Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 1156 Year Term

Chapter 1156 Ten Years
Zuo Chenxiang knocked for a while, seeing that there was no movement inside, she gritted her teeth lightly, turned around and left hesitantly.

Tang Yan wondered why she came here, and was hesitating whether to speak.

But... suddenly! !

"What are you doing?!" A tiger's roar made the courtyard tremble.

Rough, fierce, violent.

It completely smashed the beautiful and warm atmosphere to pieces!
It was Zang Ba who just walked into the courtyard, saw Zuo Chenxiang in front of the door, and yelled out.

It was too sudden, too disturbing! !
Zuo Chenxiang was immersed in his own thoughts, suddenly let out a loud voice, and almost collapsed on the ground, the blood faded from his ruddy pretty face on the spot.

Tang Yan's face was covered with black lines, and he rubbed his forehead with a headache, almost moaning.

"Sneaky, what are you doing?" Zang Balong walked into the courtyard with a tiger's pace. He was big and had a louder voice. Rusting.

The rooms in the same courtyard were pushed away one after another, and Du Yang and others came out with a sullen face: "What's the trouble? No one is allowed to sleep in the middle of the night?"

The patrolling team was alarmed and rushed over, but they dared not approach Zang Ba's five-meter iron tower, standing outside the courtyard and looking around.

Zuo Chenxiang was embarrassed, neither crying nor laughing, his face was flushed, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

So embarrassing! !
"Miss Zuo, what are you doing?" Xu Yan looked at her strangely, what was this woman doing here so suddenly?Are you knocking on Tang Yan's door?
Du Yang murmured to himself, "Is there something wrong? Why didn't a girl knock on my door?"

"I... It was my mother who asked me to invite Mr. Tang to sit down and thank Mr. Tang face to face." Zuo Chenxiang was a lady of every family and had seen the world, so she quickly stabilized her mood, but her ruddy face was still hot, and she looked cramped disturbed.

Naturally, he hated Zang Ba thoroughly in his heart, he was too impolite.

"What the hell?! Thank you in person? It's a big show, if you want to thank, let her come to the door to thank you!" Zang Ba didn't care about his worldly skills, and he didn't understand those things. He broke off the rockery next to him, moved to his buttocks and sat down .

The guards outside the door trembled and almost cried, brother, that is a valuable item, a high-quality rain crystal, you just use it as a bench?
"Ah? Ah, uh, yes, yes." Zuo Chenxiang was shocked by him, and hurriedly lowered his head to leave.

"What is it, let her come here by herself!!" Zang Ba groaned, like a giant scolding the little chick, and looked at the guards outside the door very distressed, his lady is suffering.

"I... I'm going right now..."

"Wait! Tomorrow!" Zang Ba rolled his eyes and howled suddenly: "In the middle of the night, it's outrageous for an old lady to sneak into a young man's room!"

puff! !Du Yang couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing on the spot.

Xu Yan and Liu Li also had weird faces, and were so shocked by the thunder.

The guards outside the door directly opened their mouths into an 'O' shape, their eyes were wide open, and they didn't recover for a long time.

Zang Ba's roar was so loud that most of the courtyard could hear it clearly. After the howl came out, there were painful dry coughs from all the courtyards. Men, women, old and children couldn't laugh or cry, but they dared not get angry.

In the garden not far away, the eldest lady who was waiting for the trial of her 'son-in-law' froze there, her face turning green and red.

"Miss Zuo, it's getting late. I'll visit the door in person tomorrow." Tang Yan couldn't hold back any longer, so he pushed the door and left. If he didn't come out, something might happen.

What's going on with this savage guy tonight?
"You're causing trouble to Mr. Tang." Miss Zuo didn't even dare to raise her head, and left in a panic with small steps.The pretty face with her head buried was hot and red, she was ashamed, she was an adult, and outsiders didn't know what to think.

"Go away! What are you looking at? Who dares to take half a step, this commander will roast him immediately!!" Zang Ba suddenly roared outside, scaring the guards outside the door to flee in a hurry, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, "Are you here? Looking for me?" Tang Yan felt a headache and looked at Zang Ba strangely.

"Talk!!" Zang Bawen's voice was heavy, and there was a muffled thunder at first.

"Brother, suppress your voice first, don't make it sound like you're fighting." Tang Yan looked around and sat down on a stone bench: "Speak, what are you talking about?"

