Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1146 The Madman

Chapter 1146 The Madman
"He swallows sea beasts, he can acquire some of the habits of sea beasts, and he will quickly adapt to the waters of the fierce world. If he continues to swallow them, I must do my best! Make a decision as soon as possible!" The master of the fierce world rarely said so many words, With a shake of his arms and wrists, layers of waves rose up from the sky, not only bombarding the irrational Xue Tianchen, but also alarming Tang Yan.

In the depths of the vast ocean tide, all kinds of sea beasts roll the waves and vent their evil spirits.

The blood-haired mermaid beasts did their best to maintain the unnatural domain, and some of them rushed to the sky on the waves, disturbing the crazy Xue Tianchen.

Tang Yan tightly covered his left eye, his whole body was stiff, and he growled in a muffled voice: "Du Yang! Xu Yan! Girl! Get ready!!"

"What??" All three were nervous and at a loss.

"Get ready! I'll unleash the first beast, you all attack with all your strength!!" Tang Yan tried his best to stabilize the stability of the new world, his roar was hoarse.

"Okay!" The three of them didn't understand yet, but they dispersed to the triangular position, all aroused the strongest aura, and their whole bodies were tense, like a machine that was continuously compressed, ready to go.

"Get ready, one blow to suppress! Don't let him entangle you!" Tang Yan growled one after another, showing his rare cautious attitude.

"Come on!!" The three of them roared collectively, their fighting spirit surging.Du Yang's whole body was petrified, black and white mist intertwined, Xu Yan's wing bones spread out, and his arms and wrists were covered with white bones. The black girl is the simplest, but Lei Mang makes it the most violent.

"Hit!!" Tang Yan suddenly raised his head, his bleeding left eye sprayed out strange black ripples, which turned into small swirl marks, and Xue Tianchen was sprayed out.

In the New World, Xie Zu heaved a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that he had never seen such a crazy human being, who was even worse than a wild beast, how did Zhenyao Temple cultivate such a monster! !
The lord of the murderous room showed no expression on his face, and retreated back to the deep sea with the waves. The boiling sea returned to calm at an alarming speed, and the broken corpses were swallowed by the red-haired sea beasts.

Xue Tianchen had already lost his mind, and was completely immersed in the killing and chaos. After being sprayed out of the new world, he still swiped his hair recklessly, and still roared and bombarded wantonly.But...he just barely adapted to the unnatural field of the Fierce Sea Territory during the fierce battle that lasted for an hour, so that he couldn't adapt after suddenly returning to the normal world.

The violent catharsis directly turned into a rampage, screaming wildly in the sky, like a bloody fly with its head cut off.

"Hit!!" Xu Yan, Hei Niu, and Du Yang all shot high into the air. The three teamed up and crushed them powerfully. Before Xue Tianchen could fully adapt, the berserk offensive was all poured on him, without any deviation, and hit accurately. .

Xue Tianchen's screams were drowned out by stones and thunderbolts, the million gravity from Xu Yan shattered his arm bones, and blasted towards the dark earth like a top, with a loud bang, rocks splashed, dust and mist rose, and Xue Tianchen After rebounding seven or eight times, he finally lay on the ground like a puddle of mud, tried to struggle a few times, and fell heavily on the ground, his legs and feet twitched, and there was no movement.

But looking carefully at Xue Tianchen, who was submerged in the dust and mist, he couldn't find a complete part of his body, bones could be seen everywhere, and his bloody appearance couldn't tell whether it was his own blood or the enemy's blood, which was shocking.It was really hard to imagine that with his body so tattered, he could still fight violently.

Fortunately, he finally calmed down, and his consciousness was drowsy and dying.

"Who is he? Where did the monster come from!!" Du Yang and the others were shocked by the scene before them when they fell back to the ground. Where is the lunatic? The wildness made them feel terrified.

"Heir of Zhenyao Temple, Xue Tianchen." Tang Yan shook his head vigorously, rubbing his sore left eye, and didn't recover for a long time. He was so fierce that even the master of the murderous world was angered.

"Suppressing demon temple? Forbidden land suppressing demon temple!! Are they related to Youye Forest?"

Tang Yan managed to regain his senses: "I don't know who leaked our whereabouts. He may have followed us all the way into the Youye Forest. This guy is a lunatic, a complete lunatic, and has been chasing and killing me."

"Who told the secret!"

"What to do with him?"

Both Du Yang and Xu Yan looked forward curiously. This trip to the Youye Forest was quite fruitful. They saw the descendants of the Ghost and God Corner, and also saw the descendants of the Zhenyao Temple. They can be regarded as seeing three current wizards.

