefield.

When Tang Yan rushed to the tomb of the senior Bone Clan, the entire area had been filled by the Thunder Wolf Clan, who deliberately replaced the wolves of the Wolf Royal Clan in the name of protection, sealing the entire area, and it was the tens of thousands of Lei Wolves led by Hei Niu. Wolf.

"Why did you come here now? Who is that troll?" Hei Niu asked bluntly. The situation was so dangerous that this guy still wanted to go out and play.

"The war sword has returned to its original owner. I don't know if I can touch two more." Tang Yan came back in a flash, panting heavily, and looked around: "Where's Du Yang? Where's Xu Yan?"

"I'll be here soon. Is that War Demon?" The black girl stared into the distance in amazement, with a strange expression on her face, and said, "I really shouldn't have let you act alone, to scare the emperor, release War Demon, and open more than 40 tombs. Are you Do you want to make You Ye Forest fall apart?"

"The more chaotic the better, the bigger the trouble." Tang Yan carried the black coffin towards the tombstone of the senior Bone Race. After a series of chaos, the tomb of the senior Bone Race was also dilapidated, and the area of ​​nearly a hundred meters was covered with sharp objects. The stubble, the tombstones are full of vine-like bones, which is very miserable.

Strong energy fluctuations came from inside, obviously the Bone Race seniors were struggling and wished to leave.

"Senior Bone Race's resistance is getting stronger and stronger. Hurry up and let us cover and move. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to evacuate when all the wolves form a siege." Hei Niu reminded Tang Yan.

"Wait Xu Yan."


"Senior doesn't know the situation inside. Once it is broken open, there will be chaos and more attention. The senior Bone Race has a special status. If a certain wolf king is attracted, let alone senior, we will all be destroyed. Let Xu Yan try to follow Communicate with him, come out honestly, and don't make any noise, so that we can leave safely."

Tang Yan really felt the scene when the black coffins in the Holy Realm broke their seals. It may be because they have been suppressed for too long. One is more manic than the other, and the other is more crazy than the other. The pervasive energy even shakes the world.

With the realm and resentment of the Bone Race seniors, it must have attracted a lot of attention.

Xu Yan didn't make him wait too long, and appeared in the celestial tombs after a short wait, but Tang Yan almost cursed at the momentum that aroused—drawing magma from the ground to pour into the celestial tombs! !

As all the black coffins blasted high into the sky, the battlefield shifted, and the chaos in the celestial tomb group eased a little. Almost all the wolves of the respected level jumped into the air, and each leader commanded them to storm a certain black coffin.

The remaining hundreds of thousands of wolves are all at or below the king's realm, but the number is quite large, spreading across various regions.

When the chaotic waves subsided a little bit, and when the eyes of hundreds of thousands of wolves were attracted by the war demons at the high altitude and on the edge, the entire celestial tomb group suddenly trembled violently.

Like an earthquake, it filled the boundless mountains of the celestial tombs.

The wolves were on alert immediately, intending to fight in groups, but... boom! !The strata cracked, rocks splashed, and the dust was like a tide. It seemed that something had penetrated the rock stratum, hit the ground, rushed into the air, and then disappeared under the cover of dust and mist. The affected area was everywhere, and some low mountains were pierced through. .

The pack of wolves roared and dodged one after another, the scene was chaotic, a large number of wolves were caught off guard, and were either stoned to death or pierced by things knocked out of the ground.

The chaos didn't last long, leaving a mess all over the mountain, and the sky tombs were extremely dilapidated, except for the surging dust and mist, there were deep pits one after another.

Just when the wolves were glad that they were not hit, bursts of strange sounds caused them to be afraid, and then... magma! !

Bang bang bang bang! !All the potholes gushed out viscous fiery red magma with the momentum of a blowout, and some places directly looked like volcanoes erupting.The magma spewed out from the ground, expanded rapidly, and formed a whole piece in just a few breaths, spreading all over the sky tombs. Tens of thousands of wolves who couldn't dodge were swallowed by the magma.

The air was suddenly filled with scorching heat, accompanied by the pungent smell of burnt meat and the smell of cooked meat.

"Magma? Where did the magma come from?" Many high-altitude evil wolves were alarmed, and two commanders descended extremely quickly, but the horribly high temperature of the rolling magma turned all the mountains several kilometers into the celestial tomb into a magma world, not only annihilated The original site of the tomb has been destroyed, and some places even have to overflow the dwarf hills.

The bright red magma formed rivers and oceans, and the fiery high-temperature transpiration space completely enveloped the celestial tombs.

Is this going to completely destroy the Sky Tombs?Is this going to break the foundation of Youye Forest?
"Who?? Who!! Get out!!"

"Where are the rescue teams of the major wolf clans? When will they arrive!!"

Many venerable wolves roared in the sky, and the magma was so red and hot that it was difficult to see clearly what was going on inside.

There are a large number of wolves rushing desperately to the altar area that has not been broken for the time being, defending it to the death, so as not to release more black coffins and cause greater chaos.

"Low-key! Low-key!! Who told you to make such a big fuss?" Tang Yan angrily scolded Xu Yan and Du Yang who came out of the ground.

"Fuck off!! You messed up the entire celestial tomb group! How dare you say us!" Du Yang appeared, but his appearance was horrible, with half of his body still buried in the ground, and he could join forces with Tutu underground for a bloody battle at any time.

"Are you a black girl?" Xu Yan was drenched in blood, and his appearance was also unattractive, but seeing the Six-tailed Thunder Wolf, he couldn't help but ask.

"No!!" Tang Yan answered for her, and said, "She is Liuli, Princess Thunder Wolf."

"What about the girl?"

"I have married far away and had children."

"Go to hell!!" The black girl Liuli yanked her paw.

Tang Yan stepped aside in a hurry, and hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, have a communication with your senior, let him come out safely, and we will try to transfer."

(End of this chapter)

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