He wanted to invite Zang Ba into the room, but he resolutely gave up after taking a little measurement of his exaggerated physique. He could only climb in with this posture, and it was difficult to even sit.

"What tasks are you going to perform, how long will it take, after completion, can I leave or stay, and how much will be the reward for completing the task. Since it is cooperation, we must discuss all aspects." Zang Bazun is the leader of the barbarians, It's not that he has no brains. After three days of depressed silence, he resigned to his fate and accepted the status quo. He felt that it was necessary to have a clear discussion with Tang Yan, otherwise he would always look like a prisoner.

If all aspects are negotiated, the relationship between the two parties will change, and they will become comrades-in-arms or allies, etc., and receive due treatment.

Du Yang understood, but turned around and left immediately: "Don't talk until late!! I haven't slept in bed for two or three months!!"

Xu Yan and Liu Li slammed the door and ignored it.

Let Tang Yan deal with the boring matters, and they don't have time to waste time with him.

Tang Yan looked at him strangely: "You rushed over vigorously, just for this?"

"It is necessary to talk clearly! I am serious!!" Zang Ba looked at him very seriously.

"To tell you the truth, I abducted you, so I didn't intend to let you go back." Tang Yan rolled his eyes, but he didn't think it was boring. He had been waiting for the big man to come by himself. you!

"It's nothing, you heard me right!! You can choose to accept it, or be forced to accept it. You can also choose to be a comrade-in-arms or a servant! All in all, all in all, you must stay by my side from now on, don't Try to leave again, or you will be the next spiritual source liquid!"

Tang Yan recruited a semi-holy spiritual source liquid in his hand, which was round and solid, exuding a little bit of star-like luster, like a gorgeous night pearl.

Zang Ba stood up and said angrily, "That's not what we talked about at the beginning!"

"Don't get excited, it's still the same sentence, you can't beat me, resistance is death, but you don't have to die at all. Also, if you follow me, if you do your best and make achievements, I will treat you as a friend. You can play and make trouble when you need to, but if you keep a straight face every day and plan to escape or frame you. Sorry, you can only be a war servant. I have plenty of ways to train you to be obedient!"

Zang Ba glared at Tang Yan, his breathing gradually became heavy, his fists were clenched tightly, and his muscles wrapped around his arms like a python, which was extremely intimidating.

"Think seriously, should you relax and enjoy the following adventures, or live in embarrassment like a prisoner? On the premise that there is no way to escape, I personally suggest that you accept your fate and choose to be friends, so that everyone will be better." Tang Yan played Holding the spirit source liquid, deliberately intimidating him.

Zang Ba was still silent, his teeth were creaking, his face was bulging, and he was extremely dissatisfied with Tang Yan's attitude.He originally respected as the leader of the barbarians, and he became the king and hegemony in Tuocang Mountain, but he became a prisoner for no reason. He hated Tang Yan thoroughly in his heart, so of course he couldn't listen to anything.

Tang Yan took his performance into his eyes, smiled inwardly, and murmured deliberately: "How about doing this first, for ten years, you follow me, protect me, and do what you should do! After ten years, whether to go or stay is up to you Make a decision. If you are willing to make me a friend, you are welcome to stay. If you have had enough, I will give you the spiritual source liquid, report what you paid, and let you return to Tuocang Mountain!"

First the stick, then the carrot! !

Sentence the death penalty first, and then change it to a fixed term! !

Simple but practical psychological tactics!Pushing people to a dead end first, and then giving some benefits suddenly will make him forget the essence of the matter. For barbarians like Zang Ba, it will definitely work!
Sure enough, Zang Ba's eyes suddenly lit up: "You said that!!"

"The premise is that you must fulfill the obligations that your comrades in arms should fulfill, not to frame you, not to slack off, not to procrastinate on purpose, and not to turn back!"

"You don't need to talk nonsense, our barbarians are real fighters! I promise you, I will do what I should do, but after ten years, if you don't let go, I would rather die in battle!" Zang Ba left a bold statement and turned around vigorously leave.

"It's a deal." Tang Yan yelled from behind and laughed.

ten years?Ten years is enough to make you obedient, enough to make you obsessed with bloody battles!

Happy cooperation!Tang Yan muttered a few words, and when he got up to go back to the room, but at this moment, his eyes were terrified, and he turned his head to look at the direction of the inner courtyard of the Zuo family, which is the core area where the ancestors of the Zuo family lived.

At that moment just now, he seemed to have noticed a short and sharp energy fluctuation.

(End of this chapter)

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