"I suspect that the Town Demon Temple and the Holy Spirit Temple have formed an ally to cooperate. He knows a lot of my secrets. The key point is that I turned into a dragon in the South China Sea battlefield."

"The Holy Spirit Hall really has an ally in the forbidden area?! It's getting more and more interesting and passionate. If we really want to fight, it will be a protracted battle." Du Yang was looking forward to it. The Holy Spirit Hall has just formed an alliance with the demon clan. Having received several heavyweight holy-level monsters, and now with the assistance of Zhenyao Temple, the lineup can be described as unprecedented, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it surpassed Jiulongling and Eternal Beast Mountain.

"It's not interesting, it should be a big trouble!! Zhenyao Temple is the nemesis of Eternal Beast Mountain. I have personally experienced Xue Tianchen's secret method. It is not easy. They not only restrain the monsters of Eternal Beast Mountain, but also become the incarnation of the princes of Jiulongling. Becoming a monster will also be suppressed to a certain extent.

The Demon Suppressing Temple and the Holy Spirit Temple work together, one affects the soul, and the other erodes the evil spirit. They are like an alliance born to restrain our side. "

Hei Niu Liuli said: "How to deal with him? I've heard that Xue Tianchen, the number one genius of the Demon Town Temple, although overly belligerent, is highly valued by the senior officials of the Town Demon Temple, and has been cultivating him with all his strength for a hundred years."

Du Yang suddenly cheered up: "How about, after we leave, let's act first and unite with the Eternal Beast Mountain to destroy the Zhenyao Temple!!"

Tang Yan met silently, and said: "Don't startle the snake, take Xue Tianchen back to Jiulongling first, hand it over to the third judge for trial, and make sure how far their cooperation has progressed, if it's just started, our sudden move is equivalent to killing them Pushing it to the camp of the Temple of the Holy Spirit is not worth the loss."

At this moment, there was finally a voice in the silent forbidden area: "Come in, everyone."

In the dark and cold mountains, Tang Yan saw the senior of the Bone Race again. He was as skinny as a stick, gloomy and cold, and his eyes were bright. He looked similar to the one he met in the holy mountain, but his normal appearance could not conceal the oldness inside. and exhausted.

Thunder Wolf King and Grandma Ji have already left, leaving them a space to be alone.

"How many years have we been apart?" The Bone Race senior was leaning against the black coffin, old and weak. When he saw Xu Yan again, he didn't have much enthusiasm or emotion. Maybe it was because of his innate personality.

"It must have been more than six years." Since the separation of the holy mountain, Tang Yan stayed in the Eternal Beast Mountain for two years, and it has been more than four years since he left the Beast Mountain. It has been nearly seven years.

"Time flies so fast, I feel like I just slept a few times."

"Senior, are you... all right?" Tang Yan and Xu Yan walked to the front, while Du Yang and Hei Niu had never seen him before, so they automatically fell behind, looking at him curiously.

"It's an old bone, it's just dying." The Bone Race senior looked at it very openly.

Xu Yan felt pain in his heart: "Grandpa, you have suffered, but from now on you are safe, you can rest at ease and recuperate slowly, and when you return to the Eternal Beast Mountain and re-integrate the sacred bones of your life, you still have Opportunity to return to the peak of the year."

The Bone Race senior waved his hand weakly: "No need. The Bone Race owes you a lot. Since you were born, you haven't fulfilled the responsibility of protecting and cultivating them. I should make some compensation for them. It should be."

Just as Xu Yan wanted to comfort you, the senior of the Bone Race interrupted: "I gave you the sacred bone back then, but I never thought of getting it back. I have been abandoned in Youye Forest for so many years, and my body is almost useless. In recent years, the Wolf King They took turns devouring my vitality, and I was ready to die.

Even if I am allowed to recuperate for another hundred years, even if the sacred bone returns again, it will be difficult to return to the heyday of the past. At best, I can only be regarded as an ordinary saint, and it will not have much effect.Compared with letting me linger on for a few years, I hope to use the sacred bone to help you grow faster and better. Your future achievements will one day far surpass my old bone. "


"It's nothing! I don't have mothers-in-law in the Bone Race! If I give it to you, it's voluntary, and you go ahead! If I say I'm crippled, there's really no need to waste energy on me!"

Xu Yan hesitated again and again, but finally did not speak out.

Tang Yan touched his nose, this little old man is stubborn!Is it true that all the old guys are like this?
Du Yang also curled his lips secretly, his temper is stinky and stubborn, is he born like this, or is it because of being tortured in recent years?

(End of this chapter)

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