Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1154 The Wind and Rain Are Coming

Chapter 1154 The Wind and Rain Are Coming (1)

"What??" Zuo Xuanyi's face changed in shock, and the rest of the venerables gasped, staring at the men and women clustered in front of their own lady with wide eyes.

five?Half holy! !My God, there are only five semi-sacred realms in the entire Jinpeng Kingdom, and they are all extremely rare ancestors. Why did five appear suddenly?Still don't know any of them! !

Zuo Chenxiang saw that the situation was about to get out of control, so she rushed to the middle of the two sides and shouted: "Father, ancestors, don't be nervous, they are all my benefactors, they saved me, this time to escort me back."

Tang Yan was still raising his hand, saluting, and said with a smile: "Sage of Tianyu, how long do you want me to hold it?"

"Old Ancestor!! Father!!" Zuo Chenxiang hastily winked at them, for fear of any misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the old man brought Donglin Zuo's family to welcome everyone!" The sage of Tianyu took a deep breath, regained his composure, and eagerly shouted at the people around him: "The highest standard, the whole family welcomes you, and there is no slightest neglect! !"

Five and a half saints?No matter how you look, you look so young! !The priests returned to their senses one after another, hurriedly restrained their proud posture, and waved hurriedly to signal the guards not to be rude again, so as not to annoy the distinguished guests!
The main hall of the Saya mansion!
The Tianyu sage Zuo Chongyun led all the senior members of the Zuo family to receive Tang Yan and others with the highest standard.

The return of Zuo Chenxiang and the arrival of the five great semi-sages caused a tsunami-like sensation in the Zuo family's courtyard and the entire Lingyu City.

There are also some big families from Lingyu City who are planning a grand gift and want to come to see each other.

The Zuo family mansion was highly prepared, even higher standards than the arrival of princes, even the children were ordered not to go out, and stayed in the house accompanied by their mothers, for fear of disturbing the distinguished guests.

Zuo Chenxiang was dragged away by her mother, the mother and daughter were crying uncontrollably.

The banquet in the main hall was going on quite normally, Tang Yan talked impeccably, made it clear that he didn't want to have anything to do with Zuo's family, and repeatedly emphasized that he was here to give someone away.Zuo Chongyun and others should not persuade them too much, a feast was held in a polite atmosphere, not too depressing, but definitely not lively.

Only Zang Ba ate heartily, and the carefully cooked chicken and fish dishes were as simple as eating an egg in front of him, and the exquisite soup dishes were like sipping wine to him. Quanlu, in its hand, is like holding a big rooster. The chefs are cooking in a hurry, and keep bringing them to his dining table, but they can't keep up with the speed, and Zang Ba curses angrily.

People who didn't know thought that there was a fierce fight in the Zuo family.

His exaggerated behavior and howling attracted frequent side glances, but under his cold gaze and exaggerated figure, people in the room only glanced occasionally, not daring to make too much of a fuss.

But after the feast, Tang Yan winked slightly at the Sage of Tianyu.

The other party was deeply sophisticated, and quickly realized that when the others left the venue one after another, the two left tacitly and went to the nearby courtyard to spread out.

"What are Mr. Tang's requests? The old man is a straightforward person, so just ask." Zuo Chongyun secretly scrutinized Tang Yan from the beginning to the end, and Du Yang, Xu Yan, and others did not let go of their observations.With his special eyesight and perception, he can accurately determine that they are not more than a hundred years old. It is definitely not an ordinary person to reach such a high level at such a young age.

Either they are the heirs of the hidden old monsters, or they are the secret powerhouses of superpowers.

But what interested him the most was that even a kingdom with such a character might not be able to create two, and there were actually two other girls gathered around Mr. Tang, both of whom were girls!And the snow-white strange beast and the savage giant in the arms of the cold and proud boy are also in the semi-holy realm, which is dreadful.

Zuo Chongyun dared to say that if these five people joined forces, they would be enough to sweep the Jinpeng Kingdom, even if the ancestors of the royal family took action, they might not be able to take them all down!
Even with such a lineup and such strength, they must have a prominent position, and time is even more precious. How could they "work hard" to rescue a little girl?

How could he personally escort him back to the family?
If it was said that there was no special purpose, he would never believe it.

Tang Yan picked up flowers casually and looked at the surrounding scenery with a smile: "The Zuo family has a secret book called 'Listening to the Gods'. One listens to creatures, second listens to all things, third listens to the soul, fourth listens to good and evil, and fifth listens to the principles of heaven. But according to the fax The authentic 'Listening to the Gods' has been passed down in ancient times, and the Zuo family kept fragments of the scrolls, each of which is lacking, making it difficult to comprehend the Way of Heaven."

Zuo Chongyun smiled indifferently: "If Mr. Tang came here for the Zuo family's secret book, I'll forgive you, it's really difficult to do it. What's more, listening to the gods is for the Zuo family's bloodline. Even if other warriors got it, it would be difficult to comprehend it. It's useless to get it!"

"Saints don't need to be nervous, I won't listen to the records of the gods, I'm here for you."


"I heard from my teacher that although there are only fragments of Ting Shen Lu, the Zuo Family Bansheng is a talented person who can distinguish between good and evil, discern loyalty and evil, and read people's hearts."

"The saying of seeing through people's hearts is flattering this old man, but you can still tell the difference between good and evil, loyal and traitorous. I don't know who Mr. Tang wants me to see?" Zuo Chongyun roughly understood what Tang Yan meant, and went straight to him without excessive greetings. theme.

"You should have noticed that there is a teenager next to me."

"Tough-willed, aggressive and victorious, with stubbornness in his eyes and a hint of brilliance, that is the desire for power and strength. The old man also knows some faces. This son may be a general. If he is well-trained, he can become a handsome talent, or even It is the order of a prince." Zuo Chongyun had a high opinion of Xiahou tea, and had observed it more than once at the banquet.

He rarely saw Xiang Xiahoucha's eyes, let alone his face.If it wasn't for Tang Yan and the others who were all extraordinary and dazzled, he really wanted to catch Xia Houcha and study it carefully.

"I'm not asking about facial features, I'm asking about loyalty, treachery, good and evil!" Tang Yan stopped, looking back at Zuo Chongyun with shining eyes.

Zuo Chongyun pondered for a while, looked at Tang Yan slightly, nodded and said: "Give me a day and let me spend time alone with him. If Mr. Tang doesn't mind, you can introduce me a little, so that I have a specific direction. "

"He once left, and later met me in a place where he shouldn't have met me. I want to know, is it really a coincidence, or was someone instigated!"

"To what extent do you need an answer?"

"Can I trust him! Will he betray me!"

"Easy!! You stay here for a day, I'll find a reason to be alone with him." Zuo Chongyun is quite conceited about his ability, "Talk and communicate to know the truth, good and evil of a person" is not empty rumor, he Really have this ability.But because Xiahou tea gave him a strange feeling, and the young man in front of him paid special attention to it, he was going to spend some time carefully observing it and making a comprehensive evaluation.

"Trouble for the saint."

"Young Master Tang, can I ask you about your identity?" Zuo Chongyun smiled silently, and said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious about which power can create a genius like you, so I... can't see through it... ..."

"To be honest, you and your family teacher are old acquaintances, but they are not friends." Tang Yan did not mention the name of Xie Zu too much, so as not to scare the old man.

"Old acquaintance?" Zuo Chongyun thought silently while watching Tang Yan's leaving back.There are many strong people, but there must be very few strong people who seem to be able to create such a young man. How can I have no impression?Who is he?
It seems that it is necessary to talk to Chen Xiang Haosheng!If you can seize the opportunity, the Zuo family's status will definitely be raised to a higher level!Maybe you can break away from Jinpeng Kingdom and step into a wider world!
Tang Yan returned to the house arranged by Zuo's family, and introduced Xiahou Cha to the elders of Zuo's family who came with him.

As for the reason, the reason is very simple, the ancestor of the Zuo family likes to study facial features, and sees that he has the appearance of a prince, so he wants to have a good communication with him.

Hearing the appearance of the prince, Xia Houcha was very excited and left in a hurry.

"...Spirit Whisperer..."

"This is the first time I heard such a bloodline."

"One listens to the living beings, the second listens to all things, the third listens to the soul, the fourth listens to good and evil, and the fifth listens to the principles of heaven. It feels... quite mysterious."

After listening to Tang Yan's introduction, Xu Yan, Hei Niu, and Du Yang all started discussing with great interest.

"He can really read people's hearts through conversation? Why do I feel that it's not mysterious, but... quite scary. Just imagine, who would want to be with such a person? Are you afraid of causing Xia Houcha's misunderstanding and hurting feelings?" Du Yang In fact, it felt like Tang Yan was making a fuss out of a molehill.

"The Bansheng of the Zuo family has lived for thousands of years. He can help the royal family manage the entire kingdom. He won't be able to see through even a little baby, and it won't arouse Xiahou Cha's vigilance." Tang Yan stretched his waist and turned to look up. Leaning on Liuli.

Liuli got up immediately, and walked away unceremoniously.

Tang Yan smirked, lying back on the cold stone chair, touching the space jade beads on the neckline: "It's been almost three days, I don't know if Chocolate is on the way."

"Second, did you notice anything unusual?" Du Yang frowned suddenly, looked around, and lowered his voice slightly.

"Who's the second child? Are you calling your little brother?" Tang Yan said outrageously, and Liuli and Xu Yan grabbed the teacups in front of them and rushed over.

"Don't mess around, Tutu has always been a little restless in the past few days." Du Yang looked at the drowsy Tutu in his arms and muttered strangely.

"Uneasy? What's going on?" Tang Yan sat up straight.

"Almost from yesterday evening, it became uneasy, but I couldn't ask anything when I communicated with it."

"It won't be dangerous for the few of us to join forces. By the way, Tutu is already in the semi-holy realm, and there is also a language barrier? Worse than the little golden monkey?"

"He has a high realm, but he is young. In careful, I always feel uncomfortable." Du Yang didn't bother to argue with him.

(End of this chapter)

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